Ascension Group Diary + Ancient Quantum Ascension Goddess Energy - AQAGE

Ascension Group Diary - Ancient Quamtum Ascension Goddess Energy (AQAGE)

Ancient Quantum Ascension Goddess Energy - AQAGE


Ancient (adj.)
1. Of, relating to, or belonging to times long past, ancient cultures; original or earliest known; native; indigenous. First peoples.
2. Of great age; very old.
3. Having the qualities associated with age, wisdom, or long use; venerable.

1. A very old person.
2. A person who lived in times long past.

Quantum (n. pl. quan·ta)
1. Physics
a. The smallest amount of a physical quantity that can exist independently.
b. This amount of energy regarded as a unit.
2. A quantity or amount of energy.
3. A specified portion.
4. A unit of acetylcholine, released at the synaptic cleft of a neuromuscular junction.

1. Relating to or based upon quantum theory.

Ascension (n.)
1. The act or process of ascending; ascent.

Goddess (n.)
1. A female being of supernatural powers or attributes.
2. A female being believed to be the source of life and being worshipped as the principal deity in various religions.
3. An image of a female supernatural being; an idol.

Energy (n., pl. -gies.)
1. The capacity for vigorous activity; available power.
2. A feeling of having an adequate or abundant amount of such power.
3. Often energies meaning an exertion of such power; effort.
4. The habit of activity with vigour.
5. The ability to act, lead others, or effect things through transformations/movement.
6. Forcefulness of expression.
7. In physics, the capacity to do work, symbolised by E.
8. A source of usable power.

I know that you have it in you

"The science bit"

Quantum science has shown us, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that what we think, feel and believe has profound determination of our reality. Science has shown that at the very basic foundation of physical existence there is no actual substance upon which life as we know it is built. There is only form — energy held in different patterns. As energy is held in various patterns, it creates different experiences in the physical world, impacting your perceptions, your beliefs, your ‘chi’ and your health.

A significant factor to consider is that these patterns of energy, which ultimately determine your beliefs, can be held at the conscious or subconscious level. Subconscious beliefs are much more illusive and yet, actually more potent when it comes to impacting your life. Otherwise, you could simply and consciously decide to be wholesomely abundant and it would happen automatically. If the subconscious holds energy patterns that conflict with that conscious choice, it will never manifest.

Your subconscious mind is determining vast amounts of characteristics of the human experience every millisecond. This can be helpful if all is well and not so helpful if there is interference in the system. Interference in your system creates an inappropriate response in life and unnecessary distress.

As it relates to well-being, healing and creativity, it translates thus: when you see, imagine or remember danger, your body responds as though it is being attacked in the present moment. Even though there may be no actual attack happening in the moment. The subconscious autopilot portion of your nervous system activates the “flight or fight response” bringing about an increase in your blood pressure, your muscles getting tighter and an increase in your heart rate. In addition, your digestion shuts down in order to provide energy to the arms and legs to “get away from the danger/fear,” additional to this you may well feel a shut down to your creative capacity and healing.

When the danger/fear leaves you signals are sent to your subconscious from your senses. Passing through your conscious mind to let it know that your environment is good to go. This enables your body to subtly relax, having a bearing on your heart rate, blood pressure and tension to return to its natural equilibrium. Your healing and ingenuity returns to its potential.

Why this?

Within the Ascension Group Diary there is a section called AQAGE. It is specific to women going through their mature age (Autumnal and Winter sectors in the cycle of life) plus biological changes from mensuration to menopause in order to master their own spiritual energy. From this you are able to correlate your mindset, mental health, environment and well-being through the growth and development of your spiritual journey. This is a sustained set of actions and rituals for your long-term growth to yield abundances and enable a beneficial change to your energy chrysalis that works in tune with your biorhythm.

Ascension Group Diary Chakra Removal Methods

What are you going to gain from taking part in your own AQAGE?

1. Conquering your procrastination which has much to do with your beliefs as it does with your strategies.

2. Acknowledging that not all strategies are created equal. What is easy or useful to you, may not be the same for someone else who is on a totally different spiritual journey.

3. Reframe how you think about time.

4. Get more accountable with your Self.

5. Know Thyself.

6. You being comfortable with fitting into your lifestyle (new/improved).

7. Better results from your Unblocking, Clearing & Cleansing Ceremony.

I want you to gain as much as you can handle as you develop your energy

Commence your participation with your energy Self today as an Ancient Quantum Ascension Goddess Energy.

Ascension Group Diary - Ancient Quamtum Ascension Goddess Energy (AQAGE)

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