BEST How many times must you connect with spirit...

BEST How many times must you connect with spirit...


by using this collection of powerful, transformational spiritual energy tools & resources held within the Ascension Group Diary

(also known as)
Getting YOUR 'stuff' in order. Right here, right now.
Setting YOUR 'mojo' working. In the here and now.
This is YOUR time to step into YOU.

Jay O'Burg

January 2018

Monday, 22 January 2018: READ THIS SECTION FULLY. Something NEW is being delivered to you from spirit in 11 hours from reading this. Be sure on this. It will be supporting your ease as you go through a set of circumstances. Within the next 11 hours obtain your copy of this book to help you to help yourself to the next level. Get on it, because it is relevant to the next level of circumstances that you will encounter from this moment onwards.

Hello keen visitor,

I want you to try 2021 Ascension Group Diary with a formidable, experienced, knowledgeable support group or person(s) to aid you. Either online or face-to-face. I say this at my risk, as I know it works but you don’t …yet!

If you aren’t 100% satisfied, and I mean even 1% unhappy, through having followed instructions, I want you to immediately halt any form of spiritual energy practices that you do by yourself for the short term. I mean it. Check that you are not taking short cuts, that your mind is in clarity, that your intuition is working well for you, that your surroundings are helping you and not hindering you, that you have your Treasure Chest of tools and resources with you in whichever practices that you decide to perform. There are a plethora of people working in spirituality that you can integrate help from.

I want you to stay strong in yourself that you can do this with the proper help and not remain peddling on the hamster ‘wheel of fortune’. Where you are forever entering into the same dilemmas time and time again, or having more ‘accidents’ happening to you. I mean it. The object is that you move on to something better in your life and the 2021 Ascension Group Diary is there as a candle showing you the way. Hold on to it and it will guide you in a way that is perfect for you to use and understand. Particularly as spiritual energy matters can be complicated or muddled in its comprehension. I don’t even want you throwing money at me for this guidance. Keep your money. Give it away to someone else who will teach you and open clarity for you in sessions for US$1000+.

I value our relationship and my reputation more, way more, than a few thousand pounds, euros, dollars, yen, etc. So please, try 2021 Ascension Group Diary for... SIX months (even though you will gain beneficial energy interactions during your lifetime with this, I am giving you six months to be completely sure and utterly satisfied when you use the Ascension Group Diary to its fullest potential, to aid your spiritual energy well-being as you go about your day-to-day business) I won’t take anything less!

So go ahead, buy now – you have plenty of time to go through everything and decide if this is the proper fit for you. But you’ll never know unless you take a chance and invest in your Self.

Scroll down to the end and click 'Let's Make It Happen Today'

Now let me show you how to start the most effective conversation with your subconsciousness. Let's go!

Pre and Post Spiritual Awakening
QUESTION: WHAT must you consider when you connect to spirit energy in order to help change your life around for the better?
QUESTION: HOW many times must you connect to spirit energy in order to help change your life around for the better?
QUESTION: WHY you owe it to yourself to connect to spirit energy in order to help change your life around for the better?
QUESTION: WHERE must you connect to spirit energy in order to help change your life around for the better?
QUESTION: WHEN must you connect to spirit energy in order to help change your life around for the better?
QUESTION: WHICH connection to spirit energy must you initiate and evolve with in order to help change your life around for the better?

Spirits! Entities! Angels! Darkness! Light! Positive! Negative! Diversion! Clarity!

Can you feel it?    Can you feel it?   Can you feel it?


1. The questions in your head about spirit energies, are they too weird and strange to let them out when you speak to others?

2. The questions in your head about spirit energies, are they still running around in circles or random chaotic directions? Are they still haunting you?

3. The questions in your head about spirit energies, are they exhausting you? Are they piled high and unbreakable, refusing to let you go? Are they tormenting you?

4. Are the thoughts and questions about spirits, entities, darkness, Light, Angels and all other manifestations still hooked inside of you? Not letting you go. Are they seeking your attention more strongly now? Do you want to know WHY they are here with you?

5. The thoughts that you have about spirit energies that you 'know', 'believe', 'think' and 'imagine', who are in your space and making your situation stagnant or spiral out of control in a downward direction, HOW can you change this for the better and save your sanity?

6. Do you wake up from sleep with thoughts and words of negativity about where your life is at present and where it is going?

