Ascension Group Diary + On the subject of you

Ascension Group Diary

On the subject of you...

you sense and believe that there is something unseen that is affecting your reality of your professional, personal and/or social journey.

You are delving into instant gratification through meditations, prayers, spells, incantations, rituals, ceremonies all on your own or with someone else as a light hearted jest, a joke; tomfoolery. You want something awe inspiring through spiritual energy to happen for you in order to deliver you results within a short space of time.

But instead you have a side order of self doubt and you sprinkle over it liberally with fear. How on earth is that going to help you set yourself free? Or perhaps deep down you do not want to set yourself free from malignant spiritual entities? You enjoy the control that they have over your life with your willingness to do nothing and say nothing. You are content to stay in the walking dead void of your life. Is that it for you?

You are struggling within your ‘visual’ present reality in addition to you struggling with the ‘unseen’ in your present reality. You are searching for a solution to counteract the struggle and clear your ‘space’. You feel as though you are being denied help due to the resistance from a particular spiritual barrier. Resistance from a particular spiritual energy structure that was opened up by someone (known or unknown to you), or opened up by yourself without realising the consequences of the actions that let loose the spiritual form.

You want helpful assistance to come to you, almost like assignments, to strengthen your ability in managing your emotions, thought processes and actions in order to surpass the resistance happening to you.

In addition to all of this happening to you, you also want to manage your spiritual expectations and learn how to better deal with your ‘failures’ through your levels of aspirations.

You are trying hard to achieve something, yet you are impatient for it to materialise with the help of your spiritual energy and that of others.

You see others moving ahead of you constantly. Or you imagine that they are moving ahead of you because they seem to be going places whereas you are still stuck in the same place. In the same dead end residential area/employment space/relationships. At times you want to do something shocking/outrageous/improper in order to engage in a momentum to get you out of the rut, because you know that time equals money and you want a certain attention that you believe gains you a vehicle for an income. There it is again, that engrossed idea of celebrity culture and the culture of instant gratification.

Then there is resistance around you and within you, even if you are doing what others ask of you. Where the others are: Your employer. Your family. Your relations. Your partner (wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, fiance). Your friends. Even if you believe that you could do better on your own terms without the interference of all of these other groups of people.

There is more. So much more that needs addressing to enable a better re-alignment to your situation in the here and now. Follow these two steps.

One. Click on this AGD link to take you to the Ascension Group Diary publication.

Two. Add your name and email address (Yahoo!, Gmail, Operamail or another) here to find out more about addressing your spiritual needs for the better. Let’s get things moving in the correct momentum for you sooner rather than later. Time is of the essence in getting you to the place that you want to be, with the help of beneficial spirit forms.

Ascension Group Diary

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