Ascension Group Diary + Dark Spaces In Your Life

Dark Spaces In Your Life

I am a tad busier than usual in that I am increasingly communicating with women and men who are seeking help with a variety of spiritual development and/or spiritual being/entity/energy issues. I do not know everything about spiritual beings, entities and energies but I know enough for the moment AND most importantly I am still learning. Anything that I do not know I seek guidance from others in this area. In addition to this I also recommend other practitioners, consultants and advisers from the spiritual therapy and development sectors. Most of the practitioners that I recommend are based in Europe; the UK to be more precise. Even so, there are some practitioners that are recommended who reside in the USA for USA clients.


This is October and the October Veil is already lifting for some people. Meaning that during October, prior to All Hallows Eve, some individuals (and animals) are already experiencing spiritual awareness in their environment or around them in general. October is the duration when believers of spirits past, sense a contact or communication with a deceased member of someone in their family lineage. Or a deceased friend, or someone that they had encountered during this person’s lifetime. Including complete strangers who have a connection to the space that you occupy. Some deceased people pass into another realm relatively easily. Others do not.


Are you one of those people that trips over or falls into the trap when using the term ‘dark’ or ‘black’ to describe negative energy entities, so on and so forth. That you assume or attribute to the term ‘dark’ or ‘black’ to describe negative energy entities in your life? In truth negative energy, entities, etc., can come from both Light and Dark aspects of energies. One does not have exclusivity over the other regarding negative energies, entities, etc.

A shadow in a place does not necessarily have to be attributed to ‘dark’, ‘foreboding’, ‘evil’ energies. You can equally receive a ‘security’ entity in such a place. Or an inquisitive entity in such a space. Meaning that there could easily be an entity energy that is looking over you and ensuring you stay safe during the night, for example. Or an entity learning from observing you. Or possibly an entity that is kind and loving but it stays in the shadow area because it feels comfort there.

ALL ‘good’ angels, Masters or Gods are not White. Or dependent upon your religion, have blonde hair, blue eyes and alabaster type skin. Please do not be deluded by this image. Angels are similar to a rainbow. A rainbow has many colours and all colours have a range of energy frequency, resonance and vibration. When you do a Rainbow Meditation you begin to feel the energy of all the colours as you pass through them at a frequency, vibration or resonance that feels good/comfortable to you AND at a vibration that feels out of sorts with you. Do not be frightened of the feelings. Acknowledge them. Each is telling you something about yourself. Learn from it. The more that you do this mediation the more it benefits you and your awareness of colour integration in your life. Including the colours of your Auric Bodies (auras). It is amazing how people freak out at seeing an angel with any other colour but White.


People spend far too much time focussing on their eyesight/vision perspectives that they dumb down their other senses. When in truth people should be heightening ALL six of them. Placing all your focus and awareness on your eyesight/vision weakens your perceptions. It places you at a disadvantage. For many women, when they are coming up to and going through their menstruation, pre-menopause, menopause or are pregnant, their sense of smell, taste and feelings detects smells, tastes and emotions/feelings around them plus on them more acutely.

It is important to understand that there are some energy beings/entities that stay in the dark (unlit areas) because they do not want to show themselves to you as it may frighten you seeing them. BUT your energy senses them. Some energies that stay in unlit areas stay in the same place. Some move around. But what they have in common is that they like you and they like to stay with you. Not to feed off your energy but to feel safe with you and look over you.

I will give you an example. An old work colleague of mine moved into a new flat and this flat has a little girl spirit in her bedroom. She stays in this room predominantly. She ‘plays’ there, not disrupting the space or the daily business of this woman. She feels safe there. She ‘feels’ love towards this woman. There is no ill feeling in her bedroom. When this woman went away on holiday for about two weeks, this little girl spirit was upset. She did not understand why this woman went away. She felt that it was her fault, that the woman went away. The little girl spirit was lonely and sad for the time that the woman was away. When the woman returned, the little girl spirit was worried that she would be the cause of the woman going away again, hence she would be alone again and may never see the woman again. SO on the first night of the woman arriving home, the little girl spirit moved from her usual shadow space, crept on to the woman’s bed to be near her so that she could touch her hand as she was falling asleep. The woman felt a coldness on her hand, abruptly woke up, put the light on and looked around the room. She even looked under the bed!. She saw nothing. When she turned the light off she kept looking into the room in the darkness until she fell asleep. On seeing the reaction of the woman the little girl spirit moved her hand away immediately and just laid next to the woman. This was the first moment that the woman in question sought the guidance of a spiritual medium and the story unfolded from the little girl spirit as to why she was there. It was through the presence of the spiritual practitioner that the woman was able to comfort the little girl and let her know why she went away. She even spoke about how the flat was a home for her and she was happy for the little girl spirit to remain there with no harm. There was a clarity dialogue/communication between the three of them and a better understanding of the situation at the flat. So the little girl spirit continues to stay in her space looking over the woman and feeling affection and love for her. Sometimes she comes out at night to sleep next to the woman and once in a while ‘touches’ her hand. Only this time the woman knows who it is and why.

