Ascension Group Diary + Energy Symbol Layouts, Let RICH enter into your life

Ascensionn Group Diary


How can you use them?

What is it that you want to be RICH in?

Rich in love? Rich in health? Rich in harmony within a marital relationship? Rich in harmony within a living together relationship? Rich in money? Rich in friendships? Rich in connections? Rich in happiness? Until YOU clarify what it is that you want to be RICH in, the riches that you seek shall find it challenging to correctly match with you.

I want you to try at least TWO of the Energy Symbols Layouts displayed to aid your momentum and any stagnant issues that you are going through. I say this as I know it works but you don’t …yet!

It is faster, cheaper & easier to hack your stagnant issues for better situations than ever before.

Maybe you have a unique skill? (making vases from banana leaves) some insider knowledge of an obscure industry (learning how to use alchemy to mine crystals within 3 days) or, getting the better of your competitors in a presentation with 2 hours of study.


Maybe you have been working in an industry for years and now want to stop trading dollars for hours and get paid what your skill is worth (not what the latest salary survey decides its worth, or working ZERO hour contracts that are keeping you in a state of depression).


Maybe you are already selling a product/service online (and making a trickle of money doing it) but looking to scale it, automate it or just take it from barely scraping by to a revenue pumping, money churning machine?

No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, there is no better time to call in & enable the perfect energy that can work with you.

I hear you wanting RICH in the here and now.

You just cannot afford to wait.

By keeping your issues on a perpetual loop causing you barriers and blockages, you are leaving your fortune on the table for other grubby sweaty hands to plunder. Think fraudulent landlords, crooked estate agents, criminal employment agencies, greedy loan sharks, dubious charities, et al, who are eating away on your income.

That’s where I come in…
The antithesis of all things ‘cult guru’ and the giver of zero f<@!s. Not interested in 000,000’s of LIKES. Not interested in popularity stakes. Just interested in people like you and me moving ahead in our life and YOU getting your energy sh*t together!


Imagine an issue that is going on in your life with regards to where you live dampened down.

Imagine an issue that is affecting your personal relationship arriving at a perfect solution for you.

Imagine seeing a solicitor who is proactive in helping you with your rights.

Imagine walking into your work office and people are nicer to you. Helpful to you in getting the assistance that you need. Where you hear more people say “Sure, no problem, when do you want it?”

Imagine gaining funding for an important project that you are working on. Where decision-makers like your ideas!

Imagine meeting the people that you need to meet at events, appointments, meetings.

Imagine your journey to the grocery shop feeling much more positive as you view the special offers for items on your shopping list. Saving you money!

Imagine never having to worry about ‘bits and bobs’ bringing unexpected misery to your life.


Understand this. Before your RICHness can benefit you 100%, you will need the crappy issues that you find yourself in shifted away from you sufficiently. You need to make a clean, healthy, space for the rich things to transport to and activate within. If you view and feel that most of your life is a chamber pot, that is, filled with piss and shit, then you need to start emptying the chamber pot. There is no point in wanting, wishing, praying, yearning for lovely things to come to you, if you are not prepared to work at unblocking, clearing and cleansing the vessel that is you and where you are in life. It is as though you have a toilet that is overflowing with your waste and you are adding your best perfume to stop the stench and placing endless amounts of towels on the floor to stop the spillage from spreading into other areas of your life. That ain’t gonna work! You know that and I know that.

I am sharing with you what healers and spiritual ‘gurus’, ‘experts’ and ‘specialists’ are using themselves and with their clients; who are paying BIG BUCKS! And getting the results. Whilst you and others like you are getting left behind to struggle on your own. Time for a shake up!

Ascension Group Diary Energy Symbols Layout

SO, let’s get your energy metabolism moving from stagnant to all systems Go! Go! Go! for you, with these symbols NOW!

I know you want your RICH in the here and now

Your Questions Answered

1. HOW do I use the Energy Symbol Layouts?

Layout One: Use each and every time that you prepare and use your candles, crystals, incense, salt, resins, bowls, etc. Place the candles, crystals, singing bowl, gong, incense, Himalayan Salt Lamp or other items that you use for rituals and ceremonies upon the layout as you make your preparations and practices.

