Ascension Group Diary + Are you feeling left behind in life

Ascension Group Diary & Spiritual Counselling

On the subject of you feeling left behind in life...

Are you really feeling left behind in life? If so, which society, community, social group are you basing your reality upon? What is it about the people in this society that makes you feel left behind? Why do you want to join these people? Are you being told to know your limits and to stay as you are? Why are you NOT feeling supported in your life?

Which camp has society placed you in?

Are you in the Baby Boomers camp?

Are you a part of Generation X?

Are you a part of Generation Y?

Are you a part of Generation Z?

Understand that people will be living longer. There will be leaps forward in technology to manage your life. There will be an intensity in people wanting a better life. Increases in people turning towards spirituality and well-being. Some accepting well-being through computer apps. Others unlinking from the world wide web life management and finding communities with a bias towards rural and coastal existence with minimal or negligible Internet interference to their way of life. This is all in addition to mass migration of people and their knowledge, especially concerning nature. Meaning changing behaviours of flora, fauna, insects, sea creatures and geography. There will be an increase in individuals like you who are gaining further aspects of magnetism to their life structure. There are already individuals like you who are gaining more ESP aspects to their life and utilising it within their life treasure chest.

People like you are feeling more and more left behind because of external forces in society and from your own family tree. Marketing by advertisers is pointed to cash cows of 25 to 54 year olds. This is going to change towards differing and growing aspects of people who are in the middle of life, this means those of you who are 54+ years old. This is the time for YOU to look at your cultural message and change it if it does not fit in with you and where you are now in life. This is the time for you to take command of your life and design your own cultural message.

You are on your own timeline and anything can happen. You never know who your energetic links are across the realms of space and dimensions. Including the co-operative components that the universe is aligning in order to deliver a path that leads to your dreams.

It does not matter if you have pennies to your name and you are out of work. If the inner you knows that there is something more out there in the world for you, then the universe will deliver the people to help you, to get you started on your particular path to what your heart wants. It is easier to see the people who believe in you and your bright future. It is also equally telling for you to see those who are placing obstacles in your path and disbelieving of you. Your compass on your journey needs both sets of people in order for you to steer yourself well.

Harness your positivity, hope and optimism to make things work faster for you. This also includes your expectation in your desired direction. This includes your well-being. Your mindfulness.

Staying present in your consciousness is a continual process of achieving. This is because there will be days when you really do not want to do anything that feels like a struggle and that requires your prime attention to an action.  For example dealing with a nasty landlord, a shady estate agent, an evil member of work staff or a despicable next neighbour. This neglect of something in your life makes you feel dreadful. Dejected. Desperate. This is when you need to put the pieces of your life back together again. This practice recreates the hope for you and sets things in motion for you. It is important that you personalise everything about you and how you do things.

It is gravely important that you become the EXPERT on YOURSELF. No-one else knows you better, than you. This is so that you start to lean less and less on people around you. Time for you to take control of your own control room. Of your own programming system.

Customise your own life programme. Be exposed to ideas that fits in well with you and your direction. Be exposed to other people’s experiences. Be exposed to other people’s life steps. Pick and match what resonates with you. Make it unique to you and make it work for YOU. If it needs tweaking, then tweak it. Become your life university. The life university that YOU choose to be. Remember to always pay attention to the inner resistance.

All of your time at your life university is your FREE time, as your life university is determined by your choices and experiences.

Take your steps from the university of YOU.

You are what you desire. Your radical well-being has to happen day in, day out. Everything that feels good and healthy comes first. Focus on letting go of the old you that resides in your head. The old you that makes you feel stressed out. That makes you feel incompetent. That makes you feel incomplete. That makes you feel unworthy. That makes you feel bad about yourself.

Replace this with a voice that is loving, encouraging, caring and tender to YOU. Everything else that YOU do MUST flow from there. From there you can be inspired to do creative things. Innovative things. Meet new people. Forge new relationships. As you reach out, the change and the transformation will respond accordingly. All from your life ebb and flow of “What am I going to do that makes me feel good today?” takes precedence.

Take the very small steps towards a better change to help you through the anxiety, the dread, the unrelenting exasperation of trying to achieve the life that you want. To your transformation. Through your rebirth like a phoenix. The fire in your desire to lead a better life will be stoked to give YOU the inspiration to move forward in a way that balances with YOUR HERE AND NOW.

So, are you still feeling left behind in life? What are you going to do about it. Perhaps you should start with Spiritual Counselling to help you enable your perfect journey. Never feel left behind in your own life.

Spread the word!

Time for you to transmute the resistance around you and within you, even if you are doing what others ask of you. Where the others are: Your employer. Your family. Your relations. Your partner (wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, fiance). Your friends. Other stakeholders in your life.

There is more. So much more that needs addressing to enable a better re-alignment to your situation in the here and now. The years 2019, 2020 and 2021 are going to bubble up unease for you and it is how you cope with the upheaval that can transmute or increase the unease for you. If you are prone to hanging on to unease, or have a fear of change then prepare yourself for the 2019, 2020 and 2021. If you feel that you are not quite ready or prepared for changes in 2019, 2020 and 2021, BUT you know you have to make changes then the guidance will help you along the way from various resources and individuals who are making the changes ahead of you, or are making the changes from another space to help you.

If you would like information on the well-being retreats in Europe that I have created for individuals like you, then please contact me at the following link Well-Being Western Europe Retreat to find out more about addressing your spiritual needs for the better through YOUR well-being. Let’s get things moving in the correct momentum for you sooner rather than later. Time is of the essence in getting you to the place that you want to be, with the help of beneficial spirit forms.

Ascension Group Diary

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