Ascension Group Diary + Consequences Of Your Fear-part2

Ascension Group Diary & Consequences Of Your Fear-part2

Consequences Of Your Fear





1a. A very unpleasant or disturbing feeling caused by the presence or imminence of danger; for example ‘our fears intensified as the storm approached.

1b. A state or condition marked by this feeling, living in constant fear of attack; for example ‘he saved as much as he could for fear of losing his job.’

2. A feeling of disquiet or apprehension; for example ‘a fear of looking foolish.’

3. A reason for dread or apprehension; for example ‘being alone is my greatest fear.’

4. Extreme reverence or awe, as toward a deity.

(v.) feared, fear·ing, fears


1. To be afraid or frightened of; for example ‘a boy who fears being bullied.’

2. To be uneasy or apprehensive about; for example ‘we all feared what we would see when the doors closed.’

3. To consider probable; expect; for example ‘I fear you are wrong on this matter.’ ‘I fear I have bad news for you.’

4. To revere or be in awe of; for example, a deity.


1. To be afraid; for example ‘your injury is minor. Don't fear.’

2. To be uneasy or apprehensive; for example ‘we fear for the future of the business.’

Consequences Of Your Fear, Part 1, click on the link here



The fears in your life have huge consequences. When you are fearful of something it DIVIDES YOUR MIND. That is a consequence of fear. You cannot concentrate on something if beneath the surface of your emotions you are fearful of your partner leaving you. Or you are fearful that your children are going to be hooked on drugs. In essence, when you have fear that is continuing deep within you, then it is going to divide your mind and you are going to allow it to manifest itself in your life.


Following on from fear dividing your mind, one other consequence of fear is that it has the propensity to STIFLE YOUR ABILITY TO THINK AND ACT AS YOU SHOULD. By dividing your mind you are unable to think clearly as often as you should, so you begin to feel the consequences of it. In addition you will step into indecision because you often feel paralysed in times of decision-making. You may be a procrastinator, someone who is very gifted and able to do many things, but if you do not think that you can do something perfectly, what happens? You procrastinate. It is as though you are paralysed.


From being stifled let us turn to another consequence of fear that can ENSLAVE A PERSON and make them become a person of uncertainty. Example one, it is one thing to walk up on a deadly creature and be reasonably afraid to know to walk away from harm, because that is an incident and it happened in the recent past. Example two states, it is a different matter for you to be afraid of something, where maybe you know what it is, but it is ongoing. It is continuous. Perhaps you have financial worries or something else concerning your finances. Yet try as you might the fear from the worry keeps hanging over you and within you. You are shackled to it. Maybe a doctor had told you that you have contracted something, or there is a health scare concerning your child. The fear of the health issue simply attaches itself to you like bondage. There are numerous things that can fit into this category about you. Where the fear simply hangs over you and within you, hooking itself in your space so that it stays in place. HOW would you manage this for yourself?


You will definitely encounter a BLOCKAGE TO YOUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH when you are a person who is living in fear. Think about this. You spend a great deal of time contemplating about the use of your Higher Self, Sovereign Self, God Self in your life. Yet you are living with this blockage fear and stunting your spiritual growth. This blockage does not originate from your Higher Self, Sovereign Self, God Self. There is a spiritual plan for you that you had agreed to prior to entering in this lifetime and activate. Yet you are reneging on your own pledge that was agreed by you as a get out cause due to spiritual blockages, or, you are reneging on your pledge to use your spiritual plan as a way of harnessing your spiritual growth without the overwhelm. Then you read, watch or hear about other people overturning life blockages and doing something miraculous with their life.

When somebody instructs you that you cannot do something, out of spite, the issue that you must ask yourself is this “What do I want to do? Follow the orders of somebody else who wants to control me, or trust my instinct and go with my gut reaction because it feels right.” You know yourself better than anyone else. You know your limits. You know the risks that you want to take. You know your skill sets. You have untapped talents and gifts yet to explore to broaden your horizons and opportunities through your spiritual growth. It is through your spiritual growth that you can do far more than you realise, but only when you trust yourself to step through whatever blockage is stopping you from your spiritual growth. Instead of thinking ‘ is what I will do, I will look at someone else and say “Well I cannot do that!”..’ You are missing the point of your existence. You are not expected to do that. Whatever you are called to do as a part of your spiritual growth, you are being called upon by your Higher Self, Sovereign Self, God Self for you to do it to the level that you can do it, that fits well with you, your purpose and your plan in life. Your Higher Self, Sovereign Self, God Self does not expect you to try and measure up to someone else. It is when other people put their measurements on your life that you have lack of confidence and become fearful.

The truth is that you, everyone else and I will not become the person that our Higher Self, Sovereign Self, God Self wants us to be, or achieve the things that we want to achieve as long as we are afraid to step up and go through the blockage of own spiritual growth. As long as fear dominates your life, then you are not going to do it.


Following on from a blockage to your spiritual growth, let us discuss how fear affects YOUR PHYSICAL HEALTH. By now you would have realised that your emotional disposition affects your whole body. Fear is linked to cardiovascular disease, hypotension, headaches, skin disorders, ulcers, also stress. If you are someone who is worried all the time and fearful about something, it is going to affect you. It will affect the way you eat, what you eat and how much you eat. It affects how much you exercise or do not exercise. So the whole system of your emotions is not just something that you feel or know in your head, it has an affect upon your entire body. That is the power of your emotions on your physical health.

