Ascension Group Diary + Your Miraculous Script

Ascension Group Diary & Your Own Miraculous Script

Your Own Miraculous Script



1. Of the nature of a miracle; preternatural.

2. So astounding as to suggest a miracle; phenomenal: a miraculous recovery; a miraculous escape.

3. Causing great wonder, surprise, etc., extraordinary.

4. Excellent; splendid.

5. Thaumaturgy.


1. The letters, characters, or figures used in writing by hand.

2. Handwriting as distinguished from print, esp cursive writing.

3. A principal or an original document.

4. A manuscript or document.

5. To plan.

How are you going to start your own Miraculous Script?

Many people swear by the power of religious texts at their hour of need. Others feel neglected by them at various times of their life. Perhaps it was what they were asking for that seemed impossible through the scope of the text. Perhaps there were other issues that needed to be dealt with first before such an event could be materialised. Whatever the reason there are numerous people around the world who are believing wholeheartedly in specific religious text to see them out of a bind. For the individual concerned the bind is all very real, the bind is all very frightening. The desire to be set free from the bind can be all consuming. Impacting upon your emotional health, your physical health, your psychological health, your spiritual development health. In essence your complete well-being.

The addition of a text to aid you that is not written within your religious book has the propensity to help you at your hour of need, This alternative text is created through you because you are the person who is central to the situation happening to you. You are the one who is in the middle of the vortex. You are the one who is in the middle of the maelstrom of your worry, concern or dread. So you are the one who can put meaning to where you are and where you want to be. No-one else can speak your exact voice. Other people may have empathy with you. Some may even pity you and sympathise with you. In the end it is YOU who has to walk in your shoes on the path that is laid before you. No-one else can walk in your shoes as they are not living the life that you have lived up until now.

From this point onwards I am going to help you script yourself a miraculous script through your spiritual energy.

In essence this is what YOU are going to do.

1. Play a 417Hz arrangement for your spiritual unblocking, clearing and cleansing energy. (To transmute energy in your environment and your own personal energy into alignment and purification). Play for at least one hour. Ideally leave 4147Hz playing in your home space when you go out, or when you are doing your home activities; gardening, laundry, washing up, vacuum cleaning, polishing, taking a bath, taking a shower, etc.

2. Get hold of your copy of the latest Ascension Group Diary. (More information is contained within it to help you deliver your ideal script.)

3. Go to the How To Use Moon Phases section.

4. With a pen or pencil anchor the dates that you need to write out and energise your text.

5. Play a 432Hz arrangement for the assistance of your Miraculous Script energy delivery. However, if you feel more in tune with the 417Hz then continue with listening to that.

6. Set to work on your draft and action it ASAP!!!

7. If you have to make changes once you have the finished script, make the changes clear, delete the old text and ensure that you stress the change when you read the script.

Be specific about the favour/wish/must have/desire/want/need. Be aware of the verb tense that you use.

You can use the script below and add what ‘it’ is that you must have delivered to you.

“Dearest Higher Self, (or, Sovereign Self)

In the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you this very special one (mention favour). Take it, dearest Higher Self and place it within the heart space where it shall be seen and accepted by the One. In the spiritual awareness it will become your favour, not mine. Through this I am empowered by the favour. So mote it be. So let it be. It is done. It is done. It is done.”

Say the above script for SIX days and SIX nights.

Promise to share it with someone who is also looking for a situation/life change and the favour will be granted, no matter how impossible. Never known to fail.

A vital part of YOUR miraculous script is that It is important that you feel the depth of the words that you write and say. If you can add the words to a tune then that is even better. A happy tune. A positive tune. It does not matter how ‘silly’ the tune may be, it simply has to make you smile and feel good inside. Almost dancing within yourself. It is understandable that when you are going through trying/stressful times that it feels impossible to muster up the feeling of music or dance within yourself, but you have to make the spark come alive within you. You must enable your ‘pilot light’ to glow and flicker within you.

