Ascension Group Diary + 432Hz Your Cleansing Energy-part2

Ascension Group Diary & 432Hz Your Cleansing & Clearing Energy For You

432Hz Your Cleansing Energy


There are times in your life when you feel that things are really not in order and you sense something hindering yourself, your home, your journey to and from somewhere and finally your work/leisure environment.

What you need is a Feng Shui of yourself and your environment. An unblocking, clearing and cleansing of you and your environment. You need to allow the release of energies that do not serve you well and transmute all of your setbacks, difficulties, mindset harm to a new level of alignment order and personal transformation.

Firstly. Let us commence with what you need.

2. 417Hz for your spiritual unblocking, clearing and cleansing energy. (To transmute energy in your environment and your own personal energy into alignment and purification).

3. 432Hz for your Gratitude and Miraculous Script energy delivery. Read the Ascension Group diary blogs ‘Ascension Group Diary + Allowing Permission To Your Gratitude Energy To Deliver For You’, and ‘Ascension Group Diary + Your Miraculous Script’ for further guidance.


432Hz Frequency Uses and Applications

In addition to 417Hz the frequency of 432Hz is also suggested.

Science has come a long way and for some entering into spiritual practices the addition of science as an explanation of why things happen is key to them moving forward on their spiritual journey. Today’s science has caught up with that of the ancients. The ancients of Native America, the ancients of Africa, the ancients of Asia. The ancients that told us that everything is in a constant state of vibration. That means all tangible and intangible (e.g., energy) objects having particles that vibrate, plus on another level there are life form aspects that we as human beings; at least the masses of us who are not extra-sensory developed, cannot perceive with our current limited senses, however our family pets are our radars that can pick up on them.

Sound is the most elemental state of vibration. Everything has an optimum range of vibration (frequency), and that rate is called resonance. When you are in resonance, you are balanced. Every organ and every cell in your precious body absorbs and emits sound with particular optimum resonate frequency. Did you know that 417Hz and 432Hz sounds create resonance in your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body?

For you to get to grips with the healing power of 432Hz, you must first learn about the 8Hz frequency. The 432Hz resonates with the frequency of 8Hz in the standard musical scale. It is said that between 7.86Hz to 8Hz is the essential ‘beat’ of this home planet, Earth. This ‘heartbeat’ of the Earth is better known as Schumann resonance. It is named after physicist Winfried Otto Schumann, who mathematically documented the Earth’s frequency in 1952.

The common thought waves created by the human brain ranges from 14Hz to 40Hz. This range only includes certain types of dendrites. Dendrites are tree-like processes of neurons (neurons = nerve cells in the brain, brain stem, and spinal cord that connect the nervous system and the muscles) which receive impulses from other neurons and send them to your neuron’s cell body. This happens within your brain, predominantly within the Left Hemisphere of your brain; your rational, logical and analytical aspects. This frequency range resonates with the standard 440Hz musical tuning.

When the two hemispheres of your brain are synchronised with each other, the ‘unlocked and unused’ potential and resources of your subconscious mind (your subconscious mind being connected to the Right Hemisphere) becomes awakened in this synchronisation. All of your brain cell dendrites then operate with the maximum information flow possible between both the Left and Right Hemispheres. Scientists call this the ‘whole brain synchronisation’. In layman’s terms when this whole brain synchronisation is achieved, your brain experiences extremely beneficial changes in its cerebral hemispheres with chemistry and blood flow.

Numerous ElectroEncephaloGraph (EEG) studies have shown that humanity’s greatest philosophers, thinkers, inventors, and artists use both brain hemispheres in unison; in a state of togetherness. The 432Hz tunes work to balance both the Left and the Right Hemispheres of your brain, actioning your Left and Right Hemispheres to work in harmony.

The reality however is that a majority of people only utilise one hemisphere more than the other. Thus creating an imbalance in their psychology and physiology.

A growing number of musicians who are turning towards music frequency research are finding that the standard pitch of 440Hz does not harmonise on any level that corresponds to cosmic movement, rhythm, or natural vibration; where A = 440Hz. Some of the greatest musicians in classical music based their music on the natural vibration of A = 432Hz. Many First World (African, Native American and Asian) ancient instruments are adjusted at 432Hz. For example, the Tibetan monks are known to tune their singing bowls to 432Hz.