7. Do you open your eyes from sleep already defeated before your day has begun? The thoughts in your head every morning, afternoon and evening are they full of dread and fear of never succeeding in life?

8. Are you still having the thought that you and your family have a curse upon you?

9. Are you still asking why, when something goes well for you it is taken away and another downfall begins?

10. The questions of why you are never able to hang on to the good things that come your way for longer, are they still crawling through your thoughts?

11. Why is it that whenever you have thoughts and questions about having a better lifestyle, that your partner (wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover), your friend and your family place obstacles in your way? Why do they do that? Why do they keep pulling you down with negativity. Negative words. Negative behaviour. Negative actions. Are you thinking it is as though they begrudge your ability and strength of character to want to better yourself? That they will put a stop to your ambitions, dreams and plans to better yourself, so that you will stay where they are and not leave them behind?

12. Why do you abuse yourself mentally and physically when things go wrong in your life? Why do you curse yourself? Why do you wish that you were dead? Why do you wallow in self pity?

So it goes on… Like a broken record. Rarely moving forward. When things do move forward for you, they take a small jump forward or sideways and get stuck in another momentum again. Jumping to the same beat. Over and over again. Stuck. Stuck. Stuck.



YES, I know the questions that you are having.

YES, I understand the thoughts that you are having all too well.

YES, there are SOLUTIONS to all of these thoughts and questions AND so much more. So, take a short break with me and read on to find the answers to all of the questions, thoughts and beliefs that are stopping you in your tracks.


As you take a step forward with me can you answer this:
A. What does 'spiritual aspects' mean to you?
B. How do 'spiritual aspects' resonate with you?
(Aspects = attributes, character, characteristics, colour, difference, features, individual qualities, nature, parts, peculiarities, properties, qualities, traits, unique qualities)


Whether things are wonderful for you right now and you want to take it to a next level, OR, perhaps you are engaging within a tough set of circumstances at the moment. Can you feel the need to transform YOUR experiences to a better, or stronger, level within YOUR existence?


Your spiritual ascension momentum is essentially about YOU for YOU. You are a spiritual package with varying aspects within YOUR Auras, within YOUR Karmic Body, within YOUR Chakras, within YOUR Spiritual Self and YOUR Physical Self. As you grow, develop and understand the extent of your spirituality across the experiences that you go through, you enable a higher comprehension of YOUR BEING. For many it is a scary prospect. It is the fear and the ego within you and around you that keeps you from realising this immense power of your spirituality. It is the fear and the ego within and around you that keeps you in a state of dormant awareness as you age. This fear and ego is perpetuated with the trappings of your conditional belief systems, taboos and hereditary (including past life) shackles.


As you grow older you have the ability to acknowledge your spirituality or ignore it within its entirety. Some people do not have that luxury. Your spirituality opens up fully whether you feel ready for it or not. When this happens there is an intense feeling / emotion / sensation of being afraid. For many, this activation of spirituality is often a voice. Not a voice in your head but a voice seemingly heard from your ears. It can happen anywhere. Whether you are taking a bath, taking a shower, doing the cooking, doing the washing up, doing your laundry… absolutely anywhere at anytime. I will not lie to you it is startling. Just as when you see unknown apparitions. Again, this can happen to you anywhere and at anytime. Again, it can cause great fright. To the uninitiated it can be acutely physically and psychologically stressful. To put it mildly. Since many people do not have the spiritual training and development from elders, peers or mentors to cope with these encounters, the impact of the voice and/or sights are profoundly disturbing to your five senses and sense of being when it happens. Truly.


This is the reason why YOU need the Ascension Group Diary, it was crafted specifically for YOU as you go through these experiences and many more. It acts as your aid. It acts as your companion. It acts as your record. In addition, as others develop they become YOUR mentor. In turn, as you develop, you become the mentor for others on their journeys. There is no need for you to be alone ever again as you go through your spiritual ascendancy in the here and now. You simply need to harness the resources with which to aid you on your spiritual experiences.  The 2021 Ascension Group Diary is an extremely useful resource to help YOU get your 'stuff' in order.  Use the 2021 Ascension Group Diary in conjunction with any other aid, tool or resource that resonates with YOUR ENERGY, to help you achieve things + that serve you well during each phase of YOUR day to day activities. You shall soon start to see a pattern of events, inputs, results, solutions and 'coincidences'.


