Ascension Group Diary - Develop your spiritual growth and access opportunities

Your Life is a Business and it is dependent upon your Mind, Body + Spirit.
Past. Present. Future.

Your Life is a Business and it wants to know HOW to increase sales through your words, actions and intentions to deliver to you. Better life connections. Better wellbeing. Better life joy.

1. Believe that actions through knowledge is power.
2. Believe that the promise of these "Free My Life!" transformational services is that you shall connect with YOUR big vision within YOUR spiritual growth because Your Life Is A Business.
3. Believe that you will succeed and elevate yourself.
4. Believe that you will grow in confidence.
5. Believe that you shall engage with aligned situations more; in a way that sits well with you.
6. Believe that you shall connect with your Inner Self that brings strength and well-being to troubled areas of your life.
7. Believe that you will claim the impact that you want.
8. Your spotlight will stay on your zone of genius, because YOU DO have a zone of genius.
9. Believe that you do have a higher version of you waiting to be tapped into.

To guide you. To help you. To enhance your momentum.

Because when your spiritual troubles ensue, the Ascension Group Diary troubleshooting delivers for you.

Ascension Group Diary

#WHAT IF... In the time it takes to make your morning cup of tea, coffee or smoothie I guarantee to reduce the time it takes to finding the appropriate spiritual development resources such as incantations, prayers, candles or symbols. The Ascension Group Diary gives you 100% attention. If your attention and actions are 3%, then your result will be a 3% change from your current situation towards a better situation. That the directions/signposting acts as your stepping stone to further spiritual growth and progression. Even if you have a poverty mindset and/or a sceptical cynicism that does not believe nor support your desire for a changing result in your life, through your spiritual energy, you will come across a situation in life that opens your senses to a greater awareness of something spiritual.


Magic! No, you do not like the word magic, it sounds too crazy like a wizard on crack cocaine.
Destiny! No, you do not like the word destiny, as it sounds like a wise man who has spent too long in the wilderness.
Fate! No, you do not like the word fate, it just makes you think of a mad old gypsy woman with a pack of playing cards fobbing someone off with nonsense.
Coincidences! (you are nodding in agreement) Yes, this sits much better with you. More believable to your senses. Not too new age, woo-woo, or airy fairy.

Ascension Group Diary

Ascension Group Diary Ascension Group Diary Ascension Group Diary

Ascension Group Diary

Believe that the promise of these transformational services with the aid of the Ascension Group Diary that you shall be able to think, feel, be or do what you want more than anything to think, feel, be or do whilst navigating the problems or issues that you are going through. Believe that the Ascension Group Diary shall aid Your Life Is A Business with a purpose, from a position of apprehension, foreboding or alarm towards relief, fulfillment, achievement or ability.

The promise is to enable you to get creative, be fresh and full of innovation attracting, maintaining and increasing sales within your life as a business. Plus, engage more in your well-being through mindfulness, spiritually and actions through the Ascension Group Diary and professional transformational services that shall enable you to increase your sales presence professionally, socially and personally.

Ascension Group Diary

The question is not whether you are going to buy from me. The question is whether YOU have the balls to ask for help.

Listen. I am the first person to say that I have my doubts about all this spiritual stuff. Not what I am into at all, but then something happened to me; too long a story, and ‘co-incidence’ brought me into contact with a handful of people who mentioned this stuff and how it helped them. Did a search on the Internet found a lot of people doing this stuff. Contacted three and they were rubbish. Was about to give up and came across Jay’s blogs. Read her stuff. Contacted her. Her stuff worked. She is now my ‘go to’ woman on anything remotely ‘odd’ that is happening in my life. My personal take-away from the spiritual journey experience is that you have to ask for help and mean it. Then you have to let the help happen from the person/people/literature that you have the trust and belief in, to enable the sales within your life to flow.
Sam, UK

I live in a big city, but was born and raised in the outbacks. Talking about spirits was a thing. The Aborigines are strong on this type of thing. I came across Jay over the Internet. Sent her a message and she helped me out. Value for money. Even bought the Ascension Group Diary and use it as and when. Priceless! In so many every day ways.
Anne, Australia

