Ascension Group Diary + 417Hz Your Cleansing Energy-part1

Ascension Group Diary & 417Hz Your Cleansing & Clearing Energy For You + Your Home

417Hz Your Cleansing Energy


There are times in your life when you feel that things are really not in order and you sense something hindering yourself, your home, your journey to and from somewhere and finally your work/leisure environment.

What you need is a Feng Shui of yourself and your environment. An unblocking, clearing and cleansing of you and your environment. You need to allow the release of energies that do not serve you well and transmute all of your setbacks, difficulties, mindset harm to a new level of alignment order and personal transformation.

Firstly. Let us commence with what you need.

2. 417Hz for your spiritual unblocking, clearing and cleansing energy. (To transmute energy in your environment and your own personal energy into alignment and purification).

3. 432Hz for your Gratitude and Miraculous Script energy delivery. Read the Ascension Group diary blogs ‘Ascension Group Diary + Allowing Permission To Your Gratitude Energy To Deliver For You’, and ‘Ascension Group Diary + Your Miraculous Script’ for further guidance.


417Hz Frequency Application and Uses

It is widely regarded that 417Hz (a tone from the Solfeggio scale that produces energy to bring about change) is a frequency that cleanses energy and clears destructive influences of past events. In essence it works in your home as Feng Shui. Feng shui (literally wind/water) is a form of geomancy (the art of divination utilising geological and environmental features) that was developed from art and science in China, looking at the manner in which individuals inhabit their environment and interact with it. Feng Shui studies both the natural and humanly constructed elements of any environment. This frequency of 417Hz; for some, brings about a revelation of truth. When listening to the frequency, you are afforded the ability to release and convert what you deem as difficulty or setbacks, to a culmination of order and inner listening to new levels of personal and spiritual self transformation.

Everyone walks along their own unique path in their own shoes. So some experiences may be similar and others may differ widely. To enable you you with some foresight as to what other individuals are experiencing I am including comments from clients of mine when I have worked with 417Hz as a clearing of unwanted energies in their space. As a part of their Spiritual Counselling package or other spiritual service I have asked that they use 417Hz at home, at their work space or leisure space. By this I mean listening to the tones/music on their headsets and having it playing in the background of their home, work space or leisure space. Plus, I have suggested ways in which the 417Hz and 432Hz could further benefit them with the use of incense, candles, Miraculous Scripts and their intentions, plus their connection to their Higher Self (Sovereign Self) and the inspiration that they felt during the process to further expand their experience. The experiences are as follows:

Played to fill the space in all rooms of a client’s residence (caravan, house, flat, bedsit, homeless shelter, tent)

“I play the 417Hz throughout the day when I am cleaning my flat. It always feels peaceful and safe, in addition to a lasting comforting feeling in the place.”

“The 417Hz is totally amazing. I play the music from my bedsit and the room feels like a safe haven. My mind fills with a contented happiness and I feel calm. It just feels like I am on a journey to new life beginning.”

“It is winter now and I have a thing about the lack of daylight. One day I played a 417Hz music as I slept and when I awoke the room seemed brighter than normal and it had a feeling of everything was going to be well, even at 06:00 in the morning.”

“I am a mature student living in a Halls of Residence and having gone through a fair amount of traumatic life experiences I decided to try listening to a 417Hz piece of music to assist me with my studies. Powerful. I definitely feel a change in the atmosphere. Even the students on the floor below me, the students above me and those on my corridor are more well behaved and calmer.”

“I have not had the chance to listen to 417Hz as often as I would prefer, and I miss it. Especially as I feel a darkness encroaching on my space, wherever I happen to be.”

“I definitely play the 417Hz at home and at work. As a self employed person I need to attract clients and by playing the 417Hz at work has helped in recommendations from clients because my clients feel so much more better from being in my space and using my services.”

“The 417Hz clearing unwanted energies is great music to spruce your home up to. Your mind wanders away from the drudgery of house work and you feel lifted with the accomplishment. You feel that there is more to life that you can achieve.”