Know that when instances happen to YOU through YOUR spiritual ascension, they happen for a reason. They always happen when you are at a state of a spiritual higher resonance / higher frequency / higher vibration. When this first happens your physical awareness is unaware of this opening to your spirituality. Particularly as adults. Toddlers and children have the ability to cope better when their spirituality is ‘opened’ to voices and visions, but they need the support of adults to help them with understanding and coping with the aspects. This is crucial for their spiritual and ‘real life’ equilibrium as they grow into adults.

A majority of people have a nervous disposition to anything that they do not comprehend that involves spirits and aspects associated to spirits. This is a reaction commonly observed, due to fear of the unknown. It is in connecting to people that have experienced and have knowledge of spirit energy that the nervous disposition shifts slightly. This new found knowledge can shift your disposition to either a positive understanding or a negative one. You will either move forward and upward with your newly found information. Or, you will stay static and veiled (encapsulating your disposition to remain backward and downward).

When you commence your journey into spiritual ascension and you go through the clearing, cleansing and releasing aspects you may encounter some physical form of bodily clearing, cleansing and releasing. You might experience a need to blow your nose more, or a need to excrete more saliva from your mouth, or a need to eject mucous from your chest, throat or nose area. Or, a feeling of greater perspiration or a need to use the toilet more frequently. Or a higher body temperature. Or a myriad of other symptoms and conditions. The symptoms vary depending on how much that you need to clear, cleans and release within the spiritual aspects of your spiritual energy bodies. Your first thought will more likely be that you must visit a doctor for a prescription to alleviate the ‘illness’. When the ‘illness’ persists your last consideration would be someone who works in spiritual healing or realignment techniques or a spiritual medium. Or, someone who is a combination of all of these abilities.

It is worth noting here that even when you are successful in clearing, cleansing and releasing the spiritual entities that you have accrued within your personal sphere, including the unwanted spirit energies that are hooked around you from over the years and which do not serve you, that you may continue to be affected with spiritual hindrances through the place where you reside. Where you reside could be an ancestral family home, a rented flat, a hospital, a homeless shelter, a second hand car, or anywhere else where you find yourself taking refuge or living comfortably. In addition, your spiritual journey can be hindered from the people who live at your residence and are unaware of what they are spiritually carrying that veils them, binds them or controls them. People that hinder you spiritually are not solely limited to your family members, it is also the people that you work with, people that you have a connection to. Whether known or unknown to you. Know that spirits can attach themselves to you wherever you travel to. So it is always a good idea to cleanse and clear the place where you live. If you are able to do so, at that point in time. Cleansing and clearing the place where you work may not be possible if you have no executive decision-making abilities.  Your spiritual momentum will need all the help that it can get as you embark upon your distinctive journey.


Are you incredibly overwhelmed? Exhausted? Operating on non-stop for far too long? Are you right now, or have you been, receiving increased setbacks and disappointments. NO MATTER WHAT BROUGHT YOU HERE, or what you are looking to accomplish, there is one thing I want you to know. It is that you are here for a reason. Through the 2021 Ascension Group Diary you will be guided daily to access the aid, tool or resource that resonates with YOUR ENERGY, in order to help you achieve things + that serve you well during each phase of YOUR day to day activities. You shall soon start to see a pattern of events, inputs, results, solutions and 'coincidences'.  It really is time to get YOUR 'stuff', YOUR 'mojo', in order. Had you found this page by a ‘coincidence’ or were you guided?


An abundance of people on their spiritual journey say that the Universe and its masters did not create extra beings for no reason. There was and is a reason for the creation of an entire mixture of spiritual beings. You were created for a reason. At this time, space, reality and dimension. No other person has or ever will have the unique blend of talents and strengths, perspectives, gifts and spiritual configurations that you have. You were born with an innate power to create change. To manifest.  Both, in your life and in the lives of others. This is not something outside of yourself. It is not something that you can buy or acquire. This is something you already have within you. Right this very second. You are simply experiencing blockages, barriers and cords that are preventing you from tapping into it. What is stopping you from comprehending this?


I am going to be direct with you. If you do not have a 2021 Ascension Group Diary now, then get one.  Through the 2021 Ascension Group Diary you will be guided daily to access the aid, tool or resource that resonates with YOUR ENERGY, in order to help you achieve things + that serve you well during each phase of YOUR day to day activities. You shall soon start to see a pattern of events, inputs, results, solutions and 'coincidences'. It is now time to get YOUR 'stuff' in order.  Enable the changes that you wish for to happen.


