Ascension Group Diary + CBD Oil and Holistic Therapies

Ascension Group Diary & CBD Oil Holistic Therapies

On the subject of your CBD Oil Holistic Therapy...


CBD (cannabidiol)
(not to be confused with Cash Before Delivery or Central Business District)

A non-psychoactive constituent of cannabis, C21H30(OH)2.


1. In health care, a term used to describe treatments of the whole person: mind, body and spirit.

2. (Philosophy) of or relating to a doctrine of holism.

3. (Medicine) of or relating to the medical consideration of the complete person, physically and psychologically, in the treatment of an unease, a dis-ease within a person.


For just over a year I have been using a CBD oil on myself to find out if it can help with my spiritual guidance ability further, solely for benefiting myself. It had. Firstly. I used a CBD oil after an unblocking, clearing and cleansing ritual before I slept. I did this in order to aid me with spiritual aspects as I rested for sleep and during sleep. Secondly. I used a CBD oil after a morning unblocking, clearing and cleansing ritual for assistance during the day. I wanted to find out the differences in using CBD oil at night and during the day. Throughout the process I had to start to acknowledge the subtle changes in my awareness when alone and when in public. In addition to being in a place of silence. In addition to being in a place of interference, for example having the television and radio playing whilst doing spiritual and meditation rituals. I gained more awareness about discerning spiritual energies. I gained more awareness about my own spirituality. I gained more awareness concerning the energies of people around me. People who were in my vicinity and people that I connected to online. Recently I had started to use a CBD oil Therapy session on bespoke coaching sessions for a handful of my mainly female affluent clients. It was something that they were inquisitive about and wanted to try out when I spoke about my experiences to them on the matter. They were gaining results. Tangible results that aided them exceptionally well in professional, social and personal situations. So my time online has been greatly limited due to an increase in travelling to clients, or them travelling to me for sessions.


Now, I want to open this CBD oil Therapy session to a few more other individuals in small group sessions. These group sessions last for two hours. When you want to take your next level in spiritual learning and want to use CBD oil to order to aid you in considering your next step, take the step with other like-minded individuals similar to yourself. Especially those of you that have contacted me regarding the use of CBD in therapies but are not UHNWI’s or HNWI’s, yet want some guidance with life situations that you currently find yourself in. This is not cheap, but you can use a weekly payment plan to help you access this particular session with me. The payment plan cost is GBP £325.80p per week prior to attending a group session. Or a full payment of £325.80p x 4 = £1,303.20p.

If you want to join a group session regarding a CBD oil Holistic Therapy session contact me directly. This is particularly for you if you want guidance to solutions regarding your professional, social and personal issues. Clients have gained results every month on life situations that they are going through. Before you take part in the two hour sessions you will need to complete a client form regarding your health and state of mind. Please include any medication that you are taking, had recently stopped taking or are going to take.

The Most Common Marijuana Myths (and Facts)

Marijuana. Love it? Hate it? Use it daily? Use it never? It is a topic people discuss fervently. Due to the differences of opinion on whether or not it should be legal, it is a controversial subject that has come up more often than not. Depending upon the people involved in the discussions that are not always constructive, or indeed, harmless. Due to blatant misconceptions and myths, there are false and inaccurate information being spread about marijuana and its derivatives, like Cannabidiol (CBD) and hemp.

Despite the myths, (both positive and negative), plus the misconceptions surrounding cannabis and its relatives, there are small Fair Trade farmers and companies around the world that are working to bring to light CBD benefits and bust the stigma surrounding marijuana. One of the recommended and best ways to do that is by educating yourself and addressing marijuana myths with the facts.

In no particular order.

Number 1.  Marijuana and CBD are the same?
Despite the big differences, some people think of marijuana and CBD as the same thing. Although you can use both marijuana and CBD for pain relief, they are quite different. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a derivative of marijuana, (or hemp in some cases), that is made into an oil that can be added to food, beauty products, or taken as it is to provide the benefits of marijuana without the psychoactive effects. So, if you are looking for pain relief but do not want to get high, you can use best sourced CBD for pain relief instead of turning directly to marijuana for relief.