The 432Hz is even connected to the numbers used in the construction of a variety of ancient works and sacred places. For example, the ancient cities of Mali, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Tanzania, Rwanda and Uganda, the 300 BC Kenyan ‘Stonehenge’, not forgetting the Great Pyramids of North Africa. These First World ancients knew that this tone is closely related to the universe around us. Music frequency researchers have found that there is an 8Hz (eight vibrations per second) difference from the standard tuning, but that this small difference seems to be remarkable to our human consciousness.

Listening to 432Hz tunes resonates inside your body, releases your emotional blockages and expands your consciousness. The 432Hz allows you to tune into the wisdom of the Universe, Divine Intelligence, and your Soul. It creates your unity instead of your separation of Self. It expands your heart and makes you more mindful, aware, empowering, caring and loving. When you connect with this you resonate with love and inner peace. This is where you come into your element and begin a journey to a world where you live in harmony, unity and peace with your environment.

Everyone walks along their own unique path in their own shoes. So some experiences may be similar and others may differ widely. To enable you you with some foresight as to what other individuals are experiencing I am including comments from clients of mine when I have worked with 432Hz as a clearing of unwanted energies in their space. As a part of their Spiritual Counselling package or other spiritual service I have asked that they use 432Hz at home, at their work space or leisure space as a resource to deliver calmness. By this I mean listening to the tones/music on their headsets and having it playing in the background of their home, work space or leisure space. Plus, I have suggested ways in which the 417Hz and 432Hz could further benefit them with the use of incense, candles, Miraculous Scripts and their intentions, plus their connection to their Higher Self (Sovereign Self) and the inspiration that they felt from the frequency to further expand their experience. The experiences are as follows:

Played to fill the space in all rooms of a client’s residence (caravan, house, flat, bedsit, homeless shelter, tent)

“I play this music as I sense that my house is unnervingly haunted and it helps to soothe energies within it.”

“I have a child with autism and when I play this musical frequency of 432Hz it has an added benefit of comfort to him, especially when he has to do his school work.”

The changes are to happen. You must be prepared for its arrival.

Played to assist with a client well-being

“I have found that this 432Hz vibration helps me to open and connect my energy with the universe. It is highly empowering”

“Thank you for suggesting this frequency. My spiritual journey led to you and you have given me another resource with which to add to my own personal Treasure Chest as I embark in this spiritual path of mine to align body and soul. Thank you for your guidance.”

“Personally, for me this works. On all levels. Thirty (30) days ago I came across your blog and asked for your assistance. This frequency was something that you suggested to me. I listened to the 417Hz during the day through my headset on my journey to work then during the night I have the 432Hz playing near my bed quietly as I sleep. This really has helped me with dissolving the day’s chaos away. I remember my dreams more better now, so that now I can research what they mean and are trying to communicate to me.”

“For the first month I was getting peaceful-ish sleep. Now second month in and when I play this music over night as I fall asleep, in the morning I awake with some memories that have helped me in dealing with some work and personal life issues that had been buried in the past. Result!”

“I learn to love who I am more, each time that I go through with playing the 432Hz. For the first few times of listening to 432Hz I starting crying a whole host of emotions with so much junk piling up in my mind wanting to come out. I have a mental health issue; namely anxiety and depression, so for me this is one of a handful of tools and resources that I can go to every now and again in the comfort and safety of my own home without being judged by others when I have a bit of a meltdown.”

“I absolutely love this! Whenever I listen to 432Hz my entire physical body is in tune with the resonance and I feel a spiritual oneness with clarity. It just feels natural.”

Played to assist with a client’s neighbourhood/social environment

“I played this for myself with the intention for a peaceful environment. The intention was pretty vague. Who knew that this would extend out to my local area. I play the 432Hz every day as background music in my home at a low volume and with similar intentions for my environment. Not only do my family pets appear more calming, but the chorus of morning and evening song from the birds sitting right outside of my house sound enchanting. Then there are the people on my road. They seem more better behaved than usual. Who knew!”

Does that recurring dream linger into your thoughts during the day?
Use the Ascension Group Diary to help you with the answers.
Use the dream to aid your Miraculous Script.

Played to assist with a client’s religious beliefs

“I like to read my religious scriptures and have the 432Hz playing in the background. I gain so much from this.“

How are you going to start your own Miraculous Script?

Played to assist with a client’s spiritual journey.

“I do not understand why but whenever I play this 432Hz I feel very emotional. I like the music very much but the emotion is overwhelming, yet resolving. I have read that other listeners have also experienced this.”