Do something good for yourself today which shall bring you long lasting changes and strengthen your spiritual journey foundation through having your own personal 2021 Ascension Group Diary.  For your birthday.  As a wedding present for yourself.  Or any other celebration concerning you. Your spiritual change is going to happen. You can be preparing for it. Or. You can remain ignorant of it as your spiritual change takes a hold of you and makes you acknowledge it.  Particularly if you are going through homelessness, a divorce, a separation, an accident, (especially) a death and any other mental or physical trauma.  You will need a source of help so that you can help yourself.  This source of help starts here with the 2021 Ascension Group Diary.  Believe in yourself.  No-one else can walk in your shoes and make this journey for you.


You may be a person who has crippling fear and feels the need for the confidence to manifest first and foremost before you do anything.  The one thing that you must have first is not the confidence.  The first thing that you must have is the capability to make the first step.  The first action.  The confidence comes directly after that in an energy package of a changing mindset. This then leads into another momentum to build upon your capabilities. Be sure that the Ascension Group Diary is your ultimate, interactive diary as you enter, plan and experience your spiritual journeys. Not only does it cover ascension for beginners, it also helps those who are already taking their first tentative steps into spirituality and those that are more advanced in spiritual matters.  Through the Ascension Group Diary you will be guided daily to access the aid, tool or resource that resonates with YOUR ENERGY, in order to help you achieve things + that serve you well during each phase of YOUR day to day activities. You shall soon start to see a pattern of events, inputs, results, solutions and 'coincidences'.


The Ascension Group Diary is an interactive diary. There is no other diary like it. You can use the diary on your own and record your personal journey in any and all spiritual matters  The workings of the 2021 diary shall show you a trending of your spiritual journey.  A pattern. As an addition, you can use the diary within your Ascension Group. An Ascension Group is a gathering of individuals each on their specific spiritual transitions, whom are sharing information with other members on the outcomes from previous group meetings. Both situations; as an individual and as a group member, are highly beneficial to your personal development.  Through the Ascension Group Diary you will be guided daily to access the aid, tool or resource that resonates with YOUR ENERGY, in order to help you achieve things + that serve you well during each phase of YOUR day to day activities. You shall soon start to see a pattern of events, inputs, results, solutions and 'coincidences'.


Through your emails and appointments with me, face to face and online, I understand the journey that you had taken and are currently taking. It is for this reason that I highly recommend why you must have your copy of the Ascension Group Diary. This is NOT an ordinary diary. When you own it, it becomes bespoke to you and the contents deliver themselves to you in a way for YOU to understand, act upon, follow, review and amend. Whatever you are doing in real time mystically, spiritually or physically you will need the help of the Ascension Group Diary to guide and support you. The Ascension Group Diary is dedicated to helping and supporting people like you who need guidance, signposting and solutions to a variety of spiritual and symbolic issues that are old, new, persistent, cyclical and creating an impact within, on and around your life. You can use the Ascension Group Diary with or without your cultural holy book. The Ascension Group Diary helps you to reach your Ascension mastery through your inquisitiveness and intuitiveness. Your particular solutions to real-time, mystical and spiritual issues will come to you through instigating your intentions with the Ascension Group Diary + your inquisitive state + your intuitive states.  Through the 2021 Ascension Group Diary you will be guided daily to access the aid, tool or resource that resonates with YOUR ENERGY, in order to help you achieve things + that serve you well during each phase of YOUR day to day activities. You shall soon start to see a pattern of events, inputs, results, solutions and 'coincidences'.  It is high time that YOU set YOUR spiritual mojo working for you in the here and now.