Number 2.  Marijuana can help with anxiety.
Studies have shown that marijuana, including CBD, really can help provide short-term relief from the overwhelming effects of anxiety. You may feel, overall, that it its against your better judgement to use marijuana, but when it comes to its use in situations where it can alleviate both physical and emotional ailments, you may feel differently based upon the experiences of others with chronic symptoms and causes. Just like with pain relief, if you are interested in its ability to relieve anxiety but do not want to get high, you can always find the best sourced CBD oil for anxiety and get the benefits without the psychoactive side effects.

Number 3.  Marijuana is not legalised in every country. Is CBD?
There are various countries around the globe that have legalised marijuana for medical purposes, or have it decriminalised. Click on these two links for a list of countries. and more information

Number 4.  “Medical marijuana” is just an excuse for people to get high (legally).
While there may be some people who use their need for medical marijuana as an excuse to enjoy the high that the plant offers a little more often than they need it to treat symptoms, the fact is that medical conditions are very real, and the benefits that marijuana can offer people with certain conditions are real as well. Whether it be MS, anxiety, cancer, pain, or any other condition, people are able to legitimately use marijuana to help alleviate symptoms. You can use the legally sourced leaves as a powder in food, boil the leaves for the juice, or, burn it as an incense and inhale the smoke.

Number 5.  Eat it or smoke it, the results are the same.
While both eating and smoking marijuana can and will get you high, the high is not the same. When you ingest marijuana, it is generally more concentrated and can have stronger results. That means that the amount of food you eat versus the number of roll ups you smoke to achieve the same high will be out of proportion.

Number 6.  Marijuana is not addictive(!?)
This myth is very often debated, but ultimately it depends on how you personally look at it. While it may be true that marijuana does not have the same effects on the brain and body that alcohol might, virtually anything can be addictive. Even food. Although the body may not experience the same symptoms of addiction and withdrawal as it might with cigarettes, alcohol and other drugs (medicinal and recreational), there can be psychological withdrawal symptoms including cravings and irritability. So, some might argue that whether or not marijuana is addictive depends on how you are defining addiction.

Number 7.  Many people grow and eat plants related to cannabis without realising it.
Cannabis is a member of the small Cannabaceae plant family which is a member of the rose order Rosales. This means, if you expand cannabis’ classification further this would be related to strawberries, blackberries, apples, pears, plums, peaches, almonds, figs, mulberries, and of course, roses. All of these fruits and botanical species fall under the umbrella of the rose family, making them distant cousins of the cannabis plant.

Number 8.  You cannot “overdose” on marijuana.
Smoking or ingesting too much can cause problems ranging from something as mild as an upset stomach to as serious as disorientation, confusion, and hallucinations requiring hospitalization. Although it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible to take a fatal dose of marijuana, it is not necessarily true that you cannot overdose. If you do not consider overdosing taking a deadly amount, then it is definitely possible to overdo it with cannabis.

Number 9.  Cannabis sativa is natural, so it is not as harmful as synthetic drugs.
Cannabis sativa is perhaps the world's most recognisable plant. Many people think that marijuana is less harmful than other synthetic drugs, but despite it being natural, it can still have harmful effects. It may not be as dangerous as other drugs in many ways, but ultimately you should still ensure that you are informed of its potential side effects if you intend to use it.

Number 10.  You can drive/pilot better high than drunk.
This is a myth. You should never drive a vehicle/pilot an aircraft or water vessel while intoxicated. By all means enjoy your ‘pot brownie’ or other foods and beverages that contain marijuana but never get behind a wheel of a vehicle with the intent of driving off. No matter how ‘fine’ you feel after eating such an indulgence.

What other marijuana myths do you seem to hear time and time again?