Again. The question is HOW DO WE DEAL WITH FEARS?

First off you may be a person who finds it easy to confront your fears in the face. Or you may be a person who tends to hide from fears. Brushing them under the carpet and pretending that everything in your life is wonderful.

Step 1: One of the first things that you have to do is to acknowledge the fear. Acknowledge its presence in your life. For example, this could be a fear from a financial situation that you may lose most if not everything that you own. OR. You have a fear that your partner is going to make you homeless by throwing you out on the streets because of a number of reasons that make no sense to you. Acknowledge the fear in your life right now. Today.

Step 2: Then you need to identify what is the cause? WHY is it there? WHERE did it come from? WHY are you afraid of it?

For example, is it something that somebody built into your thought processes? A family member? A partner? A so-called friend? WHO?

Or, is it something that you did where you are now afraid of the consequences? In other words, what is the REAL source of it? Be completely honest with yourself.

Confirm with yourself: “Here is something that I am afraid of...” OR. “Here is the source of the fear...”

Step 3: Change your focus from fear. As long as you hold your focus on what your fear is, it is not going to start to get smaller and it is going to manipulate your ability to manifest change in your life. The fear will consume your life. The fear will influence your decision-making ability and how you are emotionally and intellectually formed.


A key strategy in dealing with fear is your ability to use your spiritual energy and effectively CHANGE FOCUS. So if you are going to overcome fear and be freed from your fear you have to change your focus. Changing your focus means taking the energy of fear from you and returning it to whence it came. Much like when a hacker attempts to access your computer and do no good through an intrusion, when you have a powerful security system that can track where the hacker arrived from and immediately rebounds the intrusion in real time to the hacker, that is a Godsend. So taking and believing in that analogy you must turn your focus at the first instance to your connection to your Higher Self, Sovereign Self, God Self and, ask for help. Ask for the help that you need at that precise moment of your ‘here and now’ situation, because this acts as your anchor to harness the help that you need, that you are facing in life.

Again, do not be afraid of the form that this help arrives in to help you.

It is important that you do not revel in the energy of fear, as this will merely exacerbate your own energy levels. It is crucial that you believe in your Higher Self, Sovereign Self, God Self.


Your Higher Self, Sovereign Self, God Self is omnipotent. It does not make a difference what you face in life. You have access to help through your spiritual development. You can be lifted through your spiritual development. You have the ability to listen through your spiritual development. You are being ‘held’ through your spiritual development. You cannot outmanoeuvre your omnipotent Self.

Now there is another question for you.

As you are reading this are you resonating with the essence of the message? Are you feeling a knowing deep inside of you that what has been written is making some sense to you? In addition to clarifying a part of your life that requires comprehension and action for change to happen in the best way for you. As such, are you a fully committed, paid up member of a believer in yourself?

Do you believe in the omnipotent power and presence of your Higher Self, Sovereign Self, God Self enough for it to take your fear? Whatever the fear may be? If you are a believer then say this script:

“Omnipotent being of mine.
Take away this fear from my here and now situation,
As I know this fear does not belong here in my life.
I do not want this fear here any longer.
I connect with you because I believe in you in my life.
I trust you to do this for me in the best way possible with ease, grace and love.
To show you that I believe in you I set my focus on you and I release this fear burden by seeing it for what it truly is.
I lay the fear down on the basis of your presence and your commitment to help me when I call upon you.“

After saying this script do you have a growing belief in yourself? A growing knowing belief in your Higher Self, Sovereign Self, God Self? If you are still not believing in what you have read, or, if you are having doubts about your worthiness, then you are having a battle with your own Self regarding your faith in yourself, within this here and now situation of yours.

I ask you this. Does your fear and doubt affect your Higher Self, Sovereign Self, God Self?

Answer: No. Your fear and doubt does not. Your fear and doubt does not change anything your Higher Self, Sovereign Self, God Self wants to communicate with you, needs to communicate with you, or, has to communicate with you. If your doubt and your fear does not affect your Higher Self, Sovereign Self, God Self, then do you have a reason to hold on to this fear?

Whatever you are facing in life, your Higher Self, Sovereign Self, God Self is going to ‘hold’ you safely and bring you through no matter what. That is the commitment that you hold as One.

The moment that you trust and believe in yourself for change to happen with the support of your spiritual development, all that you have read in releasing your fear can become a reality in your life.

To summarise:

Causes of fear = learned attitudes, imagination, ignorance, doubt.

Consequence of fear = divides your mind, stifles your ability to think and act, causes indecision, enslaves you with a feeling of uncertainty, blocking your spiritual growth, affecting your physical health, hinders you from becoming the person that you want to be in the life that you want to change to.

Solution = acknowledge fear’s presence, identify the cause, change your focus, focus on your connection and communication with your Higher Self, Sovereign Self, God Self, or whatever else you choose to call this omnipotent energy.

Outcome = you enter into a faith battle and win the war from fear and doubt.

Consequences Of Your Fear, Part 1, click on the link below ⬎

If you would like information on the well-being retreats in Europe that I have created for individuals like you, then please contact me at the following link Well-Being Western Europe Retreat to find out more about addressing your spiritual needs for the better through YOUR well-being. Let’s get things moving in the correct momentum for you sooner rather than later. Time is of the essence in getting you to the place that you want to be, with the help of beneficial spirit forms.

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