Who am I?
In essence this is not about me, it is about HELPING YOU TO HELP YOURSELF.  To see the possibilities that exist for YOU when you put to use YOUR Spiritual Momentum aspects. Through actions that seem pioneering for YOU in an endeavour to deliver varying levels of clarity, foresight and change for good.  Together with an advanced momentum than you currently have, through (1) YOUR consciousness and subconsciousness, (2) channels of energy that are known and ‘unknown’ to YOU, (3) through expected and unexpected ways, with assistance from the interaction of YOUR Ascension Group Diary.
But if you want to know more about me then read on...
I am a voluptuous, (read as UK size 18; USA size 16, European size 46, Japanese size 19 - "Yes thank you"), caftan wearing, full on positive mindset woman who is easily helping herself each and every day through the aid, tools and resources of the 2020 Ascension Group Diary, plus more! I distinguish myself, most definitely, as a British lady with the advantage of being a lady of colour. I adore listening to music all day, every day. I adore operas, classical music and world music. As a child I had a strict Roman Catholic faith upbringing AND I experienced Out of Body Experiences. In addition, as a child I grew up with having a physically disabled relative and family friends who were suffering from mental health issues.  I remember this period of my childhood during the 1970's and the 1980's, where people were cruel with their comments and attitudes towards the disabled and those with mental health issues.  That memory had a profound impact upon me as I was growing up. So much so, that 20 years ago I helped to create a charitable organisation in London that integrated disabled people and adults with mental health issues through art projects.  I now have a strong inclination to use my spiritual abilities to support people with physical disabilities and some mental health issues through spiritual energy training / personal development workshops.
In a past life I was a High Priestess.  The journey that I took to becoming a High Priestess was as an apprentice, recording all aspects of potions, magic, rituals and ceremonies to help the sacred females, the elders and the tribes people. In addition, another part of my apprenticeship was to assist other traveling Priestesses at ceremonies (directly before, during and directly after).  I gained much knowledge from these interactions.
During my childhood I had many questions and uncertainties about matters pertaining to spirituality and religion. I had no mentor so I had to figure out the conflicts of my Catholic faith, the sensations from my auras and spiritual journeys that I encountered. As I was growing up I placed these talents and experiences to the back of my mind in a locked room. Life duties took a prioritive stance with its MANY ups and downs, tooing and frooing, light and dark. My journey from being a disciplined child, a young lady enrolled into the UK Royal Air Force, setting up a business, creating a charitable organisation eventually took a downward turn.  A downward turn to experiencing blockages, barriers, cords and failures.  Experiencing being a homeless, middle aged lady.  Taking substantial knocks and hardship experiences. Where earlier I had experienced life in the heady champagne, nightclub society of London, conversely I experienced the fall from the other side of that life. I was forced to go within and tap into my own powerful strength. Even though I was living in London, UK, I felt as though I was in a barren land.  A desert. All the material things that I had eventually turned into dust. A lot of private tears on this journey. Too many tears. That is another story within itself for another time.  Trust me when I say that there was a fair amount of shit that needed order in my life.  Let me just say that there was some stuff that kept trying to slap me down, as I was ducking and diving to get out of its way.  Finally had to stand square and look things straight in the eye.  Went through some serious shit, but came out the other end stronger for it.  Bullshiters beware!
Fast forward to today. I am a qualified Assessor in Adult Development and CPD.  Specialising in Business and Administration Management, Leadership, Team Building and Customer Service. I am an Aura Communicator.  I communicate with the auras of private clients. and I see auras of ordinary people when I go about day to day things like shopping, walking along the road, etc. I am an Intuitive meaning that I am Clairsentient.  Also Claircognizance. I am an Angelic Reiki Master Teacher. I am a Consultant Editor.  I still have an interest in Aeronautics.  I still have an interest in Astro Physics from when I was a child. I am a wonderful person. I am still learning and experiencing.  I feel stronger for it. On 11 June 2016 I had a Karmic Body Removal and a Chakra System Closure and my first Ayahuasca experience. You can listen to my experiences from these videos:



In 2016 I also had a Chakra Removal and can assist you whenever you are ready to receive my help with this.  Receive my help, so that you can help yourself.  Get access to receive TWO METHODS on Chakra Removal. It is very particular and exact. The price for the TWO methods during the Winter and Summer Solstice is £25 for those enrolled to this post.  If you prefer not to enrol and receive newsletters, the full price for the two methods is GBP £75.  Know this, my spiritual momentum is flowing in ways that brings elevation to my daily activities. So, YOU need to get your mojo on and get your own spiritual momentum going. Regardless of your age, race, gender, social class, religious belief and anything else that you are making as an excuse, to not move forward spiritually and in real-time.


When talking about things that I am expressly keen on. Things that I learn and discover. That can help other people live a life with more of what they decide. This is innate to me. It is one of the significant things that I was born to do.  Helping you to help yourself.


