10 Million Moments Clearing Card

10 Million Moments

(How every day is a Peace of Mind day with your Energy rise)

When someone offers you a clearing card to make your life better & give you peace of mind, would you take it?


10 MILLION reasons why it is time to activate the real life of you.

It is my job, plus people similar to me, to help as many people as possible where the actions of our work is to help you attain a better life. To make you see life more clearly.

"I can see clearly now the rain is gone.
I can see all obstacles in my way.
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind..." Remember this song by Johnny Nash.

Woman or Man, because tears, fears, worry, frustration, depression, anger and stress do not discriminate. It welcomes all. Poor. Middle class. Wealthy. Common man. Professional. Ruler. Aristocracy. Single. Living with someone. Widowed. Married. When you find yourself carrying a life load from external or internal issues it is no wonder that your cracks begin to show up.

As usual, you plaster over the cracks. You spend time thinking about why things are going wrong for you. You seek help from gurus et al. Some of what they say makes no sense to you. Some of it you disregard because it is too wishy-washy. Some of it you take with blind faith because it resonates with your religion. What you want is for someone to take away the pain. To take away the dark clouds. To take away the demons in your life. To take away the strife. There are some moments when there is peace, solace, tranquility. Then another problem rises up. You do not understand why. It frustrates you. It unnerves you. It has you exasperated. It has you angry. It has you swearing. It has you hitting out. Eventually it has you crying from the enormity of the stress. You cannot cope. It feels as though it is all too much for you. You do not want to be in this situation.

Why is this happening to you!? You strive to do good in the world. You strive to be the best that you can be. Every now and again you slip but you get yourself back up again. Why does disappointment or hurt keep chasing you? Why does misfortune always seem to follow you? Why is this cyclical curse of life always showing up for you? Where once you were making money and living a good life, now good luck feels as though it has abandoned you. Seeping away from you. Money no longer stays in your hands. It is like water. People around you seem to be coping well and getting ahead in life. Yes, they grumble about things not being the same but they are still getting ahead in life. Honestly or dishonestly. You say to yourself "Something is wrong here." When something or someone threatens your livelihood you lash out. You take action. Now it feels as though all the actions that you used before no longer hold any power for you. You ask yourself in frustration "What is going on here!"

Whether you are a wo/man WHEN you feel that the world and its agitators are pounding at your door, trying to gain entry, find a safe space and regroup your senses. Sit still and go within. Hide (yes, hide) and be silent in the moment. Reach out for help when the agitators have left your space.
Recommended Publication: Ascension Group Diary
Recommended Publication: Gratitude Notebook

ENERGY is the key. Feel from the heart. Transmute unwanted supernatural cords. Visualise with intention. Believe in you. RISE.

As a professional, independent woman, when you feel that someone you live with is pounding on your sanity, trying to stifle your control, find a safe space and regroup your senses. Sit still and go within. Let the tears flow and be in the moment. Reach out for help.
Recommended reading: My TRIBE of SELF MADE, SELF WORTH Affluent Women Diary

ENERGY is the key. Feel from the heart. Transmute unwanted supernatural cords. Visualise with intention. Believe in you. RISE.

As a professional, independent woman, when the pressure of living takes its toll on your ability to function professionally in business, find a safe space and regroup your senses. Sit still and go within. Release the tensions that you have been holding in for so long. Reach out for help.
Recommended reading: My TRIBE of SELF MADE, SELF WORTH Affluent Women Gratitude Notebook

ENERGY is the key. Feel from the heart. Transmute unwanted supernatural blockages. Visualise with intention. Believe in you. RISE.

As an entrepreneurial Black Woman, or Women of Colour, who feels the need to connect and converse with other genuine entrepreneurial women who understand your life path littered with cords, blockages and boundaries, find a safe space and regroup your senses. Find that safe space and go within. Let the anguish flow and be in the moment of the flow. Reach out for help.
Recommended Reading: The Quintessential Black Lady's Diary

ENERGY is the key. Feel from the heart. Transmute unwanted supernatural cords. Visualise with intention. Believe in you. RISE.

As an entrepreneurial Black Woman, or Woman of Colour, who has cried in anger for too many days and nights from the cruelty of a relationship, the world or the loss of supportive ones, find a safe space and regroup your senses. Find that safe space and go within. Let the tears and the worry flow away. Be in the moment. Reach out for help.
Recommended Reading: The Quintessential Black Lady's Gratitude Notebook

ENERGY is the key. Feel from the heart. Transmute unwanted supernatural blockages. Visualise with intention. Believe in you. RISE.

