Ascension Group Diary + Consequences Of Your Fear-part1

Consequences Of Your Fear (part1) Definition: fear (n.) 1a. A very unpleasant or disturbing feeling caused by the presence or imminence of danger; for example ‘our fears intensified as the storm approached. 1b. A state or condition marked by this feeling, living in constant fear of attack; for example ‘he saved as much as he could for fear of losing his job.’ 2. A feeling of disquiet or apprehension; for example ‘a fear of looking foolish.’ 3. A reason for dread or apprehension; for example ‘being alone is my greatest fear.’ 4. Extreme reverence or awe, as toward a deity. (v.) feared, fear·ing, fears ( 1. To be afraid or frightened of; for example ‘a boy who fears being bullied.’ 2. To be uneasy or apprehensive about; for example ‘we all feared what we would see when the doors closed.’ 3. To consider probable; expect; for example ‘I fear you are wrong on this matter.’ ‘I fear I have bad news for yo...