The Ascension Group Diary encompasses knowledge and development for YOU and is a way of passing along key spiritual matters in the assertion that it is of service to you. Indeed, I realise that with every fibre of my being, with every cell in my body, that no matter what you want to create or experience in your life YOU have the ability to do it. Yes, I know that there are certain laws of physics and of time and space, that presently we cannot defy quite yet with our physical body, but beyond that there is an enormous untapped oasis of potential within you. I am guided by Infinite Source to accept that I must make this Ascension Diary available to those in need; whether with or without the input from an Ascension Group, for this is the reason why YOU are here right now and about to integrate further to a higher level of you.  The thing is you know this already.  By being here with me right now, you have already started the first step.  Your spirit energy is now changing.  Evolving.  You are connecting to spirit to help you help yourself.  Through the Ascension Group Diary you will be guided daily to access the aid, tool or resource that resonates with YOUR ENERGY, in order to help you achieve things + that serve you well during each phase of YOUR day to day activities. You shall soon start to see a pattern of events, inputs, results, solutions and 'coincidences'. Take away the barriers, blockages and cords that are binding you to move forward.  For you know that there is much more to you. More LOVE. More CREATIVITY. More JOY. More POWER. I may not have lived your story, but I hear it. I understand that you have merely scratched the surface of your highest, spiritual, powerful, potential. Can you feel it?


I ask again, Can you feel it? Are you currently aware of when something is not performing well in your life? Or are you in denial of when something is not performing well in your life? The point is this, you must have cognisance to face all that is not serving you. Call it what you want. Consciousness is a resourceful tool which will help you to proactively look for a way to resolve it, revolve it, or transform it. Being here with me, right here and now, as you hear my gentle words supporting you as you read on, know that YOU are already on the path to conquest. The path to revealing the solutions that you so clearly need to put things in a good way. The path that is guiding you to connect with spirit energy.  I want you to feel joy at this turning point in your life because, the more you use your holistic, spiritual, etheric, intuitive and psychic tools and resources in conjunction with the Ascension Group Diary you will see growth:
+ As long as you accept the guided support during your personal development.
+ As long as you stay connected to your heart and to your intuition.
+ As long as you stay open and willing to learn and to change.


Interactive Judgement-free zone
Interacting with this diary makes an enjoyable, educational and evolutionary journey for you. So, do not be too hard on yourself whilst you are scribing your daily experiences. Some days, weeks and months may be more eventful than others. The Ascension Group Diary is a judgement-free zone, so do not feel as though you need to be honed and unbroken every moment. Allow the communication from within you to flow at the rate and intensity that is felt, at that time and space. Also, if words are difficult to convey what you are feeling and thinking, use the spaces provided in the diary to draw this aspect of yourself instead. The objective of the Ascension Group Diary is to place in order and context all that applies to you, to allow you to grow, develop, train and blossom through your spiritual and Universe evolution with an array of ins and outs of spiritual aspects.  Through the Ascension Group Diary you will be guided daily to access the aid, tool or resource that resonates with YOUR ENERGY, in order to help you achieve things + that serve you well during each phase of YOUR day to day activities. You shall soon start to see a pattern of events, inputs, results, solutions and 'coincidences'.  Your preparation has already started.

Acknowledging your taboos
Taboos. Taboos. Taboos. The Ascension Group Diary is an excellent companion for exploring your family, community, religious and race taboos. It is important to explore the taboos within your family and any other taboos that you personally believe, or taboos that have an influence on you from others. The journey will be a test for you. The journey will also open up spiritual aspects that will need attention.  Through the Ascension Group Diary you will be guided daily to access the aid, tool or resource that resonates with YOUR ENERGY, in order to help you achieve things + that serve you well during each phase of YOUR day to day activities. You shall soon start to see a pattern of events, inputs, results, solutions and 'coincidences'.  This communication connection with your ancestral, community and religious spirit energies has already begun.

