Ascension Group Diary + I have my diary, now what?

I want you to try 2020 Ascension Group Diary amongst novices and experienced support groups or person(s) to aid you. Either online or face-to-face. I say this at my risk, as I know it works but you don’t …yet!

If you aren’t 100% satisfied, and I mean even 1% unhappy, through having followed instructions, I want you to immediately cease any form of spiritual energy practices that you do by yourself for the short term. I mean it. Check that you are not taking short cuts, that your mind is in clarity, that your intuition is working well for you, that your surroundings are helping you and not hindering you, that you have your Treasure Chest of tools and resources with you in whichever practices that you decide to perform. There are a plethora of people working in spirituality that you can integrate help from.

I want you to stay strong in yourself that you can do this with the perfect help and not remain running around in a haze of confusion. Where you are periodically entering into the same dilemmas time and time again, or having escalating ‘incidences’ happening to you. I mean it. The object is that you move on to something better in your life and the 2020 Ascension Group Diary is there as a candle showing you the way. Hold on to it and it will guide you in a way that is perfect for you to use and understand. Particularly as spiritual energy matters can be complicated or muddled in its comprehension. I don’t even want you throwing money at me for this guidance. Keep your money. Give it away to someone else who will teach you and open clarity for you in sessions for US$1000+.

I value our relationship and my reputation more, way more, than a few thousand pounds, euros, dollars, yen, etc. So please, try 2020 Ascension Group Diary for... SIX months (even though you will gain beneficial energy interactions during your lifetime with this, I am giving you six months to be completely sure and utterly satisfied when you use the Ascension Group Diary to its fullest potential, to aid your spiritual energy well-being as you go about your day-to-day business) I won’t take anything less!

So go ahead, use this special diary – you have plenty of time to go through everything and decide if this is the proper fit for you. But you’ll never know unless you take a chance and invest in your Self.

You want specific help

Or you want some guidance as you take your journey.

Either way you have a concern which you know and feel requires attention.


Ascension Group Diary

  • You have a spiritual block; you don’t know where or how to get started with your journey.

  • You have already started to watch numerous videos but some just leave you more confused and overwhelmed because they end up being scary, frightening, fearful, vague, without an ending or not what you are looking for.

  • You had started listening to podcasts but they just leave you in a muddle.

  • Your ‘To Do’ list for your spiritual growth just gets longer and more troublesome.

  • You have started to feel as though your life is losing the point or direction as to why you considered starting your spiritual journey in the first place. You intensify the questioning of your own self.

  • You are looking for someone to start you off in a safe place and be your mentor.

Ascension Group Diary

  • You had a ‘Go To’ private book with explanations and signpostings to unfurl your spiritual momentum and increase your growth, knowledge and understanding.

  • You could learn what you needed to learn and stop running from one door stopper book to the next without any direction, just endlessly spinning around in the confusion of it all.

  • You could finish one phase of your spiritual journey, without stopping a part of the way through the journey and accomplish something.

  • You could learn more about your spiritual momentum and how you can harness it in your day to day life.

  • Your spirituality grew as you integrate the methods and techniques that is aligned with you, through each phase that you step into, as you go about your life.

  • You use the information at your own pace in your own time. Using only what you need at the time. Anything that you do not need, then park it to one side, as it may become useful to you later on your journey.

  • You use the resources and tools in conjunction with any other spiritual methods and techniques that you are drawn towards.

  • You record the information and use it as a platform to aid your momentum. Either on 1:1’s or in group sessions.

  • You use your intentions and your intuition to help drive things forward for you.

  • You use the personal directory at the back of the Ascension Group Diary to help you connect with others.

  • You carry it with you on your journey to work, on holiday, to a places of interest, etc. Making notes as you enter different spaces as you strengthen your spiritual momentum.

Ascension Group Diary
Do I need to be in a classroom setting to use the Ascension Group Diary?

You do not need to be sitting in a classroom or at a seminar every week. Your current environment is your classroom. You only need to clarify and exercise your ability to strengthen your spiritual awareness. Be aware of WHAT is around you. Be aware of WHEN things are happening to you. Be aware of WHY you want to get from point A to point B. Then from point B to point C. So on and so forth.

Ascension Group Diary
Is the Ascension Group Diary a book of 'magic'?

The Ascension Group Diary is not a book of 'magic', not in the strictest sense and not as most people expect a book of 'magic' to be. The 'magic' is always held within YOU. The Ascension Group Diary helps you to unlock the layers of your 'magic'. Helping you to help yourself.

Ascension Group Diary
Where help is ready to show itself

Get the perfect guidance for yourself and help shall always be ready to show itself. Always remember that the person who looks least like you, may be the one that you gain the most help from. Follow your heart. Follow your feelings. Your intuition. Your gut instinct. You can do this.

Once you have purchased the Ascension Group Diary you can now move forward with the private guidance contained within it. The pages are there to assist you on 1:1’s and in a group setting.

Once you have purchased the Ascension Group Diary connect with me so that I can tell you when I have momentum webinars scheduled. These are monthly events to help you with unblocking, clearing and cleansing on your spiritual journey. There is a cost of £5 per month.

You do not have to do it all alone, join me on the monthly webinar.

Ascension Group Diary

Cost: The initial cost is that of the Ascension Group Diary. You have purchased the Ascension Group Diary so you can now move forward with the private guidance contained within it.

Ascension Group Diary

Ascension Group Diary

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