How One Blogpost Led Me To Gain A Well Known Singer

Ascension Group Diary

How One Blogpost Led Me To Gain A Well Known Singer

How many of you frequently underestimate the little things. The small things in life. The seemingly insignificant aspects that pop up in your environment. The peripheral situations that find their way into your zone.

The truth is, each one of those little things lead to something big.

Today I was speaking to a client and they had been reminiscing earlier about how we had met.

Here is how a well known singer and I began working together. Before I tell you, I must divulge that I had previously worked for an artiste management business in London in the 1980’s who had R’n’ B & Classical artistes signed to their books. Many, many, years later I found myself back in the music scene working for BMG (London). So I had an understanding of the workings of a major record label. Most importantly when I left BMG (London) I lost all A&R connections with whom I could have called upon. So, are you sitting comfortably?

1. I had made a blogpost sharing my story and experiences in connections to spiritual energy. It was the first blogpost that I had written. It was long and packed with huge amounts of text and images. All of my earlier blogposts were written in the same way. I did not scale anything down. I just wrote and wrote and wrote. There was so much content. Free content. Plus, I was promoting the annual Ascension Group Diary that I had created for users like YOU who are new to spiritual practices, rituals and ceremonies. Plenty of text. Plenty of images. Plenty of links.

2. In December 2017 someone really lovely had sent me a message: "Where do I begin to start. Thank you for writing your blog. I am on a challenging journey with my career and I feel that I need your help in some way. Could we talk in confidence please?"

3. I had no idea who this messenger was, but I sent a reply with my Skype address.

4. It was several days before this particular person sent me a message via Skype. Also, I am not religious about logging on to Skype all day every day. I honestly do not log on to Skype daily. I mainly use it; like Zoom, for scheduled appointments and workshops. So there was a delay in the correspondence directly after our initial contact.

5. As soon as I read the request to connect on Skype I recognised who had written the message. It was easy to confirm the request to connect. I sent a message in return asking for two convenient dates and times that we could schedule provisionally for a chat.

6. On the confirmed date and time this person had kept their screen blank so that I could not see who it was.  It did not really bother me because some affluent clients like to maintain their privacy at the start of our communication.  I understand this. This particular person had asked me questions about spirituality in a general situation. The best way that I could reply to them was through relaying experiences, plus the guidance that I was offering up during the call. The questions began to get specific and whilst this was an unpaid session I gave some insight and visualisations for this person to consider. They did not find it weird. Well, not too weird. They began to understand the various transformations, levels and aspects of spirit energy and its impact on life situations and belief systems. They were beginning to make their own realisations.

7. At the end of the call I felt as though I had lost this potential client. Then when the call had ended I went to make a cup of tea. After my tea break I opened up my screen and found that this person had wanted to connect with me again by being a client of mine to help with a specific issue that was happening in their life. I forwarded the cost and the service that was apt and waited for a reply.

8. There was no reply.

9. I messaged this person and recommended that they purchase the Ascension Group Diary as a means of ‘at hand’ assistance. As they did not seem to want to invest in their spiritual well-being.

10. Four months later I received a message from this person requesting an immediate start on their spiritual journey. They had signed up and paid in full, all in one day!

I positively adore this client. They have grown so much from the moment that we connected. There are a lot of ego-centric characters in the music industry. There are a fair number of bullshitters in the music industry. There is a lot of many things in the music industry. Trying to keep grounded and true to yourself as an artiste whilst pleasing the ‘bank’ (read as the record company) can be likened to walking upon a tight rope with your sanity out of sync. The scales of balance is not always equal.

Today, this client of mine told me that they felt like a better person. They are under pressure to perform and conform. That is the nature of the industry. Particularly, with the beast of the Internet transforming the various platforms that people communicate upon.  Plus, the merchandising of singers and musicians that are on a perpetual treadmill. I never had the use of the Internet when I first started out. It was all about going to music venues and engaging with artistes, other management teams and labels. Everything face to face and over the telephone. How times have changed. In fact, it was because of my ‘old school’ experience that clinched the ‘deal’ for me. My ability to be grounded and not phased by the industry, in addition to my spiritual experiences, that clinched a “Yes” for me with this particular client.

I understand that I do not suit everyone and likewise everyone does not suit me. To think that all of this contact that I now have with my well-known singer started with just ONE blogpost!

This is why I enjoy teaching what I teach. Why I share much of my experiences and guidance online. On the blogpost and on YouTube. This is why I say to you that you have to be prepared to acknowledge and do the little things that help to turn little steps into HUGE surprises. In your day to day life. In your spiritual journey experiences.

Seek the guidance that feels perfect for you and allow the energy of this connection to help your mojo momentum.

If you need support on your spiritual journey, I would recommend that you purchase the Ascension Group Diary first and foremost. You have your foundation guidance to hand as and when you need it. Morning, noon and night. Use the tools and resources contained within it to help you.

Your next step. If you feel that you must have more help enroll with me and enter my online workshops or purchase an Energy Symbol Layout. Use the Energy Symbol Layout when preparing candles, incense or incantations.

You still need further help? Join me in a new Meditation & Well-being Centre in Europe. This centre has limited accommodation, a steam room and a large garden.  There are sessions specific to city stressed Executives & Leaders.  In addition to sessions for pregnant women/women with babies. Also sessions for women in menopause.

You still want more? Join me in a Meditation & Well-being retreat in the Caribbean.

Finally. If you feel as though the connection with your hallucinogenic Unicorns are not paying attention to your needs, wants and desires and they appear to be in a constant state of delirium then feel free to contact me at this link. Let’s talk.

So, you decide whether you want:

A. For yourself to keep plodding along with the same old, same old of eating prunes, cabbage and garlic to cleanse and take care of your physical well-being, in the hope that your spiritual entities will also get cleansed. (Be sure that you have enough gas masks for guests that come to dinner!)


B. For yourself to enable your kick ass energy points to show up and work for you. Treating each spiritual journey on its merits and act accordingly with guidance, tools and resources to help unblock, cleanse and clear what ails you. (Time to start creating your own ‘Hong Kong Fuey’ dance moves for your celebrations.)

Just saying.

Ascension Group Diary

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