Acknowledging your family past
The Ascension Group Diary is an excellent companion for delving into your family past. This may also be an uncomfortable journey, so be prepared for whatever comes to light. You may need to speak to your family members to ascertain more about your family line and the ‘secrets’ that lay in the corners and folds of history that are surrounding your family. Some family members will be unwilling to speak about the past.  Instead showing a confrontation to understanding why you have a need to know about particular aspects of the family past. Conversations concerning family members from the past and/or family situations from the past can become emotional and hazy in truth. So, it will be up to you to do your own research. As best that you can. The journey is needed to bring clarity and release all forms of ancestral, historical and family blockages, barriers and cords that are still working on you, within you and around you. You need closure from this. You might have to speak to ‘outsiders’ to understand more about your family. What comes up will have an impact upon you. The question is, how much of an impact is it having upon you in things that you do? Or, indeed want to do. How are you going to rectify it so that it no longer lingers in your ‘space’? The Ascension Group Diary is your ultimate, loyal, personal, companion on this journey of yours. This is your personal, real-time, 'helping you to help yourself' tool.  Through the Ascension Group Diary you will be guided daily to access the aid, tool or resource that resonates with YOUR ENERGY, in order to help you achieve things + that serve you well during each phase of YOUR day to day activities. You shall soon start to see a pattern of events, inputs, results, solutions and 'coincidences'.

You can also use the Ascension Group Diary for documenting past life regression and past life therapies.  Through the Ascension Group Diary you will be guided daily to access the aid, tool or resource that resonates with YOUR ENERGY, in order to help you achieve things + that serve you well during each phase of YOUR day to day activities. You shall soon start to see a pattern of events, inputs, results, solutions and 'coincidences'.

What am I given from the 2021 Ascension Group Diary?
When you buy your 2021 Ascension Group Diary you have 24/7, 365 days access to the following:


How do I make the 2021 Ascension Group Diary specific to me?
It is important that you start to acknowledge your gut feelings, intuition, feelings and emotions on things that happen around you and to you. Create your own code/shorthand as you shall find many things being repeated throughout your journey.  I personally tend to use four types of colourful stickers.  Some of the stickers have a letter or number within them.  I also use highlighters to draw my attention to other specific areas. Use your creativity to create your own code or colouring system. That is, use no more than five colours that act as a shorthand to particular schedules throughout the year. For example, using a Green ink for when something commences, or a Red ink for when something ends/finishes. So on and so forth. Then you can see at a glance the patterns of events and also solutions as your develop with the aid of the diary. Keep to your format throughout the duration and into the next phase as you progress.  Through the Ascension Group Diary you will be guided daily to access the aid, tool or resource that resonates with YOUR ENERGY, in order to help you achieve things + that serve you well during each phase of YOUR day to day activities. You shall soon start to see a pattern of events, inputs, results, solutions and 'coincidences'.

Whilst on your spiritual journey with the 2021 Ascension Group Diary, ask yourself the following questions:

1. How am I feeling? (at the start; day, work, appointment, other activities/duties),

2. What did I find out/learn today?

3. What do I want to accomplish to help me feel better/improve my situation?

4. What do I want to fix/align in my life?

5. How am I feeling? (at the end; day, work, appointment, other activities)

One of the first things that you should write are your intentions for the calendar duration.

Create a diary entry stating your ‘Intention(s) Introduction’ for the calendar duration.

For your entry to your first Ascension Group Diary, you should write an introduction stating what assistance you seek from a journey into ascension and the steps to be taken from that moment forward. Open up and be yourself.  Through the 2021 Ascension Group Diary you will be guided daily to access the aid, tool or resource that resonates with YOUR ENERGY, in order to help you achieve things + that serve you well during each phase of YOUR day to day activities. You shall soon start to see a pattern of events, inputs, results, solutions and 'coincidences'.


Past Life Regressions and Regression Therapies (all forms)
+ Write down ALL past life regressions and regression therapy events and training that you attend. There is a section for this in the Ascension Diary.
+ Describe ALL that you can remember from past life regression and regression therapy. For example, exploring a past life and healing in the spirit dimensions, use of your body therapy to work with indepth body patterns from a past life, psychological encounters to relinquish blocked emotional and mental energy from a past life, finding and releasing intrusive energy and spirit releasing, etc. There is a section for this in the Ascension Diary.
+ Document ALL other aspects that you encounter. Whether this be from within yourself or relayed to you by others.


Psychic Demonstrations and Out of Body Experiences
+ Write down ALL psychic demonstrations events that you attend. There is a section for this in the Ascension Diary.
+ Describe ALL that you can remember from dreams and Out of Body Experiences. There is a section for this in the Ascension Diary.
+ Document ALL other aspects that you encounter. Whether this be from within yourself or relayed to you by others.