“I play the 417Hz tones quietly when I am reading and moderately when I am pottering around my home doing things. I never play the music too loudly so that I can hear it form the outside or that the walls and floor are vibrating, but I have noticed that my neighbours who are the most irascible, unsociable and faux snobbish people take an even greater dislike to me since I started to play the 417Hz tones. I am thinking that this escalation has something to do with the musical frequency. That they object to a change that they are experiencing and they do not know why they are experiencing this change in themselves. I do not acknowledge them and go about my business, but their need to interfere with what I am doing is a telling sign of their growing insecurity. I feel more calm, peaceful and jovial, yet they seem to be twitching their curtains more and more and gossiping about me with their fellow neighbours. Some of the neighbours are beginning to avoid them and I sense a change on my street with people. I used to be really upset with the unfriendliness of my neighbours, but now since playing the 417Hz clearing tones my reactions towards their coldness is showing more self- assurance and calmness about who I am and less about who and what these neighbours are.

“I noticed that when I played the 417Hz tones/music then a few minutes later lit some incense and a candle with intentions for the clearing to help me with a problem, that this is when things started to click into place. All these things; for me, seemed to heighten the cleanse and within less than a month an issue that I was having really tough challenges with began to be rectified. Since this use of the 417Hz has worked for me I shall keep on using it to help me further.”

“If there is such a thing as magic, then this worked like magic for me. About 15 minutes in and the energy in my home started to change. It was as real noticeable change. I stopped playing the 417Hz for 10 days and felt weighed down with life and my home felt as though there was an ‘alien’ presence in it. I played the 417Hz just as before and the same thing happened. Roughly 15 minutes in and the ‘character’, energy of the place altered to feeling clearer, cleaner, lighter, brighter, sharper in focus. Not just my place but also me and my mindset ‘clog’.”

“I wonder how many people feel troubled at home, yet they keep on doing the same old, same old which usually is nothing and hope that the troubling feeling will go away. That was me not too long ago. The 417Hz has helped plenty. The energy vibration has changed plenty in my home and about me. There is a greater feeling of freedom and that I can do anything, plus the clarity is in abundance running through me with my current situation.”

“I started a journal just to see what is happening with using tones/music as a way for clearing, cleansing and transmuting unwanted energies in my home and attached to me. I am at the start of this journey with 417Hz being used a clearing of negative energy from my home and myself. Just incase it needs an oomph I am also using salt at the corners of the rooms, along the borders within and around the outside of my home. Plus, on my window sills and door steps. Not leaving anything to chance, but taking this one step at a time and charting my progress.”

“I read somewhere that someone used 417Hz to clear away a bad smell from their house and that it worked. Well I have a terrible smell of bad drains wafting through my flat. I think that it is the street drains or the nearby canal giving off that awful stench. I hope that it is not a dead body dumped in the drainage system or the canal. I cannot leave the windows open for too long because this stink is too much to bear. I will give the 417Hz a test with this terrible smell. If it works well on this stink then the 417Hz is a keeper.”

“I now meditate with the 417Hz playing in the background. I do use it to primarily clear away unwanted energies from the house and it did the job. It did the clearing and cleansing job on my home environment and with myself. Now when I meditate I have a deeper connection to my Higher Self and receive longer downloads from Source. In addition to all of this I go to sleep well and I wake up in a beautiful mood. It is the same with my partner. She used to be stressed from work issues and was thinking about leaving her job, now she enjoys her work more and looks forward to going into work.”

“There was a definite foreboding presence in my partner’s home. I rented out my flat and moved in with my partner and I felt this awful presence al the time. At night along the hallway I would hear metal chains being dragged along the ground. At first I thought it was workmen on the road, but I looked out of the window and there were no road maintenance teams there. I was suggested to use the 417Hz tones/music for clearing away a bad presence from a home. I used it everyday for three days keeping the music playing 24 hours each day. My partner thought that I was over dramatising but allowed me to do the clearing and cleansing with 417Hz in his home. Now my partner’s home feels more like a home. A place that anyone would be glad to visit and stay overnight in.”

“My sister moved into a new house and she told me that she was feeling more tired than usual. I suggested playing a 417Hz music in the house to help clear away the energies from the previous owners. I stayed with her for a few days to do this for her and it worked. It worked on the first day and the clearing grew stronger and quicker for the following days that I stayed there. Not only did the new house feel wonderful, but my sister also perked up and felt re-energised. My sister has a passing interest in spirituality, but now wants to know more about it and speaks more openly about it with me.”