Today you want help. You want solutions to your pressing questions. You have sought consultations from elsewhere. You have spent funds on finding a solution. You do not have the time to read all of the literature to find your particular solution. You want help. You want help now. You will look wherever you can to find the help that you need.

You want someone to take you from where you are now with an issue/problem and assist you in alleviating it. Understanding that this alleviation aids not only YOU, but it will impact positively, calmly and creatively on your interactions with your home life, your social life and your professional life. Just keep doing what you are doing (“keep on keeping on”) will suffice you for a while until the doing stops being productive for you. This issue/problem of yours has been developing in the background for quite a while. It will take a measure of time and effort between you and your counsellor to undo what has been done. But when the issue/problem has been rectified you will have a ‘go to’ individual to help support you in other times of crises. Such a result will enable this investment in yourself that will last you for a lifetime. That will aid YOUR well-being. That will enable YOU to feel safe and secured as never before. That will help to keep YOUR mind at rest. That will help to make YOU whole again. In mind, body and spirit. In your day to day activities.

So, is there something that I can help you with using a CBD oil holistic therapy?

If you want to start off small, may I suggest that you purchase the Ascension Group Diary to aid you on a day to day basis. It costs less than £10. You have information, tools and resources to aid your spiritual journey within the Ascension Group Diary. Enrol to the Ascension Group Diary and receive monthly assistance directly to your inbox.

Through the Ascension Group Diary you will learn how to:

1 Develop your process of good judgement on Spiritual Beings and Spirit Energy
2 Develop your actions for a keen insight on Spiritual Beings and Spirit Energy
3 Show your strength in processing information regarding the discernment of Spiritual Beings and Spirit Energy
4 Develop YOUR perception abilities when discerning of Spiritual Beings and Spirit Energy
5 Encompass better levels of acumen when discerning of Spiritual Beings and Spirit Energy
6 Have confidence in YOUR intelligence when discerning of Spiritual Beings and Spirit Energy
7 Maintain YOUR perceptiveness growth when discerning of Spiritual Beings and Spirit Energy
8 Allow YOUR shrewdness to shine through when you have a discernment of Spiritual Beings and Spirit Energy
9 Not all Spiritual Beings and Spirit Energy have YOUR best interest at heart. So keep YOUR astuteness open.
10 Throughout all levels of interaction with Spiritual Beings and Spirit Energy listen to YOUR innate awareness on how to handle situations.
11 With the variable Spiritual frequencies, vibrations and resonances it is important to remain/stay steady as YOU apply YOUR sharpness to each encounter.

In conjunction with the purchase of the Ascension Group Diary you can book me for a 15 minutes invocation to help YOU with Unblocking, Clearing & Cleansing what has been accrued in your day.

If you require a weekly spiritual counselling then please contact me to book a session.

On the subject of your CBD oil holistic therapy and well-being...

Time for you to transmute the resistance around you and within you, even if you are doing what others ask of you. Where the others are: Your employer. Your family. Your relations. Your partner (wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, fiance). Your friends. Other stakeholders in your life.

There is more. So much more that needs addressing to enable a better re-alignment to your situation in the here and now. The years 2020, 2021 and 2022 are going to bubble up unease for you and it is how you cope with the upheaval that can transmute or increase the unease for you. If you are prone to hanging on to unease, or have a fear of change then prepare yourself for the 2020, 2021 and 2022. If you feel that you are not quite ready or prepared for changes in 2020, 2021 and 2022, BUT you know you have to make changes then the guidance will help you along the way from various resources and individuals who are making the changes ahead of you, or are making the changes from another space to help you.

If you would like information on the well-being retreats in Europe that I have created for individuals like you, then please contact me at the following link Well-Being Western Europe Retreat to find out more about addressing your spiritual needs for the better through YOUR well-being. Let’s get things moving in the correct momentum for you sooner rather than later. Time is of the essence in getting you to the place that you want to be, with the help of beneficial spirit forms.

Ascension Group Diary

Ascension Group Diary

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