Learn WHO you are first
The 2021 Ascension Group Diary is beneficial to you as a signposting to various persons around the world that can assist you. Learn who you are first. What is it that you need to do/to take, for that first step into ascension? Take those steps. Be BOLD. Get ready for learning and how to handle unwanted spiritual impacts within and around you.  Through the Ascension Group Diary you will be guided daily to access the aid, tool or resource that resonates with YOUR ENERGY, in order to help you achieve things + that serve you well during each phase of YOUR day to day activities. You shall soon start to see a pattern of events, inputs, results, solutions and 'coincidences'. This is how your spiritual energy uses the Ascension Group Diary.


The most important decision that you will ever make in developing your spiritual journey is to acknowledge that you need help. So, start to say “YES” to your ascension. There are many men and women around the globe that have been in similar situations where you are right now. You are not alone. We have not walked in your shoes, but we understand where you are coming from and where you want to be.

Reaching around the world in over 40 countries: Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Cayman Islands, Costa Rica, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Haiti, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Macedonia, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Qatar, Serbia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, Vietnam... people getting their 'stuff' sorted out.


SO, get into your hands a 2021 Ascension Group Diary, at the first opportunity.  Through the Ascension Group Diary you will be guided daily to access the aid, tool or resource that resonates with YOUR ENERGY, in order to help you achieve things + that serve you well during each phase of YOUR day to day activities. You shall soon start to see a pattern of events, inputs, results, solutions and 'coincidences'. The sooner you begin, the better.  Truly.  Unfurl your spirituality with each page.






About you?
So, the question is who are you? I would love to read your story.

Are you hesitant in taking your first steps into spiritual energy aspects, but know that the ‘idea’ is calling you?


Are you starting out in spiritual matters with tentative steps and trying to control how things move ahead for you?
Bring CLARITY to what you want, yet give the HOW and the TIME the capacity to come about in its way that serves you best. If you want, you can help this along by giving the Universe some examples of how and when you want things to manifest for you, but you must be specific.


Are you an advanced spiritual, holistic, etheric or psychic woman/man and coming across stronger barriers, blockages or cords in a particular part of your spiritual development and/or 'real' life?
Maintain the essence of the DIRECTION so that help can be delivered to you in unexpected ways.


Tell me about what you need to happen within the next 11 days so that you can move forward in your life. Are you drawn to or using, any spiritual practice in order to harness your spirit energy momentum, to create your dreams and change your 'real' life. Do not be afraid to share here. Let it out. Release it.

GET ACCESS to the Ascension Group Diary newsletter today.


There is no need to be alone. Join or create an Ascension Group community, for people like YOU in your area. There is a powerful aspect from being within a spiritual community with like-minded individuals. Find strength in an Ascension Group.  Get YOUR 'stuff' in order. Set YOUR 'mojo' working.  Get your spiritual momentum going.  Right here.  Right now.

So, again I ask, How are you?  Really. 

This is YOUR time to step into YOU.

Remember this, if nothing else, fear is not the only enemy that you chain yourself to.  Waiting to stop feeling afraid is also the shackle that you carry around with you.

With much gratitude and appreciation,


Within the Ascension Group Diary there is information on how to create a local group, how each Ascension Group must function and what each member benefits from, from being in an Ascension Group.  Through the Ascension Group Diary you will be guided daily to access the aid, tool or resource that resonates with YOUR ENERGY, in order to help you achieve things + that serve you well during each phase of YOUR day to day activities. You shall soon start to see a pattern of events, inputs, results, solutions and 'coincidences'.


Use in conjunction with the Ascension Group Diary.


Use in conjunction with the Ascension Group Diary.


Use in conjunction with the Ascension Group Diary.

PS.  Can you guess why there is a baby silhouette as the logo?  (The answer is within the 2021 Ascension Group Diary)



2019 Ascension Group Diary

Manifest through YOUR Spirit Energy with greater ease using the Ascension Group Diary. Giving you better tools so you can do this by yourself; or with the support of others, so YOU can cultivate the positive. “God helps those who helps themselves.” Gain access to support and resources that is easy to follow, simple to follow, easy to track. There is no need to be alone.

The clarifications, meanings and how to use all of the above, is listed within your own copy of the Ascension Group Diary. Manifest the clarity around you for real-time results.

Spirit energies around you already acknowledge that you need support. By supporting your ease in manifesting through your spirit energy, something new is coming your way from spirit in 11 hours from reading and acquiring this book. Unblock, clear and cleanse the vague, to manifest the abundance through your spirit energy, delivering circumstances that serve you well.

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