Starting your Ascension and Discernment of Spirit Beings + Spirit Energies

BEST Starting your Ascension Momentum 28 DAYS AGO

Freeing yourself from resident detrimental entities blocking your Ascension journey

Hello eager reader,

I want you to try 2021 Ascension Group Diary with a strong, reliable, worthy support group or person(s) to aid you. Either online or face-to-face. I say this at my risk, as I know it works but you don’t …yet!

If you aren’t 100% satisfied, and I mean even 1% unhappy, through having followed instructions, I want you to immediately halt any form of spiritual energy practices that you do by yourself for the short term. I mean it. Check that you are not taking short cuts, that your mind is in clarity, that your intuition is working well for you, that your surroundings are helping you and not hindering you, that you have your Treasure Chest of tools and resources with you in whichever practices that you decide to perform. There are a plethora of people working in spirituality that you can integrate help from.

I want you to believe in yourself that you can do this with the proper help and not stay ‘stuck in a rut’. Where you are forever entering into the same dilemmas time and time again, or having more ‘accidents’ happening to you. I mean it. The object is that you move on to something better in your life and the 2021 Ascension Group Diary is there as a candle showing you the way. Hold on to it and it will guide you in a way that is perfect for you to use and understand. Particularly as spiritual energy matters can be complicated or muddled in its comprehension. I don’t even want you throwing money at me for this guidance. Keep your money. Give it away to someone else who will teach you and open clarity for you in sessions for US$1000+.

I value our relationship and my reputation more, far more, than a few thousand pounds, euros, dollars, yen, etc. So please, try 2021 Ascension Group Diary for... SIX months (even though you will gain beneficial energy interactions during your lifetime with this, I am giving you six months to be completely sure and utterly satisfied when you use the Ascension Group Diary to its fullest potential, to aid your spiritual energy well-being as you go about your day-to-day business) I won’t take anything less!

So go ahead, buy now – you have plenty of time to go through everything and decide if this is the proper fit for you. But you’ll never know unless you take a chance and invest in your Self.

Scroll down to the end and click 'Let's Make It Happen Today'.

Ascension Group Diary

Now let me show you how to start the most effective conversation with your subconsciousness. Let's go!

Read this carefully and consider,

1. How many veils do you think you have obscuring your vision to Ascension?  In addition to barriers blocking your emotions to Ascension.
2. Where around the world can you find the methods and techniques to Ascension, PLUS, your ability to encompass Ascension?
3. How are you able to use your ascendency energy to resolve your real-time challenges / issues / problems / mindset blocks?

Ascension Group Diary
Ascension Group Diary

We are all components of spirit. Before we acquired our physical form we were free spirits. Spirit energy forms.

Intrinsically connected to the Universe, and absorbing a myriad of information beyond time and space.

Operating at various energy frequencies and vibrations.

Contacting to other forms of energies and gaining information from them. Bonding. Assimilating. Contracting. Expanding. Re-birthing. Changing. Transforming. Integrating. Developing.

Ascension Group Diary
Ascension Group Diary

Imagine if you will a table; a busy table, overflowing with a mish-mash of documents and various other items, such as pens, folders, telephone, perhaps some fruit, biscuits or other foods that you eat at your table. Perhaps you have family photos, books, executive toys, a radio, a screen, a calculator, a potted plant, a vase with flowers. Under the table are boxes with more documents, more books, waste paper bin and general dust and dirt. This is a table that you work from. To you it is organised. Organised chaos. You know where pieces of information are held and what the information is about. You see order in the ‘mess’. You know exactly where everything is and how they are to be used.

Now imagine a table next to yours that is managed. All the documents, books and everything else is in order. Everything is contained in a neat order. There is no mess on the table or underneath it. Now imagine other tables in front of you. Behind you. To the left of you. To the right of you. All the tables vary in style and there are items placed upon them and beneath them. Some tables are minimalistic with items. Some tables are almost hidden by items. The one common aspect for each table is that ALL the tables have an owner and, the owner knows exactly where everything is that they need. Each owner knows what everything is for, how it is to be used and how to move forward and develop themselves from any point, in order for them to go about their ‘daily business’. You work alone on your own initiative AND you work together in various teams. You live with joy, bliss and happiness in this environment.