“I play this 417Hz clearing and cleansing music every weekend. I prepare my eucalyptus salt bath when it is playing. When I relax in my bath I meditate to the 417Hz music and I unload all the things that I need to be resolved. It is as though the frequency connects with my unloading, my meditation, my wishes and it starts to do its magic. Because pretty soon I start meeting people who can help me, or my problems start to change their course of direction to my favour. I notice ‘signs’ from numbers, images and conversations that I engage in or overhear, that helps my difficulties. Or I will come across something in a newspaper, magazine or billboard that shows me a sign that spirit is looking out for me. The strangest thing is random people; tourists, complete strangers, old friends that I had not seen for a while, new friends from recent introductions or colleagues bumping into me on the street, train, bus, supermarket, library, etc., and talking about something that helps my situation. I thought that I was imagining what I was seeing and what these people were saying, at the first time that it happened. I brushed it off as a fluke. As a co-incidence. But then it kept happening every time I used the 417Hz clearing tones/music and my life difficulties began to dissipate. You have no idea how happy I am right now.”

“I like to listen to the 417Hz tones/music on my way to and from work, when I walk in the park, when I am at the supermarket and when I am in town meeting up with friends for the evening. I have it pretty full on on my headset, and maybe people standing next to me or sitting next to me can hear it too. I just prefer the added value of having my journey cleared and cleansed by a 417Hz music, because I do this with the best of intentions for myself and the people who are sharing my journey. I want us all to be safe and well from energies that do not serve our higher purpose.”

“When I play a 417Hz set of tones or piece of music that is specific to clearing and cleansing the space that I occupy and my physical vessel, I know that I am permitting the gates of clearing and cleansing energies to open fully in my time and space. That I am consenting to a spiritual therapy that caters to my well-being and that of the space I occupy. What can be wrong with that?”

The changes are to happen. You must be prepared for its arrival.

Played to assist with the space of a holiday property

“Having spent some time in my new holiday home in Eastern Europe I am sure that there is something unwelcoming in the property. As though there is something forcing itself against me. Things go missing. The doors feel heavy and are difficult to open at times. It is an old property and it does creak, but I feel that the creaking is not just about the weather impacting on the property, or possible subsidence; which I have been told is not an issue. I simply feel an uneasy presence in the property. It is worse at night. I have tried placing a crucifix in all the rooms and at entrances, but it has not stopped the eerie sensations within the house. I even tried incense and it seemed to help a little, but it did not fully solve the problem. Jay suggested using music and tones to help manage the energy of the house. She signposted me to 417Hz music and said that I should keep it playing during my stay at the property to begin the process of transmuting unwanted energies from the house; if it did not work then she would recommend a House Clearing colleague. So I tried the 417Hz first. I kept it playing in the property on a loop for two weeks solid. I flew back to England during this time. Then when two weeks was over I returned to the property. Nervous at first, especially with the prospect of staying there. The music for me was a little unnerving in the property, but I became used to it and I felt a definite shift in the energy of the house. Now I keep the 417Hz playing all the time. Even when I return to my main home in England; and I play the 417Hz there also. I secure the property in Eastern Europe and turn everything off except for the electricity which is used to play a CD of the 417Hz music on a loop. So whenever I return to the property I definitely feel an easier temperament within it. Plus, it the interior looks brighter and cleaner. I have invited a couple of friends to the property and they like it there, they say that it feels welcoming. To compliment the 417Hz being played in the house I also use Salt Lamps in every room, along with crystals. I light incense around the outside of the property and it just feels so much more protected from that really deep eerie energy that I felt when I first started to stay there. The previous owners and the estate agent did not mention any adverse aspects of the property, but I suppose they just wanted to sell it off quickly. A lot of people are considering the prospect of unwanted spiritual energies at a property as a real concern when they are deciding upon whether to buy a property.”

Played to assist within a family environment

“My family at first found the 417Hz music to be too weird at first, but after a while they got used to it. What I have noticed is the calming effect throughout the entire house, even the parts of the house that had always had a coldness about it for no apparent reason. My family have definitely sensed a change in the house and they tend to sleep much better and wake more positively from their slumber. It is important that I have my family living in a home that is spiritually safe. Especially when I have strangers (plumbers, electricians, workmen) entering the house. I do not want their spiritual baggage lingering in my home., so I make sure that 417Hz is playing when they are working within my house. I even play the 417Hz music when the gardener does work in the garden. Nothing is exempt.”

