Ascension Group Diary + Karmic Body Removal

Karmic Body Removal

(and Karmic Body Removal Method)




1. Hinduism & Buddhism

1a. The totality of a person's actions and conduct during successive incarnations, regarded as causally influencing his or her destiny.

1b. The law or principle through which such influence is believed to operate.

2. Fate or destiny resulting from one's previous actions.

3. Informal A distinctive aura, atmosphere, or feeling, for example, There is bad karma around the house today.

[Sanskrit, deed, action that has consequences, karma.]

[from Sanskrit: action, effect, from karoti he does]



Paranormal: Referring to the effect of one's karma (actions and deeds that lead to subsequent effects).



1. to provide with or as if with a body.

2. to represent in bodily form.


1. of or pertaining to the body; bodily.



1. the act of removing.

2. change of residence, position, etc.

3. dismissal.

causal body

The Causal Body; originally known as Karana-Sarira, in general refers to the highest or innermost body that veils the true soul (also known as the ‘atman’). The Causal Body originates with avidhya, "ignorance" or "nescience" (meaning: absence of knowledge or awareness; ignorance) of the real identity of the atman. The Causal Body is characterised by "emptiness", "ignorance" and "darkness" in the search for the "I am". The “I am” is a state where there is nothing to hold on to any more because you are one with everything. There is no separation. There is no duality. Most people have only incarnated a fraction of the Causal Body or Human Soul. This fraction is known as the Essence or the Buddhata, which in humanity is bottled up in the psychological aggregates (meaning to gather into a mass, sum, or whole, to amount to) that constitute the Ego.

So now let us start your journey on karma.

What do you understand by the term karma or karmic?

First one has to decide if they understand what karma; or karmic, is. Not everyone has a full understanding of the word karma or karmic. Religious education and cultures outside of Hinduism and Buddhism have various meanings and understandings of karma and what it constitutes. A Roman Catholic or a Protestant will not have the same religious teachings of karma as someone brought up in a Hindu home. In addition to this your own religious belief systems will impact how you understand and view karma. Roman Catholics and Protestants will use their saints, ascended masters and angelic realms in order to convey what karma is. Other religions and nations will use their own deities and spiritual entities to convey what karma means to their people. There is so much information on the Internet that it is easy to become overwhelmed with the subject of karma. But you need to keep your original question in your mind as you navigate what it is that you are seeking, only then will you have a better comprehension of what karma is and how it has the ability to impact on your life. On your here and now situation.

Do you remember the film entitled ‘Heat’ starring Robert de Niro and Al Pacino, there is a scene in the film where they are having a conversation and Robert de Niro’s character states “...Do not let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner.” It is the attachment to a set of beliefs or situation with something or someone that no longer favours you that you should start to consider detaching from. But if you feel that you cannot live without certain beliefs or situations in your life, then honour them and keep them if they comfort you and you feel a need for them. Just find a way to manage them in your life. Most people join a support group / network / forum to hep them manage their situations. Do what feels best with you, then when when you feel as though you no longer need the support, either become a giver of your experience to help others, or, take the next level on your spiritual journey. It is swings and roundabouts. It is all about your choice and the direction that you are going in.

How do spiritual practitioners understand the term karma within their line of work?*

Speak to spiritual practitioners, therapists and counsellors and they will also have a variety of outlooks on the subject of karma. Some of it experience based; for example Channeling, Out of Body Experiences and Psychic. Some of it anecdotal. Everyone will have a different aspect on karma, what it does and why it is there in our existence, but there will always be a general consensus of the term karma in order for the discussion about karma to be had.

*There is more information in the Karmic Body Removal free eBook.

How are people influenced by the portrayal of karma?

People are also influenced by films, television programmes, animations and books about the portrayal of karma within a storyline. Then there is the influence of friends who poo-poo the idea of karma. Or friends who focus on the negative aspects of karma and third party stories to scare the pants off you. Your parents and family members also influence how you view karma in your life.

Do you really understand what karma is and how it affects your life?

Most people tend to like an abridged version of the meaning of karma. They are not too much interested in its full religious meaning. If having karma has anything to do with their life being plagued by persistent bad luck, unfortunate events and ‘evil’ goings on, then they want karma to be as far away as possible from them.

So you see, you come armed with a mish-mash of ideas, thoughts, opinions and feelings of karma. Your view of karma varies in its context depending on where you are in life. The older you become, the more you hear the word karma, including how people are using the word karma in every day conversations. Perhaps you are also mirroring other people and the terms that they use when you talk about karma. For many people, karma is difficult to place into words, but the sense of karma; meaning something going wrong in their life, is a strong feeling. A feeling that they want to get rid of for good. Forever.