Now, imagine that one day you all have an incident. An accident. Something that places you unconscious. When you awake and get better you are told there has been a change at your place of work. You are led into a room with all the tables. This time nothing seems familiar. You are taken to a table that you have been told is where you normally work at. You sit at your chair next to your table, but nothing looks familiar. You look at the papers, books and everything else on and below the table. Your own organised chaos, but you do not understand this chaos. You want to leave the table but each time you step outside the perimeter of your workspace you feel an intense sense of dread, fear and negativity. You sit at your chair and the feeling subsides.

Ascension Group Diary
Ascension Group Diary

In order for you to be freed from this situation, you have to learn everything from scratch. You have to learn to read, to count, to decipher, to develop, using only the items at your table. It is overwhelming for you and you soon find yourself preferring to stay ignorant at the table with some information, rather than learning more and freeing yourself from the situation. You have forgotten the sensations of how to ‘fly’ with your thoughts and be creative, knowledgeable, powerful and skillful. You have lost all of these abilities. You cannot even talk to the Beings next to you because they all sound different to you and you can see that they are all going through various torments. This frightens you more. The more you see the torments that they are going through, the more you do not want to see. So you stay as you are. Scared. Alone. Fearful of anything and everything. Where once; before your incident, you knew no fear. You were a Master. A Sovereign being. Powerful. Commanding. Joyous. Blissful. Happy. Balanced. Understanding. Manifesting. Developing.

Now you must learn again and it is arduous. This is the start of your journey to Ascension. Not everyone will succeed. Not everyone will want to make the journey. What you are not told, is that with each fear that you overcome, with each development that you master, you increase your clarity and vision of who you are. The revelation unveils itself to you in ways that you can easily understand as you overcome your hurdles.

Ascension Group Diary
Ascension Group Diary

The more that you work through the items on or under your table, the more the clarity and vision of who you are unveils itself to you. The journey is long and demoralising, with each step forward there are two steps back. Until the point where you find yourself connecting with others who are seeking to connect. Others who are communicating with you from their tables and sharing information. Others who are communicating with you and are standing at your table space. The tables and the Beings assigned to them go as far as you can see. In front of you. Behind you. Below you. Above you. To the left of you. To the right of you. Most are quivering shells of Beings. Avoiding any kind of connection. Hiding under their table. Shouting in voices of fear that you do not understand. Some look and behave with madness. Some look and behave with anger. Some look and behave with terror. Some just sit still and stare out into nothing.

Ascension affects us all in various ways before we decide to progress with ascendency AND during our individual ascendency journey.

Ascension Group Diary

On this journey of ours, we now have the ability to communicate more widely with others who have progressed further ahead in spiritual ascension. As we progress, we aid those making their tentative steps who are just beginning on their own journey. Equally, there are those Beings who will speed ahead with their ascendency and not divulge the steps that they had taken. Instead they will misguide you giving you hindrances and setbacks on your journey. For as you make your ascendency, your clarity and vision becomes stronger and powerful. You begin to regain the power of you in its totality. Your inclusiveness. Your thoroughness. Your completeness.

When you make this journey, you make mental and written notes of the steps that you had taken and that others had taken. It is this reference point that guides you as you make your steps to a stronger, more powerful you. Your ability to gather information, to trust your instincts, to connect with others making their ascension journeys and your ability to develop, becomes stronger. Your impetuousness can hinder or advance you. This is why you must always note down the steps that you had taken, because if you have rushed ahead and made a shortcut on an ascension step, you will need to know what the shortcut was, and from which point on your journey that you took the shortcut. In addition, if you encounter errors and have no idea why, after having taken exact steps then you will need to seek the assistance of someone who can manage, salvage or rectify your situation. Ask questions as to what it is that they are doing. Note it down for reference.

Ascension Group Diary

Multidimensional aspects of you in the Ascension process is something that you will experience. Your Sovereign Self, Higher Self, Divine Self will become more pronounced in how you connect with and through your physical, emotional and spiritual energies.