“My home just feels so much more safer and wholesome since I started to play the 417Hz music. There is this peaceful, lighter energy from top to bottom in the house.”

Played to assist with mental health issues.

“Different people are going to experience different things with this frequency of 417Hz when they are suffering from a mental health issue. For me with anxiety and depression I found that it slowly helped to clear levels of my depression and it helped to block the negativity of people that were around me. I definitely have this playing in my headset when I leave the house and definitely when I have an appointment with my Mental Health Therapist. I feel such depressive energy when I visit that place.”

“The 417Hz really does help to alter and clear away the negative mind speak that goes on within me. Especially with my state of worry and mind ‘fidgets’ that are constantly bombarded by news from around the world. I also realise that I have greater heart centred feelings to help me cope in life generally from day to day.”

Played to assist with a client well-being

“417Hz simply cleanses and elevates me to connect with my Self.”

“I have a mindset and a strong belief that my heart is my home and this frequency of 417Hz simply gives it a buffering and a strengthening to help it on its journey unhindered.“

“I do not know about other people but for me the 417Hz works incredibly quickly in transmuting unwanted energy. It does it in such a way that it feels blissful. But perhaps that is because I subconsciously asked for no pain in the clearing and cleansing of unwanted energies from me.”

“The sense that I receive from 417Hz is a sense of my own frequency upscaled. There is an inner peace, knowing and calmness about the entire process.”

“I let the 417Hz do its job in getting grid of useless and parasitic energy from me. All that I feel is complete trust, healing, calmness and relaxation throughout. I must admit that I was sceptical and nervous at first, but after a week of consistently keeping with it, the dread and nervousness of the unknown has subsided.”

“I do not do recreational drugs, but I definitely feel a natural high from this 417Hz music as it does its cleansing and clearing thing. I have no problem with tuning in to this every day.”

“I procrastinated quite a bit before I used the 417Hz music today. The doubt of this frequency doing anything substantial to help me was forever in my mind. I sense things differently now and most certainly feel an elevation through a lightness of my own Self.”

“I played the 417Hz as I cleaned my home today with an essential oil polish and a detergent. I am a single parent, a father, who has to look after three children. It is important that I give them the best chance that I can give to them in life. This means clearing away any form of negative energies that have attached to them through their current turbulent life experiences in being abandoned by their mother. So in essence not only had I maintained a physical home but I had also maintained my children’s well-being through their spiritual development.”

“I am sitting in hospital waiting to undergo an operation tomorrow and I am listening to the 417Hz music for relaxation and meditation. I am distracted by all things around me for at least 30 minutes. Then my attention turns inwards and I begin to feel an uplifting empowerment. I begin to feel the space around me change.”

“Definitely one of my go to pieces of music to meditate to, as 417Hz is powerful. Seriously.”

“I play a 417Hz music and I let it flow in to my consciousness as I do my shopping at a supermarket. I am plugged in to my earphones as I walk around the supermarket aisles. I feel the heaviness that had amassed begin to slowly lift and in its place is a gaiety and an inner strength to forge forward in life. A freshness that makes me feel uplifted.”

“I like to play the 417Hz when I retire to bed. I sense my Self becoming more pronounced and stronger as I fall asleep. It is a comforting sensation.“

“I had not been listening to a 417Hz music for quite a while and the consequence of that, for me, is that I am suddenly gaining stronger headaches and a build up of mucous. Time to rekindle my ‘go to’ with the 417Hz.”

“Gosh! I listened to a piece of 417Hz music for three days solid and from the second day I felt a distinctive change. It was more like a lighter awareness of myself. A greater connection to my spiritual Self. And a deep cleanse throughout myself. Plus I sleep much better now since I decided to keep the 417Hz playing during the night.”

Does that recurring dream linger into your thoughts during the day?
Use the Ascension Group Diary to help you with the answers.
Use the dream to aid your Miraculous Script.

