Best Recommended Chakra Removal Methods

Chakra Removal Techniques/Methods

Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

Delivering pleasant, personal and purposeful Chakra Removal Methods for you. Understanding your needs, wants and desires.

Who?: YOU. You are a seeker of knowledge to enable the ability to remove your Chakra system. Your nationality, social status, religion, etc., is not in question. You have sought my help to FREE yourself from your Chakra system.

What?: Practical and beneficial Chakra Removal Methods. This is a process that, ideally, you should do for yourself. You only need to do this ONCE. Should you need some help, there is no harm in asking someone for assistance. Perhaps go to a sesson where the Practitioner has prepared the space for the Chakra Removal and can talk you through the visualisation. This is what I do. I also do private online 1:1 sessions and work remotely with the preparation of your space to aid you in the visualisation. This is the extent of my Chakra Removal online sessions. This is the extent of my assistance in helping you to remove your Chakra system.

ALL the sessions are in ENGLISH ONLY.

Where?: Online.

Why?: You are looking for my guidance to enable you to be set free, from the excessive amount of energy draining entities and implants from an energy system (a matrix) that you are presently experiencing day to day, on a reactionary, energetic, spiritual level through your Chakra system.

Re-gain your energy spirituality by removing your Chakra system to aid in maximising your true sovereign attributes in ALL aspects of your environments.


+ dissolving all forms of patterning (rigid and marauding) from your Chakra system and the Kundalini

+ greater awareness of YOUR still centre

+ processing greater consciousness

+ more well-being benefits

Please be aware that other experiences may be felt by you during your personal Chakra Removal. Some people experience a clearing and unblocking action, for example coughing, spitting of mucous, etc. Some people feel lighter. Some people feel a temperature change. Some people feel a sense of relief.

Still want to know why? Read this article.

When?: Contact me so that I can send you the Chakra Removal Methods directly: for you to do on your own, in your own time. Alternatively, contact me to schedule a date for a guided Chakra Removal session. The session lasts between 30 to 40 minutes. You only have to do this ONCE.

How?: Email me to start your journey in Chakra Removal. I can send you the Chakra Removal Methods and you can do ONE of them on your own. OR. After reading the Chakra Removal Methods you feel that you would like more help from me, then please contact me.

Cost: SPECIAL OFFER £10 (GBP) for the Chakra Removal Methods. LIMITED AVAILABILITY ON THE SUMMER SOLSTICE DATE: 21 JUNE & WINTER SOLSTICE DATE: 22 DECEMBER.  The £10 Special Offer is only permissible on these two dates. NOT BEFORE. NOT AFTER.

The price for the TWO methods on the above mentioned date at the Winter or Summer Solstice is £10 for those enrolled to the Ascension Group Diary newsletters.
If you are interested in receiving the newsletters and purchase the TWO methods before / after the Summer Solstice (21 June), or, Winter Solstice (22 December) date there is a discounted cost is £25
By agreeing to the special offers of £10 or £25  you are confirming that you want to receive the newsletters for 12 months.

Contact me for costs in Bitcoins, € (Euro), USD$. Also for guided sessions.

For those not interested in receiving newsletters but wanting the Chakra Removal Methods, the Full List Price applies.
Full List Price: £40 for the Chakra Removal Methods.

Contact me for costs in Bitcoins, € (Euro), USD$. Also for guided sessions.

There are many Chakra Removal Methods available. Choose the one that feels right for you.

Ascension Group Diary Chakra Removal Methods

Whichever methods and techniques that you use, whether it is from me or someone else, use the methods and techniques in conjunction with the Ascension Group Diary to assist you with your spiritual journey guidance. It shall greatly aid you and help with your direction and growth.

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I look forward to hearing from you.

Reiki Master Teacher and Personal Development Consultant

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