How One Blogpost Led Me To Gain A Well Known Singer

How One Blogpost Led Me To Gain A Well Known Singer How many of you frequently underestimate the little things. The small things in life. The seemingly insignificant aspects that pop up in your environment. The peripheral situations that find their way into your zone. The truth is, each one of those little things lead to something big. Today I was speaking to a client and they had been reminiscing earlier about how we had met. Here is how a well known singer and I began working together. Before I tell you, I must divulge that I had previously worked for an artiste management business in London in the 1980’s who had R’n’ B & Classical artistes signed to their books. Many, many, years later I found myself back in the music scene working for BMG (London). So I had an understanding of the workings of a major record label. Most importantly when I left BMG (London) I lost all A&R connections with whom I could have called upon. So, are you sitting comfo...