Played to assist within a work environment

“I was almost at the end of my tether from working in this awful place with awful people. People bringing their bullshit to work and making the day even more arduous to deal with. Now that I have discovered the 417Hz I simply play the music quietly in the background. It brought up some angst from people working with me, but after a couple of weeks things began to quieten down. What a relief!”

“One of the best things that I did was to use the 417Hz music at home and at work. Since I work for myself I can play whatever I want, I just have to be mindful of the other employers next door to me at the business centre. I play the 417Hz music quietly so as not to disturb those on my floor, but at a volume audible enough for clients to hear when they arrive for their consultation.”

“I plug myself into the 417Hz music through my headset. It has become my travelling companion. I have a sense of mindfulness when I listen to it on my journeys. I make the intention to repel other people’s negativity and bad energy on my journey through the music, so that I do not carry their unwanted emotion, psychological and spiritual baggage. It works for me.”

“I work in a hospital and I have a job that requires a high level of focus and responsibility. It is not possible to have the 417Hz playing at work, so I listen to it at home and on my way into work. Listening to the 417Hz has become habitual for me. I am with the energy of strangers, patients and workers at the hospital. Plus, there is the energy of the hospital building. The 417Hz affords me the ability to be more aware of the energies around me and that I interact with. There is a stronger awareness of people and spaces. I am happy when the day has ended and I can clear myself of all the unsolicited energy that has attached itself to me during the day by plugging into the 417Hz again for the return journey home.”

“Within an office that has to hit targets daily, listening to the 417Hz during my breaks and at lunch time helps to channel me spiritually. It also helps to add tranquility to my space and enable me to be more focused whilst there is chaos around me. Things that used to bother me, or make me fearful, no longer do.”

“For me, I find the 417Hz highly effective at increasing my spiritual vibration and being able to clear the heavy, unwanted, parasitic energies around me and wanting to remain attached to me. My Chakras are greatly benefited through this clearing and cleansing with 417Hz.”

“We are approaching the Christmas season and people are still having arguments at work. No sign of the milk of human kindness. I have noticed that when I am able to play the 417Hz at work that there is a subdued agitation in the office. When several days go by and I have not played the music things flare up again. For me it is clear that the 417Hz works with decreasing the negativity from other people.”

Played to assist with the energy of plants

“Who says that plants do not react to music, tone and vibrations? They do. This is why gardeners speak to their plants. This is why gardeners have their radios playing music to specific plants to aid their growth. As for the 417Hz music, plants in the main like this. They exude a joint clearing energy into a room and this helps with the protection of their space. Your space. Plus, the plant becomes a beneficial yielding plant.”

Played to assist with the energy of pets

“What can I say about this that others with pets have already stated. This 417Hz music is amazing with pets! Whenever there are road works or fireworks being set off on my street my old rescue dog feels agitated. So, I use a 417hz piece of music to help with the nervousness that he frequently shows.”

“I have budgies, a cat and a dog and they all show a calmness when I play a 417hz tune.”

“Everyone knows that pets are sensitive to spiritual energies, a building with negative energies frightens them. So, I take my lead from my pet dogs if anything untoward is brought into our home. If I sense something I definitely play a 417hz music, but I play it anyway when we get back from a walk just in case we/I have picked up something on our travels.”

“It does not matter what time of day that my pets feel agitated, when they sense something or see something that unnerves them I play the 417Hz music. It used to unnerve me at the dead of night, but now I play it throughout the night on a loop and I keep the doors closed. It seems to work.”

How are you going to start your own Miraculous Script?

Played to assist with transmuting other spiritual matters

“I had a Spiritual Counselling appointment with Jay and it was suggested to me to try having 417Hz playing in the background when burning incense, resins, powders or dried botanicals. I usually burn Sage that I buy from a grocery shop. However, I am now finding that Sage is not as effective as I had thought. I have a large flower pot in the kitchen where I had recently started to grow Sage. So I am experimenting with growing the herb indoors and having 417Hz playing in the same room as the plant. The Sage now feels stronger and I sense a shift in the environment which feels so much more lighter and brighter. Then I realised that I was playing the 417Hz as background music when I was preparing and cooking food. Everything has a more pronounced clearing feeling with 417Hz being played.”

