Ascension Group Diary + Your Revolution


Recently I unveiled my brand new 2021 Ascension Group Diary that gives you ACT. ACT is a step by step, turn by turn walk-through on how you can utilise your spiritual energy and help yourself to create the things that you want for the long-term, free yourself from wanted attachments (real and spiritual) and enable success, rewards, contentment, peace, tranquility, love, joy, connections into your life. You get to choose. Remember the call to action is always yours. The choice is always yours. ACT = Action Creates Transformation. This is what the powerful and transformational collection within the Ascension Group Diary is to be used for.

The Ascension Group Diary is priced at £8.88pence (how quaintly British). It has remained at that price for the last 48 months. Not because I am generous, but because there is a whole heap of confusion over what is spirituality all about, how does it impact with your religious belief doctrines + your awareness of a change in yourself. The Ascension Group Diary is a unique collection of powerful, spiritual energy tools & resources PLUS a signposting diary to help you on your unique path.

Listen, I understand that you have doubts and queries about spirituality. That anything concerning spirituality can be a HUGE turn off for you. That is does not connect with you, or that you do not want it to connect with you. You do not want to understand it. You want to steer well shot of it. Keep it at arms length. After al, what would your parents say, your family say, your grandparents say if they knew that you were reading this blog or thinking about dabbling in all manner of things spiritual. Goodness me! You would most likely be ridiculed for the rest of your life by them. The eternal joke of the family. The shameful member the family. The embarrassment to the family name and community standing; especially if the neighbours found out! Shock horror!!! So, I understand your reservation about spirituality. Coming from a Roman Catholic family upbringing. Been there. Done that. Have the T-Shirt.

Let me tell you one of my secrets. I was an extremely anxious child, I was INCREDIBLY shy and introverted with a dose of low self-esteem. At my first two schools I never had any school friends. No-one would want to play with me or include me in their group. I looked ‘odd’ and I did not fit in. Plus, I had a stammer and I had to wear the cheapest and most ugliest pair of spectacles that only poor people could afford. I was teased and picked on at school and often went home sad and miserable. Often crying myself to sleep because I did not want to go to school the next day. I was told by those children at school that I was ugly. I felt ugly. So therefore they were right about me. Little did I know.

Become a spiritual ninja!

Skip forward to today and I am a bad ass. I went from money pouring through my fingers like water, eventual business plateaus then a deep drop to the abyss of ‘Failuresville’, finally to homelessness and having to deal with some incredibly unsavoury characters. Not just the other individuals that were homeless, but also the people in charge of the homeless establishments that were getting paid and had the duty of civil society care to be protective of the vulnerable in society. It all felt very Dickensian. Sad, but true. It was then that I started the hard and tortuous journey out of that hell hole of life traumas.

I needed to be constantly doing something (and making money) in order to sleep better (anxiety kicked right in hard and fast, does that show me as weak or strong from adversity?!). Then things started to change. Not as immediate as I had wanted, but looking back now, I see the timeline clearly and why the changes happened as they did. I was able to leapfrog detrimental levels of adversity that could definitely have brought about severe depression and hospitalisation. For sure, if I had let the anxiety run riot with my life, health and mental state, I would be worn out and dead OR worn out and on medication. It is through my experiences with traumatic spiritual encounters that impacted upon my moving forward that I was able to meet the right people, get hold of beneficial texts and perform rituals that were (and are) advantageous to me. So I did the next best thing:


If I can come through all of this (plus a whole load of other bollocks that life/people threw at me), then you can also come through your adversity. FACT!

The only thing that keeps me sane and lets me sleep better at night is knowing that I have my prized Ascension Group Diary skipping along merrily into your hands & churning out the ‘magic’ every month for you..even if:

I am not launching

I am not actively promoting anything that does not help people like me and YOU

I am not running Facebook or other social media ads or sending daily emails to my list (guess what, I do not do Facebook ads;I have not succumbed to having a Facebook account for the brilliance that is the Ascension Group Diary, and I do not send daily emails to my list = I do not clog up the inbox of my visitors)

I am not doing daily, weekly or even monthly live streams

I am spending the sunshine months with the people that I want to spend time with (clients and friends)

I am taking the week off work just because

I am sitting on a gorgeous white leather settee for X hours wolfing down all manner of delicious indulgent snacks PLUS consuming all sorts of personality and arts info that tickles me and educates me

Want the same for yourself (get delivery of the ascension group diary that is, not wolf down all manner of delicious snacks that go straight to your legs, bum and tum)? Go here:

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