Jay: The reasons vary as to why listeners feel an emotional overwhelm, but in the main it signifies that your connection to your spiritual Self is at peace. That you are in a closer connection to your spiritual Self. That you have aligned with your spiritual Self. The intensity of emotion differs from person to person. As some people may have have their Chakra System cleansed, or had a Chakra System Removal, or are going through a deep cleansing and alignment of a blocked Chakra. In addition to their auras. It is very similar. It may be that you are cleansing your auras and/or becoming aligned with it for a specific reason. The crying is a by product of the therapy that you are giving yourself. You are letting go and letting out the energies that are not serving you any longer. For most people the crying occurs, but people may also feel a need to go to the toilet, to blow a very runny nose or some other response of letting go of something that has restrained, blocked, or suppressed you. By doing this you are accepting a calmness to take place within and around you. Personally, I believe that everyone should take a cleansing such as this every 30 days. If you are able to listen to the 432Hz every day that means that you are doing a good ‘housekeeping’ cleansing of YOU without too much build up of unwanted energy aspects. Whether you do it every day, once a week, fortnightly or monthly, it is all beneficial to you and your growth.

“I wanted to experiment a little with listening to a 432Hz piece of music and how that affected my spiritual awareness in an environment with burning incense, or taking recreational drugs, or lighting scented candles. I recently had an Out of Body Experience (OBE) when I boiled some marijuana and drank the juice. The experience was frightening at the very start because my consciousness could not understand what I was sensing, seeing and experiencing, but later a wave of love, peace, tranquility and inner Self power comforted me. The journey was awe inspiring across different dimensions with support from and communication with incredible universe and galactic energies. When I came out of the ‘journey’; I cannot find the perfect word that encompasses the totality of the experience, I had a bit of headache and felt a little bit ill, but this subsided in less than an hour. It was full on and I want to experience that again, because there is so much to be learned from the experience that helps my journey in the here and now.”

“For me I am incredibly pleased that you suggested listening the 432Hz in my Spiritual Counselling with you, I feel lighter, more positive and a definite feeling of liberation. My levels of failure and dread from an incessant inner voice which I now know to be the Ego was always countering my actions and ambitions. The Ego is still there but I am in control now. I am the Master of ME. I LOVE IT!”

“I play the 432Hz in the background during the day as I go about my daily business and when I watch the television. I even leave it playing when I go out. I definitely sense the change of energy of the house and of myself from when I have 432Hz playing and when I stop playing it for a week or more. It is very definite.”

“I discovered that this works superbly well since I had a Chakra System Removal and a Karmic Body Removal. I am receiving more profound spiritual ‘downloads’ than before through an incredible feeling of oneness and love.”

“The only thing that I can tell you is that I feel wonderfully relaxed, worthy, loved and aligned to my Self through this sound of 432Hz.”

“I am wondering if other people listening to 432Hz are also experiencing seeing geometry patterns when your eyes are closed and you are fully relaxed within this sound. It is amazing!”

“I had a DNA Repair Therapy and I find that being immersed in the sound of 432Hz is remarkable.”

If you want to start off small, may I suggest that you purchase the Ascension Group Diary to aid you on a day to day basis. It costs less than £10. You have information, tools and resources to aid your spiritual journey within the Ascension Group Diary. Enrol to the Ascension Group Diary and receive monthly assistance directly to your inbox.

In conjunction with the purchase of the Ascension Group Diary you can book me for a 15 minutes invocation to help YOU with Unblocking, Clearing & Cleansing what has been accrued in your day.

If you require a weekly spiritual counselling then please contact me to book a session.

On the subject of your spiritual counselling and well-being...

Time for you to transmute the resistance around you and within you, even if you are doing what others ask of you. Where the others are: Your employer. Your family. Your relations. Your partner (wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, fiance). Your friends. Other stakeholders in your life.

There is more. So much more that needs addressing to enable a better re-alignment to your situation in the here and now. The years 2020, 2021 and 2022 are going to bubble up unease for you and it is how you cope with the upheaval that can transmute or increase the unease for you. If you are prone to hanging on to unease, or have a fear of change then prepare yourself for the 2020, 2021 and 2022. If you feel that you are not quite ready or prepared for changes in 2020, 2021 and 2022, BUT you know you have to make changes then the guidance will help you along the way from various resources and individuals who are making the changes ahead of you, or are making the changes from another space to help you.

If you would like information on the well-being retreats in Europe that I have created for individuals like you, then please contact me at the following link Well-Being Western Europe Retreat to find out more about addressing your spiritual needs for the better through YOUR well-being. Let’s get things moving in the correct momentum for you sooner rather than later. Time is of the essence in getting you to the place that you want to be, with the help of beneficial spirit forms.

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