“I find that every time that I arrive home that I have to cleanse and clear myself. I just feel dirty from being amongst others in town, I also feel the same when I visit my parents home in the little village where they live. So I find myself playing the 417Hz music when I take a shower or a bath and when I burn incense. I burn the wild Sage that I get from my parents garden and when I run out I burn Olibanum/Frankincense. Sometimes I crush Cloves and add it to Cinnamon and burn it in a tea-light burner. It is a beautiful, homely, welcoming scent. Whichever I do I frequently play the 417Hz in the background because I do not want to feel any other spiritual presence but my own in my home.”

“Not that I have a terribly filthy home but when I do a deep clean once a week, I play the 417Hz. I really make sure that I do all the corners AND the ceiling. Yes. I even vacuum the ceiling. I also wash the window sills, the front door and the door steps at the front and back of the house. I just keep the 417Hz on a loop for the entire day when I do this cleaning regime. It satisfies me and I feel great once it is accomplished. I am looking to get a brass smoker and add Sage or Frankincense smoking to my cleansing programme, but for the moment a vacuum cleaner and the 417Hz is pretty much doing a grand job in having a pleasant feeling home.”

“I read that many people use Black Oynx for protection, so I bought some and had them out on the kitchen work surface and left the 417Hz playing at a moderate volume for the day whilst I went to work. When I returned home I placed a Black Onyx at the furthest North, East, South and West compass points of my home. I read that someone used their star cookie cutters and added glitter to them for sparkle which they then hung at the North, East, South and West point of each room whilst playing the 417Hz music. When it works, it works. As Jay told me in a consultation, “There is no need to spend hundreds of pounds, euros, dollars or yen if what you are doing holds back the negativity that you are feeling in your home. You just need to upgrade the protection when the negativity has increased in your space.” ”

“Playing a 417Hz piece of music greatly helps me when I am going through my spiritual development. The added value of 417Hz is that it makes me feel secured whilst I am clearing the energy in my apartment. I also have it playing quietly at night whilst I sleep.”

I enjoy lighting candles during the evening and over the weekends as a way of relaxing, but especially when I feel uneasy in my residence. My husband does not feel it, but I definitely do. So although he dislikes my playing the 417Hz music, I play it nevertheless to clear the environment of unwanted energies. Not only am I doing this for myself but also for anyone that comes to our home. My lighting candles and incense helps to build a formidable protection, especially when I use my intention of clearing unwanted energies from my home.”

“The 417Hz is an impressive energetic tone that is not only used to clear negative energies from a building, but also used to clear negative energies from your spiritual, emotion, auric and physical bodies.”

If you want to start off small, may I suggest that you purchase the Ascension Group Diary to aid you on a day to day basis. It costs less than £10. You have information, tools and resources to aid your spiritual journey within the Ascension Group Diary. Enrol to the Ascension Group Diary and receive monthly assistance directly to your inbox.

In conjunction with the purchase of the Ascension Group Diary you can book me for a 15 minutes invocation to help YOU with Unblocking, Clearing & Cleansing what has been accrued in your day.

If you require a weekly spiritual counselling then please contact me to book a session.

On the subject of your spiritual counselling and well-being...

Time for you to transmute the resistance around you and within you, even if you are doing what others ask of you. Where the others are: Your employer. Your family. Your relations. Your partner (wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, fiance). Your friends. Other stakeholders in your life.

There is more. So much more that needs addressing to enable a better re-alignment to your situation in the here and now. The years 2020, 2021 and 2022 are going to bubble up unease for you and it is how you cope with the upheaval that can transmute or increase the unease for you. If you are prone to hanging on to unease, or have a fear of change then prepare yourself for the 2020, 2021 and 2022. If you feel that you are not quite ready or prepared for changes in 2020, 2021 and 2022, BUT you know you have to make changes then the guidance will help you along the way from various resources and individuals who are making the changes ahead of you, or are making the changes from another space to help you.

If you would like information on the well-being retreats in Europe that I have created for individuals like you, then please contact me at the following link Well-Being Western Europe Retreat to find out more about addressing your spiritual needs for the better through YOUR well-being. Let’s get things moving in the correct momentum for you sooner rather than later. Time is of the essence in getting you to the place that you want to be, with the help of beneficial spirit forms.

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