Ascension Group Diary + Ancient Quantum Ascension Goddess Energy - AQAGE

Ancient Quantum Ascension Goddess Energy - AQAGE Definition Ancient (adj.) 1. Of, relating to, or belonging to times long past, ancient cultures; original or earliest known; native; indigenous. First peoples. 2. Of great age; very old. 3. Having the qualities associated with age, wisdom, or long use; venerable. (n.) 1. A very old person. 2. A person who lived in times long past. Quantum (n. pl. quan·ta) 1. Physics a. The smallest amount of a physical quantity that can exist independently. b. This amount of energy regarded as a unit. 2. A quantity or amount of energy. 3. A specified portion. 4. A unit of acetylcholine, released at the synaptic cleft of a neuromuscular junction. (adj.) 1. Relating to or based upon quantum theory. Ascension (n.) 1. The act or process of ascending; ascent. Goddess (n.) 1. A female being of supernatural powers or attributes. 2. A female being believed to be the source ...