One other quick example is that sometimes people get ready to fall asleep in their bed and then they feel as though something has laid next to them as the bed seems to depress a little, or has a slight movement, or the bed gives a little noise next to them. Yes, it could be that your bed is old and the springs being misaligned have a life of their own, indicating that you need a new mattress. BUT if you have a new mattress or one that is relatively new then it may just be that a spiritual being is next to you looking over you. It is their way of letting you know that they are there looking over you as you sleep. Anything other than that and you need to get some spiritual help to get rid of the energy. Or to have some kind of understanding of the spiritual energy and come to a decision about what is to happen next.

Another quick example for you. This happened several years ago. A friend of mine was going to her parents home just to be sure that they were well. In the family home were her parents and her younger siblings. I arrived with my friend as she was going to introduce me to them. We arrived in the afternoon and were there in the evening. At this point I have to tell you that my friend is White and her parents lived in a British village. Her parents had no problem with me being a woman of colour. In fact her parents holidayed in Africa each year and at this stage of their life they were seriously considering living out there. They wanted to spent their pensionable age in the country that they visited each year in Africa. They knew the place well, they loved it there and they knew people there. SO just before my friend and I were about to leave to make our way back to my friend’s house in the suburbs, I had wanted to visit the Ladies Room. I was told that the lavatory was on the first floor. The light in the hallway was switched on, as was the kitchen light and the light in the living room. So there was sufficient lighting for me to make my way upstairs to the first floor landing and find the lavatory. I felt a little chill in the darkness but put it down to no heating in the hallway corridor. Ignoring something said by the younger brother of my friend I made my way up the stairs. When I re-entered the living room the siblings and my friend explained the comment that the younger sibling had made. It turned out that one of the grandfather’s who had been living there was a racist. He was causing upset in the house when people that he did not like were there. Not only did he cause upset for people who were different, but there was a serious situation regarding my friend and her dog being completely frightened. So much so that the dog was whimpering and barking uncontrollably to get out of the house. Since then the dog had refused to enter the house. This was not a little dog but a huge, strong, healthy Doberman Pincher. So if you move into a house as this, you need to get some help ASAP to rectify the energy in the space that you live in.

So as the evening is rolling in earlier as Autumn and Winter take their place. Spare a thought on your changing activities due to the current pandemic, the rolling in of October, the changing weather and the energies that you feel around you as night time comes in more quickly.


Remember that words read have energy. Even the words said from a radio and television. Be more aware at what you are watching on television and listening toon the radio. I also include the Internet. Everything is energy. Places have energy. Your home may be tranquil and loving in its energy, but what about the garden? The streets/roads that you walk on? The parks and open green spaces that you stroll through? The stream, river or canal that you walk or stand by? The building where you work? The train station? The underground/Metro stations? The coach stations? The airports? Every part of the environment where you live, work or do leisure has a story and energies attached to it. Including whether you are at those places during the day or at night.

Yes. The shadows can house unwanted energies and beings, BUT it can also house really caring or ‘security’ energies that look over you. That watch over you and your well-being.

To help your awareness in this area I have included some things in the Ascension Group Diary. If you do not have your copy, the latest version is now available.

Whether you are a wo/man, WHEN you feel that your neighbourhood, your society, your world has its agitators attacking you find a safe space and regroup your senses. Sit still and go within. Be silent in the moment. Reach out for help when the agitating gets too much for you. Have a 'clean' space just for you. Breathe. Take control. Be with supportive individuals either face to face or online. Be discerning.
Recommended Publication: Ascension Group Diary

If you would like information on the well-being retreats in Europe that I have created for individuals like you, then please contact me at the following link Well-Being Western Europe Retreat to find out more about addressing your spiritual needs for the better through YOUR well-being. Let’s get things moving in the correct momentum for you sooner rather than later. Time is of the essence in getting you to the place that you want to be, with the help of beneficial spirit forms.

Click here and start your preparation for 2021.

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