Ascension Group Diary + Who Are You Becoming

Ascension Group Diary


The old year has passed away. It has left you. You feel a little muddled as to the next direction to take, as you alight from your journey of the last year and stand there at the train platform waiting for the next journey to begin. The train guard blows his whistle and the train commences its journey. As the train departs the guard calls out a ‘Happy New Year’ to you. You take a deep sigh. The trains opposite your platform pulls up with people going in the opposite direction and hoping… no, wishing… no, praying... that the journey is a whole lot better than where they started from. These passengers look nervous… they look afraid… they look sceptical… they look unsure… they look eager for something. As soon as the train has passed a high speed train rushes past you going in your direction and you can just make out the joyfulness of the people in it. The splendour of the carriages gleaming as it speeds past you. Are you sick of people saying Happy New Year to you? Several days into the new year and people are still saying Happy New Year. 

So here you are. Waiting. Ready to get started, but not sure how.

The last year had a myriad of things going on in it. It was like a:

1. Fairly GOOD friend who listened to you; sometimes, before getting bored and going off to do something different.

2. Mildly BAD affliction of food poisoning due to not following the cooking instructions carefully enough because you were so hungry and wanted to taste the food ahead of the instructed time.

3. Horrendously UGLY rash of puss filled spots that would not leave your skin alone (where the f!*$ did they come from!)

Now is the time to get brutally honest with yourself. Procrastination was not your Best Friend last year. It never was. It used you. It abused you. It hated you. Yet you still followed it around like a lovelorn puppy (How could you!)

OK. So now you really have to stop skirting around the idea of doing something and actually do it. How long is it exactly that you have had the ideas floating around in your head? 3 months? 9 months? 1 year and 2 months? Over 2 years? Procrastination really is your twin!


Time to recap on the past year in a full on nudist resort type of way. Time to get down and dirty with yourself. Time to strip bare and address all the flaws. Scary, but worthwhile.

During the last year you became testy with yourself. At times even mildly unhinged, in order to begin to clear away the crap clinging itself to you.

The object here is for you to vex yourself enough for a few minutes in order to arrive at a stark gut feeling that has an overview of the last year. The year that has passed where things were falling apart in slow motion.


If the idea of vexation with yourself is a non starter for you at the moment, then consider tickling yourself; metaphorically speaking, for a few minutes. Laugh at the craziness of things; from your gut, as you look back as an overview of the last year. The year where links with people and things began to fall away from you. Links that you considered to be worthwhile and invaluable.

SO, continue to read on and pay attention to my counsel because what follows next is not simply a review of your year, but also a solid game changer, if you want YOU to thrive and actually benefit from the mayhem that you are encountering. A mayhem that you have noticed which keeps recurring in your life. Or a mayhem that you recently encountered and need help with.

On the other hand. You are free to continue as you are. With the same old, same old. Business as usual. Hunting for something, not knowing exactly what, yet continuing to twist and turn to no avail. Having many things on the side. Things that you are not very good at (pissing at in fact! Who convinced you to do it? How much did they charge you in order to convince you that it was the best thing for you to do since sliced bread? Hmmm...) and starting to drown in. This drowning sensation is spilling over into your life and you had better have a backup plan. Sink or swim is your situation.


Go! Go! Kick ass ninja!

If the last year gave you a real good kick up the backside and made you want to sorcerise into a kick ass NINJA to EVERYONE that had crossed you, then you are not alone.

The last year was a terribly harsh year… for many.

- Competition (a) in the workplace, (b) at society events, (c) at family gatherings and amongst friends, was aplenty (I know that people were putting up all sorts of barriers around you to halt you from moving ahead. The bastards!)

- Keyboard Cocksuckers were in abundance (I know that you wanted abundance in your life, but not this sort!)

- Attention deficit disorders were rife (like a vile rash)

- Expenditure was stupendous (your wallet seemed more like a giveaway, than a save and prosper item)

- In your quest for online business entrepreneurship, the time-honed principles of the Internet Marketing Rulebook of Douchebag Inc., finally stopped working for you (like a bad Ponzi scheme).

- Plus so much more.

This made the last year of your day to day existence feel like a steroid munching phoenix… trying to gather strength from its inferno, but desperately failing and imploding on itself. Failing to rise renewed from its own ashes. Nothing cute or desirable about that. In fact; for the most part, it left you loathsome, discarded and dejected like a member of a lower caste system.

Luckily for others, the last year was more integrated spiritual source energy (imagine a phial with powerful spiritual liquid and your name labelled on the glass bottle; how cool is that!) and less social outcast. Think Alice in Wonderland(ish). The Matrix(ish). Absolutely Fabulous 60’s drug fuelled reverie(ish) with Edina and Patsy. You get the picture.

If you fall into this category it made you question your manoeuvres (and soundness of reason) at least once a week. Keeping you on your toes as you navigated Twitter et al, karma, search engines and spiritual awareness/enlightenment courses that came up in front of you. All of this brought things into perspective. The perspective of where you were and where you wanted to be. It paid off for you. HUGELY. It made you pay attention to the type of journey that you needed to undertake. The cues prior to, during and after that journey. The spiritual cues allowed you to adjust your course and gain from the interaction with spirit energy, holistic energy, etheric energy.

In all honesty, that was what the last year was all about. Your ability to utilise your spiritual interactions in order to:

+ Halt this. Harness that.

+ Axe this. Actuate that.

+ To dispel this. To allow that.

+ Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

That is to say, that the last year was about your ability to recalibrate. Your spiritual recalibration. Your specific recalibration to ascension.

+ Through the use of sounds, frequencies, resonances.

+ Through the use of scents, nature and locations.

+ Through the use of chants, incantations, prayers and their vibrations.

+ Through the use of pre-written and newly written text and symbols.

+ Through the use of your intention, will power, belief and conviction.

+ Through the use of your imagination, vision, creativity.

+ Through the use of your actions, steps, function, accomplishments.

+ Through the use of items.

And how did this come about for you? This is where you:

1. Were guided to use specific methods/techniques.

2. Resonated with a value or set of values.

3. Resonated with the proposition of something or someone.

4. Had the structure of an offer to help you, that resonated with you.

5. Looked at your core being, of being reasonable, just and fair.

6. Justified your decisions to enter into a spiritual practice, ritual, ceremony.

7. And everything in between.

For those of you that kept your blinkers on and refused to make any spiritual alterations in your life, this is for you. You are the unfortunate ones who preferred to cry, curse and refuse to change your mind, or course of action, despite the signs from spirit to do so. You remained unyielding, resolute in this conviction. Due to this inaction you ended the last year:

- Out of sorts

- Forlorn

- Suffering

- Indigent

- Or proclaiming that something is dead (social justice, empathy, goodwill, traditional commerce, online enterprise, community help, God, you name it...)

If you are one of those who was living day to day with disorder, please accept my deepest sympathies for the bitter fate towards your goodwill and fair-mindedness during the last year.

I understand that you are living from day to day

Realise that I state this to you not from jest, but from a place of knowing that situation.

If truth be told, I barely held on to my spiritual journey myself for a while over the last year. The only reason I am still doing what I am doing and still growing is that I spent more time and energy on building the steps to an extraordinary experience in spirituality than on ignorance of spirit, holistic and etheric energy together with a myriad of distractions from life.

More on that later.

But for now, the question remains. Who are you becoming through your spiritual journey? What are you struggling with?

Time to turn your year into a profitable one. Spiritually. So that your rewards can be received.

Ascension Group Diary

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