Somewhere inside of you is a little tune, hymn or ditty that feels like a luxurious blanket and brings you some well needed comfort or relief. This is the spiritual energy that you have to bring forward into your here and now. Into your psyche, into your heart, into the essence of you. Into your very being. Even if for a short time. A short time is better than no time. A short time is better then being completely devoid of a harmony that can lift you but for a few seconds.

Instead of saying I am waiting for it to come, or I hope it will come, or I want it to come, or it must come. Change the phrase so that the ‘it’ is already with you. For example:

“Prosperity abundance
My use of you
is in a way that serves me well”


“Prosperity abundance
I am using you
in a way that serves me well”

The phrase does not rhyme but it sits well with a childhood ditty that makes me smile inside.

Another example:

“From before the point of my birth to the flow of all here and now,
there are no barriers, cords, blockages, obstacles that are able to stop me and furrow my brow,
physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Further to my ever growing certainties and actualities,
there are no barriers, cords, blockages, obstacles able to stop my prosperity abundance flow into my realities,
physically, emotionally and spiritually.”

It is important that you feel the depth of the words. If you can add the words to a tune then that is even better. A happy tune. A positive tune. It does not matter how ‘silly’ the tune may be, it simply has to make you smile and feel good inside. Almost dancing within yourself. This is the spiritual energy that you have to bring forward into your here and now. Perhaps you are listening to the radio and in the background there is a composition that floats in tandem with your words. This is enough if you cannot create something musical within yourself.

If you are asking for something more specific that is challenging to rhyme, or too long and descriptive to rhyme, then just make sure that what you write down is absolute. The script has to read like a page turner. The script has to make you want to keep reading and turn the page.

It is best to make a couple of drafts before you settle on the finished version. The finished version should be written on a blank sheet of paper with no spelling errors. Or turn it into a little booklet.


When you are seeking something to help you, to come to your aid, you should try creating and enabling this unique page turner script. Carry the script around with you in a protective cover and sleep with the script under your pillow from and during the Waxing Crescent, 1st Quarter, Waxing Gibbous and Full Moon which is approx. 15 days. You have to do this for at least two sets of these specific fifteen days. This is where the Ascension Group Diary comes in extremely handy. The moon phases and meanings are already contained within it for your easy reference. YOU do not have to think about it. You do not have to log on to a computer to ascertain the WHEN. Everything you need is in the Ascension Group Diary at your fingertips. In your bed. On the bus. On the train. In an aircraft. Whether you are travelling in the Northern Hemisphere or Southern Hemisphere. The information is all ready and prepared for you to use.

It is important that you read YOUR script each and every day during the 15 days. Carry the script around with you; in an envelope, or in your wallet, or in your diary. Somewhere where no-one else shall handle the script. The script has to carry your energy. Sleep with the document under your pillow or inside the pillowcase.


When you are asking for something to be released from you, to go away from you, again, you must try creating and enabling your unique page turner script. Ensure that you use the appropriate words and energy. If someone is hurting you (emotionally, physically, psychologically) and you respond by wanting them to go away then be clear about why and how you want them to be gone from you.

If someone has done you no wrong but you want them gone from you, be absolutely sure on why you want them to be gone. Attacking someone for no valid, honest and true reason will bounce back on to you. In equal measure as the energy force that you put out. So you will receive setbacks, stagnations, etc., to your situations. Write the things or situations that you want to go away during the Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter and Waning Crescent phase which is approx. 14 days. Rest on the New Moon.

You have to read your finalised version of YOUR script every day for two sets of Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter and Waning Crescent phases. Again. This is where the Ascension Group Diary comes in extremely handy. The moon phases and meanings are already contained within it for your easy reference. YOU do not have to think about it. You do not have to log on to a computer to ascertain the WHEN. Everything you need is in the Ascension Group Diary at your fingertips. In your bed. On the bus. On the train. In an aircraft. Whether you are travelling in the Northern Hemisphere or Southern Hemisphere. The information is all ready and prepared for you to use.

An important note here. If you have to make changes once you have the finished document, make the changes clear, delete the old text and ensure that you stress the change when you read the script.