So here you are today with me, for whatever reason, feeling that you need to do something about your karma.

When you speak to spiritual practitioners who perform on, or advise, clients about a Karmic Body Removal; also known as Clearing Karmic Debt, or Karmic Matrix Removal, they all have different understandings that the effects from the removal. Some state that the Karmic Body Removal is valid when you have died and your fe/male lineage will not carry the burden of any form of karma for a specified number of generations. Some practitioners state that the karma can be transmuted within this lifetime to aid your real-time life and your spiritual journey. Some believe that it is a variant of the two that offers a third option for you as a client.

When you decide to have a Karmic Body Removal what does that mean?

Karmic Body Removal is the freeing of your spirit from all of its earthly bondages. This is so that your spirit may soar and merge with the Infinite Source. Infinite Energy. As a general rule in Hinduism as long as there is a karmic debt owed by you or owed to you, you are subject to the Law of Karma; i.e., the law of action and consequence. Every action carries within it the seed of a consequence.   Where you are in life now is the cumulative effect of all your karmas. While it may ‘appear’ that you cannot escape the Laws of Karma, it is still possible to transcend this seemingly never-ending cycle within your ‘here and now’ situation. So you see karma works both ways. It can work for you and it can work against you.

Sometimes life presents you with situations and relationships with others that can only be explained as a quirk of fate, or the unfolding of a debt.

Present relationships in your life may be a continuation of relationships between souls in other lifetimes. If you owe someone something, the law of karma ensures that the debt is paid off. It also ensures that others pay what they owe to you. This is a deficit in your life.  The repayment could happen in this lifetime or other lifetimes. Hence, why people keep coming back time after time to try and right the wrong.

Karma arrives in your life in various forms. It can be financial; you owe someone money or they owe you. It can be based on love and romance; perhaps you spurned someone or someone spurned you in a previous life and you want to exact revenge. It can be based on anger, humiliation, vengeance, or punishment. It can be based on helping someone or deceiving someone. To put it plainly karma has a propensity to cover a plethora of human interactions that you are not aware of. This is why there is an upsurge in people going for past life regression with therapists, in order to try and understand as well as to clear some of their past life situations that is detrimental and that keeps cropping up in certain areas of their current life.

Many practitioners and believers of karma hold this view that it is an arrangement made, through an intent of your spirit and the Universe, to experience and exhaust your various karmas during your lifetime in your body. However, what happens is that once in the material and physical world, your earth-plane consciousness forgets your spirit’s intention. As a result, the choices made in your physical body creates increasing karmas. This means that you have a persisting, never-ending cycle of birth, death and rebirth.

This is why people like you are interested in having a Karmic Body Removal; also known as Clearing Karmic Debt, or Karmic Matrix Removal, in order to alter, change or nullify your karma. For you, you are on a mission where there is zero karmic debt that you owe to others, or that others owe to you.

Let us look at karma as a shackle to your spirit. A shackle that binds your spirit to your earthly body and thus prevents your spirit from merging with the Sovereign state of consciousness to its fullest possible extent. To put this in to context, think of detrimental karma as iron chains. Now think of agreeable karma as golden chains. Despite everything the nature of the shackles to your spirit is still tightly held on you. Agreeable, beneficial, advantageous karma has the ability to bring about happiness and comforts, where detrimental karma has the calling to bring about suffering, marginalising and disadvantages to your life. All the same, you are still shackled to karma.

Everything in your life is following the Law of Karma. Every action of the past has already created a result in the form of karma and it is releasing itself in your life right now. When you are subjected to karma you are subjected to cause and effect. Cause and effect are two sides of the same coin. If you look at your life path as a linear path you are able to understand that your past has resulted in your present and that your present will shape your future. So you see how karma has the ability to influence you through a concept of time and space.

There is a huge amount of information available on the Internet regarding Karmic Body Removal; also known as Clearing Karmic Debt, or Karmic Matrix Removal. The one that I favour is where I can pierce through the dimensions of space and time, in a paradigm where there is no past, present, and future, where all there is in the now, because for me the present has shaped the past and the future will shape the present.

If you would still like to receive a Karmic Body Removal method (cost GBP £5) then please click on the link below.

If you would like this Karmic Body Removal as a FREE eBook then click on the following link.

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