Ascension Group Diary + Your Ascension Activity Momentum

Ascension Group Diary & YOUR Well-being

On the subject of your Spiritual Momentum...

you wanted your spiritual energy to unfold and develop during your day to day activities. When you are asleep.  When you are awake.  At all the states in between. You feel times of clarity in your momentum.  You feel times of giddiness, light headedness, also. You dismiss some things that are happening to you.  You accept other things that are happening to you. You want to understand YOUR ascension.  How your ascension is calling you to harness its energy shift to assist you in your daily life. To live your experiences in your life, in your body, at the same time as using the energy of your spirit to make your journey deliver its yield to you.  Be ready, for you are now going to receive the guidance you seek from an assortments of directions throughout this life experience of yours.

Your Ascension Group Activity Momentum, including its decoding, wants to make itself known to you.  When it makes itself known to you it comes with intensity.  Some of you may find it uncomfortable.  Others, may find it acceptable.  Now is the time that you should be learning more about YOUR spirituality.

You will experience some intense ascension symptoms as your process increases in pace.

As stated already if this is true for you then you will be feeling a heightened sensitivity, possibly changing sleep patterns, or the need to make changes in your diet, for example many people experiencing their ascension have an aversion to dairy produce or meat. You will also experience different aches and pains in your body, changes in your mood, increases in your emotional awareness, an increased need for space and silence, plus energy surges.

This year my clients, as you, have been noticing more aches and pains in their body than ever before. They have also felt an increased need for being in natural spaces and places of quiet and accord. Hence many of you are booking yourself in to well-being retreats and places of solace for inner contemplation. The increase in visitors to my blogs and finding me elsewhere over the Internet is a testament to how this need is a real one for individuals such as yourself.

Whether you reside in a congested city, or you reside in the countryside, what you are feeling from your level of stress is real and you need some help with the dis-ease that is beginning to impact on your life and that of those around you.

I have to tell you that I have a handful of clients who are growing stronger spiritually and an increasing number who are just starting out on their spiritual journey and want guidance with what to do. They are scared, frightened and excited at the start of their ascension journey. They want to learn. They want a change in their life. They want something different. They want a purpose to their life.

For me. I am definitely experiencing further 'quickenings' and a real urgency to help more people. I do 1:1’s and very small groups so to level up to larger groups is a BIG ask of me in my own ascension journey. This is one of the reasons why I was guided to create the Ascension Group Diary, so that I could reach as many people, as YOU, as soon as possible to aid your ascension journey wherever you are around the globe. In whichever continent. In whichever time zone. And one of the things that I have to help you with is YOUR well-being and the unblocking, clearing and cleansing of aspects that are happening to you. Right here. Right now.

Take a look at Your Ascension Group Activity Momentum. Where are you on your journey? Not sure. Then join me for a webinar as I discuss this with you. You will need your copy of the Ascension Group Diary to help you get started. The sooner you start the more your experiences show clarity and the people who can help you are guided to you. The signposting of resources and people becomes more sharply focused and the solutions through new and reviewed conversations becomes more and more impactful.

First thing is first. What are you initially reading from the chart? How are you comprehending it with where you are now in your life?

Have you had your Chakra System removed? If like me, you have made this process with your Chakra completed. Then you will have experienced much empowerment in your life. If you have not had a Chakra System Closure and a Chakra Removal and woul dlike to but are unsure about what it means to have this done, then please look at the listing below.


On the subject of your Well-being...

Time for you to transmute the resistance around you and within you, even if you are doing what others ask of you. Where the others are: Your employer. Your family. Your relations. Your partner (wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, fiance). Your friends.

There is more. So much more that needs addressing to enable a better re-alignment to your situation in the here and now. The years 2020, 2021 and 2022 are going to bubble up unease for you and it is how you cope with the upheaval that can transmute or increase the unease for you. If you are prone to hanging on to unease, or have a fear of change then prepare yourself for the 2020, 2021 and 2022. If you feel that you are not quite ready or prepared for changes in 2020, 2021 and 2022, BUT you know you have to make changes then the guidance will help you along the way from various resources and individuals who are making the changes ahead of you, or are making the changes from another space to help you.

If you would like information on the well-being retreats in Europe that I have created for individuals like you, then please contact me at the following link Well-Being Western Europe Retreat to find out more about addressing your spiritual needs for the better through YOUR well-being. Let’s get things moving in the correct momentum for you sooner rather than later. Time is of the essence in getting you to the place that you want to be, with the help of beneficial spirit forms.

Ascension Group Diary

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