There are a lot of people doing this spirituality gig. Much to choose from. Jay resonated with me. I was in some difficulty and although I sourced someone in the USA, there was still something not quite right. I went to the church and that did not work as I had expected. I contacted Jay. Took a flight over to her and she did her thing. Something definitely shifted and I felt lighter. She is a great aura reader! When I visit Europe I look her up for guidance and a service. Real value for money. And if you can't make the journey signup for the newsletters because the help is there sitting on your inbox. Plus it is free! What more do you want?! I have in fact told Jay to charge for membership, but so far she has declined to do this. WTF! Valuable information going for free and I bet people do not do the call to actions that are steals from Jay. She is too good to be giving away free information that works. And I mean that really works.
Karin, USA

Like most people I did the usual in finding someone local, even the church. Then I looked across Internet and saw Ascension Group Diary. I bought diary. Made contact with Jay and traveled to her place for help. Worked. Big time.
Vladimir, Russia

What can I say. I found it difficult to find someone in Germany to help me with strange things that were happening. I saw that Jay was doing a small group meditations in Frankfurt, so I went along. We spoke about my situation. I made another appointment to see her and she did her work. I am more than satisfied. A great relief to my well-being. Honestly. Pure gold. One of my top five contacts.
Heinrich, Germany

Simply the best. I took a flight over to Europe to see Jay. She had me there for the weekend as she needed help from another colleague to treat me. Nervous? Yes. But it worked. There was some real bad shit from my family past that was impacting on me and making my life a misery. So eternally grateful to her and her colleague.
Otto, Argentina

This spiritual stuff is real. There are many people in Brazil; in South America, that understand this sort of thing. When things happen you must go to someone to help you. I had someone do a spell for me and give me a talisman to help my situation, but over a month nothing much seemed to change. I was looking for someone else to help me so I began to look at the Internet. I found the Ascension Group Diary blogs and Jay. As coincidence would have it I was traveling to Europe for work. So I contacted Jay. Made an appointment. We met and she explained things to me. Helping me to understand what she was doing and why she was doing it. I feel better now. There are many pluses to what she did to help me. Thank you does not go far enough. I love that woman. I trust that woman. I believe wholeheartedly in that amazing woman. Thank god for people like Jay in this world.
Walter, Brazil

We have spiritual people in Hong Kong and China. People go to them secretly. Even I do. There was still something making me uneasy. I went to another Hong Kong person who did almost the same ritual. Still after a few months things had not changed significantly. I have a British passport and decided to see someone in Europe. I searched the Internet. I looked at Ascension Group Diary. I contacted Jay. An appointment was made. We met and she did her work. I was sceptical of her as she was not from Hong Kong, but I took the chance with her. She works! Not many Chinese people would go to foreigners for such things, but her stuff works. Honestly! I would have no hesitation in contacting her again if other things start happening. No hesitation whatsoever. I have told her to do more marketing and be more visible on the Internet to gain more prominence. She just smiles at me.
Ang, Hong Kong

This lady is amazing. She is my special spiritual advisor. I am so happy to have her support in my professional life. My business does not have the huge setbacks it once did since she started helping me on certain things. This is a good lady. Praise be to God for her. I am one of the lucky ones.
Alhaadi, Kenya

Hello! I Am Communicating With You
As You Grow Spiritually, As You Ascend

Ascension Group Diary
You whose 'Life Is A Business'. Believe!
You who wants effortless, limitless and endless life sales. Believe!
You who has a passion but no idea how to enable your spiritual development growth. Believe!
You who cannot afford attending expensive courses, retreats or mastermind weekenders. Believe!
You who wants to learn through a product and/or service that is easy and painless. Believe!
You who is a get shit done person. Believe!
You who wants lifetime accessing. Believe!
You who likes to take luxurious salt bubble baths. Believe!

Ascension Group Diary
You who is not good at following instructions
You who likes to whinge and stay in resentment, pain, dissatisfaction and all round grumpiness inertia
You who does not like taking personal responsibility
You who likes to take things with an erratic energy and confusion

Believe, Guide, Teach, Inspire, Prompt, Motivate, Explore


Because when your spiritual troubles ensue, the Ascension Group Diary troubleshooting delivers for you.
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