Note: Healers and other qualified spiritual consultants who work with the Energy Symbols have the ability to activate the symbols in their work with clients. Other individuals can still benefit from the Energy Symbol Layouts through its interaction with your energy and the items that you are using upon it, at a foundation level that is comfortable, manageable, less distressing for you.

Remember: Be focused and have clarity on what you are seeking as a result. Try not to let distractions around you and at your thoughts infiltrate what you are doing. FOCUS. RELAX. Think. Visualise. Believe. Feel. Connect all four together as you use the Energy Symbol Layouts. Allow it to help you.

Layout Two: Place under seating, under tables, under rugs, under mattresses. The Energy Symbol Layout works with the energy of the person sitting, standing or laying on it.

Example 1. If you often have friends visiting for dinner, then you must place an Energy Symbol Layout facing upwards under the chair, that is, towards the person sitting on the dining chair. You must also place an Energy Symbol Layout facing upwards under the dinning table.

Example 2. If you have a study area, or a small attic/basement office/workshop area, or work from your kitchen, then you can place an Energy Symbol Layout facing upwards within a folded piece of material on your chair. No-one will know that it is there unless they are snooping around your work area.

Additionally, you can place the Energy Symbol Layout at a favourite place or where you work and arrange your crystals or tea-lights on the layout.

2. WHAT is the best way to keep the Energy Symbol Layouts in good condition?

Place each Energy Symbol Layout in an A4 plastic document covering to protect it from water and dirt. OR. Have the Energy Symbol Layouts laminated. Lightweight. Portable. Easy care. Wipeable.

3. WHAT are the sizes of the Energy Symbol Layouts?

One size. A4. Landscape.

4. WHEN can I receive results?

The Energy Symbols Layouts give you results the more frequently that you use it. So every day use is important for at least nine months. Some clients gain results after 30 days. Some see results happening after 72 hours. If you have many blockages in your life it will take some time to shift and clear. Much of this depends on what you are doing and the intensity of your own energy, belief in yourself; essential, and the actual result that you are seeking to achieve through the rituals that you use at home. Start recognising and recording dreams, deja vu and other signs.

5. WHICH rituals, crystals, essences, incantations, prayers, etc., can I start with when I use the Energy Symbols?

You will find guidance PLUS a strong selection of resources to start you off within the 2021 Ascension Group Diary. All doable wherever you reside.

6. HOW do I make this happen for me?

(i) Look at the specimen energy symbols below.

(ii) Click on at least TWO. One from Layout 1. One from Layout 2.

(iii) Make payment.

(iv) Receive the items to your inbox.

(v) Use immediately. Use frequently.

7. HOW much is it?

Cost: £25 each.  Two for £20 for a limited time.

8. WHAT else can I do to help things moving along with these Energy Symbol Layouts?

You can write energy exchanging words on the Energy Symbol Layouts. For instance, GRATITUDE. APPRECIATION. THANK YOU. LOVE. HAPPINESS. Plus anything else that resonates with YOU in a good and positive way. Use clear handwriting. Use different coloured ink pens if you feel inclined to do so. Green, Pink and Blue are the most commonly used inks that clients use on their personal Energy Symbol Layouts. Do NOT write over the symbols. Write in the free space of the document. Take a moment to yourself before you commit yourself to writing anything. What you write and where you write on the document must resonate very well with you.


Buy now
Buy now

Energy Symbols Layout Horizontal02-Black
Cost: £10
Item ID: ESL02HoriB

Energy Symbols Layout Horizontal02-White
Cost: £10
Item ID: ESL02HoriW



Buy now
Buy now
Buy now

Cost: 10
Item ID: A01L

Antahkarana02-Circles Landscape
Cost: £10
Item ID: A02CirclesL

Antahkarana03-Cross Landscape
Cost: £10
Item ID: A03CrossL


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