
Ascension Group Diary + Energy Symbol Layouts, Let RICH enter into your life

ENERGY SYMBOL LAYOUTS How can you use them? What is it that you want to be RICH in? Rich in love? Rich in health? Rich in harmony within a marital relationship? Rich in harmony within a living together relationship? Rich in money? Rich in friendships? Rich in connections? Rich in happiness? Until YOU clarify what it is that you want to be RICH in, the riches that you seek shall find it challenging to correctly match with you. I want you to try at least TWO of the Energy Symbols Layouts displayed to aid your momentum and any stagnant issues that you are going through. I say this as I know it works but you don’t …yet! It is faster, cheaper & easier to hack your stagnant issues for better situations than ever before. Maybe you have a unique skill? (making vases from banana leaves) some insider knowledge of an obscure industry (learning how to use alchemy to mine crystals within 3 days) or, getting the better of your competitors in a prese...

Ascension Group Diary + Who Are You Becoming

WHO ARE YOU BECOMING? The old year has passed away. It has left you. You feel a little muddled as to the next direction to take, as you alight from your journey of the last year and stand there at the train platform waiting for the next journey to begin. The train guard blows his whistle and the train commences its journey. As the train departs the guard calls out a ‘Happy New Year’ to you. You take a deep sigh. The trains opposite your platform pulls up with people going in the opposite direction and hoping… no, wishing… no, praying... that the journey is a whole lot better than where they started from. These passengers look nervous… they look afraid… they look sceptical… they look unsure… they look eager for something. As soon as the train has passed a high speed train rushes past you going in your direction and you can just make out the joyfulness of the people in it. The splendour of the carriages gleaming as it speeds past you. Are you sick of people saying Happy...

Ascension Group Diary + Ancient Quantum Ascension Goddess Energy - AQAGE

Ancient Quantum Ascension Goddess Energy - AQAGE Definition Ancient (adj.) 1. Of, relating to, or belonging to times long past, ancient cultures; original or earliest known; native; indigenous. First peoples. 2. Of great age; very old. 3. Having the qualities associated with age, wisdom, or long use; venerable. (n.) 1. A very old person. 2. A person who lived in times long past. Quantum (n. pl. quan·ta) 1. Physics a. The smallest amount of a physical quantity that can exist independently. b. This amount of energy regarded as a unit. 2. A quantity or amount of energy. 3. A specified portion. 4. A unit of acetylcholine, released at the synaptic cleft of a neuromuscular junction. (adj.) 1. Relating to or based upon quantum theory. Ascension (n.) 1. The act or process of ascending; ascent. Goddess (n.) 1. A female being of supernatural powers or attributes. 2. A female being believed to be the source ...

Ascension Group Diary + Your Revolution

  YOUR PERSONAL REVOLUTION Recently I unveiled my brand new 2021 Ascension Group Diary that gives you ACT. ACT is a step by step, turn by turn walk-through on how you can utilise your spiritual energy and help yourself to create the things that you want for the long-term, free yourself from wanted attachments (real and spiritual) and enable success, rewards, contentment, peace, tranquility, love, joy, connections into your life. You get to choose. Remember the call to action is always yours. The choice is always yours. ACT = Action Creates Transformation. This is what the powerful and transformational collection within the Ascension Group Diary is to be used for. The Ascension Group Diary is priced at £8.88pence (how quaintly British). It has remained at that price for the last 48 months. Not because I am generous, but because there is a whole heap of confusion over what is spirituality all about, how does it impact with your religious belief doctrines + your a...

Ascension Group Diary + Are you separated or divorced

ARE YOU SEPARATED OR DIVORCED FROM BEING WHO YOU ARE INSIDE? This is the moment of truth with three paths diverging in front of you… ONE : You can decide to do nothing, and keep running after fortune tellers, cult gurus + horoscopes hoping they will help you crack the code of spiritual discernment but we both know that’s a one-way, no refund ticket to Noville. TWO : You can try to solve this issue on your own… it might work… actually it will work better than what you have been doing… but something tells me “better” isn’t good enough… right? THREE : You can get the everything including the Ascension Group Diary that allows you to be in better control of your senses and be a spiritual bad ass without having to pop anti-depressants, take magic mushrooms and snort/smoke crack cocaine so that you can finally break free from the mind fuck of overwhelm in as little as 30 days to six months even if you doubt your own conviction and prefer to remain veiled and blinkered....

Ascension Group Diary + Who is Jay Oburg

Why should you care who I am? The simple answer is, unless you battle with constant struggles with mindset barriers plus external hindrances, you probably shouldn’t. But if you do and you want to know why someone who used to be a dog’s body turned top dog then spent countless hours dedicating themselves to finding a way to go from struggling TO excel in their life (private and/or professional) to being glad, 'ready to knock heads', break balls + motivated in as little as between 30 days to six months, then you might just want to pay attention. My name is Jay Oburg and I am a Continual Personal Development (CPD) Consultant for UHNW and HNW Women, an Editorial Strategist Consultant and a Reiki Master Teacher.  The rest you will discover much later, once we get working together.  Pleased to meet you. Why me? In essence this is not about me, it is about HELPING YOU to see the possibilities that exist for YOU when you put to use YOUR Spiritual Momentum aspe...

Ascension Group Diary + Develop your spiritual growth and access opportunities

Your Life is a Business and it is dependent upon your Mind, Body + Spirit. Past. Present. Future. Your Life is a Business and it wants to know HOW to increase sales through your words, actions and intentions to deliver to you. Better life connections. Better wellbeing. Better life joy. 1. Believe that actions through knowledge is power. 2. Believe that the promise of these "Free My Life!" transformational services is that you shall connect with YOUR big vision within YOUR spiritual growth because Your Life Is A Business. 3. Believe that you will succeed and elevate yourself. 4. Believe that you will grow in confidence. 5. Believe that you shall engage with aligned situations more; in a way that sits well with you. 6. Believe that you shall connect with your Inner Self that brings strength and well-being to troubled areas of your life. 7. Believe that you will claim the impact that you want. 8. Your spotlight will stay on your zo...