Throughout all the torment, anxiety, anger, stress, depression and worry find a safe space and go within. You have tried so many actions to get beyond where you are BUT nothing has worked, or progress has been slow. So take a breather. Connect to your spirit and have the conversation out loud that has been going around in your head for far too long.

Reach out for help. Learn. Learn something old in a new way. Learn something new in a revelation from someone new. The new learning will help you with better actions and decisions to get you past whatever is hindering you in life. Take a breather. Be happy again. Let your spirit rise and be an active part of you and all that you do. Be discerning with whom you engage with.

If you are questioning why you have to pay someone to help you with these matters, it is because the help that you seek has to go in to the space that you feel the unease, the dis-ease, the misalignment, in order to assess what it is that you are going through and how to best help you. They have to enter your situation in a healthy, good and strong way AND they MUST leave that situation in the same way. Especially before they go to another client.

Thus, if you can help yourself, do as much as you can, before someone else steps into your space with you, that will aid you enormously. Unblocking, Clearing & Cleansing is key here. It is all about your energy exchanges. Your energy flow.

ENERGY is the key. Feel from the heart. Transmute unwanted supernatural cords, barriers and blockages. Visualise with intention. Believe in you. RISE.

There are 10 MILLION ways that can bring you happiness, joy and bliss. In fact there are infinite ways. You do not have to settle for contentedness. Or "It is OK, it will do." Settle for the best. Settle with your dreams. Let no-one take your dreams away from you at whatever age you are at.

ENERGY is the key. Feel from the heart. Transmute unwanted supernatural cords, barriers and blockages. Visualise with intention. Believe in you. RISE.


(Question) WHEN YOU HAVE had enough of obstacles at your workplace, at social + personal situations AND 'something' keeps preventing you from moving forward in life, who are YOU turning to for help?

(Question) WHEN YOU ARE the only person at home but you sense a presence of 'something', who are YOU turning to for help?

(Question) HOW DO YOU up level your connection to spirit and make YOUR energy work for you? Day to day.

(Question) DO YOU KNOW HOW YOU CAN use tools and resources around you to aid your energy unblocking, clearing & cleansing each and every day?

"Oh, yes I can make it now the pain is gone.
All of the bad feelings have disappeared.
Here is that rainbow I've been praying for..." Johnny Nash.


As a human being who is making their way on their life purpose, or has yet to be aware of their life purpose, when the pressure of being more than you feel you are takes a hold embrace it and travel with it. Take the directional steps. Engage with the journey. Open up your senses to it. Whatever toll is impacting upon your life turn it around so that you are able to function. Find a safe space and regroup your senses. Know with your heart, not your head, what you truly want. Sit still and go within. Release the tensions that you have been holding in for so long.
Recommended Publication: Positive Steps Into Social Mobility: Awareness & Empowerment

NOW is the time to get YOUR social mobility momentum working for you wherever you are and whatever you are doing.
(Question) What do I need?
(Answer) You just need YOU.

(Question) How easy is it to learn?
(Answer) Crazy easy! You simply need to believe in YOU in order to turn your life fortunes around.

(Question) Will it work for me?
(Answer) If someone who was once in prison can buy this book, learn the positive steps and gain advantages in life without returning to crime, then this will work for ANYONE.

These are the positive steps into social mobility that YOU are going to learn and put into use every day. Understand that the only person holding you back is YOU with your poverty, fear and failure mindset.

+ When you start to learn that YOU are content + YOUR CONTENT = CURRENCY this realisation and change of mindset can pave the way forward for you.

+ Putting YOUR best foot forward to a better life, with mutually beneficial opportunities, with wholly favourable connections.

+ Knowing how to use your cultural, life experience and other 'differences' to deliver for you and enable your momentum to a better lifestyle.

+ Harness YOUR social mobility to a better life that others are trying to take from you. Understand that your social mobility can be a powerful tool if you allow it to work fully for you.

ENERGY is the key. Feel from the heart. Transmute unwanted supernatural cords, barriers and blockages. Visualise with intention. Believe in you. RISE.

"It's gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day..." Johnny Nash.

If you would like information on the well-being retreats in Europe that I have created for individuals like you, then please contact me at the following link Well-Being Western Europe Retreat to find out more about addressing your spiritual needs for the better through YOUR well-being. Let’s get things moving in the correct momentum for you sooner rather than later. Time is of the essence in getting you to the place that you want to be, with the help of beneficial spirit forms.

Click here and start your preparation for 2021.

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