You may experience sleeping dreams, daydreams and thoughts that come to you with solutions, intentions and questions. Ponder on what has come through to you. Seek assistance for clarity. Follow your instinct in the best way that serves you well.


1. Play a 417Hz arrangement for your spiritual unblocking, clearing and cleansing energy. (To transmute energy in your environment and your own personal energy into alignment and purification). Play for at least one hour. Ideally leave 4147Hz playing in your home space when you go out, or when you are doing your home activities; gardening, laundry, washing up, vacuum cleaning, polishing, taking a bath, taking a shower, etc.

2. Get hold of your copy of the latest Ascension Group Diary. (More information is contained within it to help you deliver your ideal script.)

3. Go to the How To Use Moon Phases section.

4. With a pen or pencil anchor the dates that you need to write out and energise your text.

5. Play a 432Hz arrangement for the assistance of your Miraculous Script energy delivery. However, if you feel more in tune with the 417Hz then continue with listening to that.

6. Set to work on your draft and action it ASAP!!!

7. If you have to make changes once you have the finished script, make the changes clear, delete the old text and ensure that you stress the change when you read the script.

To assist your unique Miraculous Script the momentum of the script would benefit from your Gratitude & Appreciation Energy. Obtain a copy of the Gratitude Notebook to assist you.

There are simply people in this world who want you to be kept in your place.
Who do not want you to know this method in receiving your gains in life through the power of Gratitude.
Are you using your Gratitude Notebook yet!  No?!  What are you waiting for? An invitation!? Christmas!? Easter!? Maidyoshahem!? Yoruba Feast of Ogun!? O-Bon!? Mabon!? Fast of Nineteen Days!? Mahavir Jayanti!? Hola Mohala! Muharram!? Ulambana!? Diwali!? Pesach!?

A Miraculous Script is easy peasy. In essence it works like a spell, an incantation and a prayer with Gratitude & Appreciation energy.

As I am sitting here writing this in the early hours of Tuesday morning; i.e., 03:33, an email has come through to me from a potential client who wants me to help them with a Turning 50's Therapy program. When I have finished this blog I shall set to work on drafting something suitable to send in reply. This is wonderful! Straight out of the blue. But I will let you into a little secret, I did make a Miraculous Script for mature clients that resonated with me and wanted my special assistance in their life. Wow!!! Christmas has arrived early. YES!!!

If you want to start off small, may I suggest that you purchase the Ascension Group Diary to aid you on a day to day basis. It costs less than £10. You have information, tools and resources to aid your spiritual journey within the Ascension Group Diary. Enrol to the Ascension Group Diary and receive monthly assistance directly to your inbox.

In conjunction with the purchase of the Ascension Group Diary you can book me for a 15 minutes invocation to help YOU with Unblocking, Clearing & Cleansing what has been accrued in your day.

If you require a weekly spiritual counselling then please contact me to book a session.

On the subject of your spiritual counselling and well-being...

Time for you to transmute the resistance around you and within you, even if you are doing what others ask of you. Where the others are: Your employer. Your family. Your relations. Your partner (wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, fiance). Your friends. Other stakeholders in your life.

There is more. So much more that needs addressing to enable a better re-alignment to your situation in the here and now. The years 2020, 2021 and 2022 are going to bubble up unease for you and it is how you cope with the upheaval that can transmute or increase the unease for you. If you are prone to hanging on to unease, or have a fear of change then prepare yourself for the 2020, 2021 and 2022. If you feel that you are not quite ready or prepared for changes in 2020, 2021 and 2022, BUT you know you have to make changes then the guidance will help you along the way from various resources and individuals who are making the changes ahead of you, or are making the changes from another space to help you.

If you would like information on the well-being retreats in Europe that I have created for individuals like you, then please contact me at the following link Well-Being Western Europe Retreat to find out more about addressing your spiritual needs for the better through YOUR well-being. Let’s get things moving in the correct momentum for you sooner rather than later. Time is of the essence in getting you to the place that you want to be, with the help of beneficial spirit forms.

Ascension Group Diary + Gratitude Notebook

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