Ascension Group Diary
Ascension Group Diary

The essence of who you are through your Ascension will bring about various journeys to develop you and educate you. You will go through various frequency vibrations, encounter various spaces and feel growth processes.

Ascension Group Diary

You will encounter quite profound experiences. Your life pattern will shift as your energies develop through you and around you. You become more aware to and sensitive of energies. Your level of processing the energies manifests things for you. As you change, your connection to people around you changes.

Ascension is also a process for clearing, cleansing and transforming:
1. all unwanted entities and beings suppressing you and attaching themselves to you,
2. whom you are now as you go about your ‘daily business’,
3. whom you perceive yourself to be within various realms, dimensions, realities, at present,
4. what you sense yourself sequenced to on various levels,
into the best, united, Universe spiritual energy that you can be.

Ascension Group Diary



Your thoughts, feelings, dreams and actions are trying to pleasure, confuse and serve you as they had done previously on your journey. As you commence your Ascension and journey into your Ascension, these aspects of you will begin to be in conflict and will want to maintain what they historically did and, maintain what they had been requested to do, in order to serve a myriad of energies through your various bodies and levels. So certain things that you did before will become uncomfortable and will need to be cleared away from you. They no longer serve a purpose as you have raised your frequency and are operating on a higher level. The earlier in life that you start with your clearing and cleansing processes, the better the Ascension union. Each Ascension is making way for higher aspects of you to take seed, develop and grow, in order to aid you at a higher transformation. Your perception, experiences and outlook on Beings, ‘things’ and how you interact throughout your Ascension, will be transformative for you. It is a learning curve.

Ascension Group Diary

Individuals around the world are galvanising their own spiritual experiences, through many forms of tools and resources to aid their Ascension journey and in turn elevate their ‘real life’ existence. Today is YOUR day to make your journey more accountable, providing YOU with the answers that YOU have been looking for, for a long time.. So take YOUR leap of faith and start your Discernment of Spirit Beings and Spirits Energies which should have started 28 days ago. Join the spiritual others who are as varied as the rainbow or the colourful nebulae in the Universe. These are people who like YOU have many questions on various aspects of Spiritual Beings and Spiritual Energy. These people are in: Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, Deutschland, Espana, France, India, Indonesia, Japan, Netherlands, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Sverige, Thailand, UK, USA...
More people are venturing into spiritual Ascension through the realisations of information across the Internet. The 2020 Ascension Group Diary is one of many highly valued and useful resources that ordinary people can access and develop with FOR LASTING, BENEFICIAL, DEVELOPING, RESULTS.

Ascension Group Diary

You will go through some reflective aspects. You will encounter direction in a stronger way. You will encounter stronger (inner) push-pull aspects of yourself. You will encounter spiritual beings that will, for a period of time, make your journey hesitant, scary, stagnant – ALL to keep you from your Ascension journeys. This is where the Ascension Group Diary comes into its own. The Ascension Group Diary is to be used as a daily reference to techniques and methods that will help you progress with others within your Ascension Group, AND, where specific persons, rituals, ceremonies and practices will aid you when you do things alone. Your level of help that you seek will vary depending upon where you are at with your Ascension, what you comprehend, and, what you deny.

Ascension Group Diary

Your record keeping with an Ascension Group Diary will assist you greatly as you go through as many processes alone and within an Ascension Group. Listen to your instincts. Your gut feelings. Be open to receiving the help that you need from the most ‘obscure’ or ‘unbelievable’ places and people. These people and places understand their role in helping you to journey higher. ALWAYS ask questions. Enable your discernment of spiritual matters. Of spirits.






Through your emails and appointments with me, face to face and online, I understand the journey that you had taken and are currently taking. It is for this reason that I highly recommend why you must have a copy of the Ascension Group Diary to initiate the results and solutions that you are seeking, yet not accessing.

Ascension Group Diary

This is NOT an ordinary diary. When you own it, it becomes bespoke to you and the contents deliver themselves to you in a way for YOU to understand, act upon, follow, review and amend. Whatever you are doing in real time mystically, spiritually or physically you will need the help of the Ascension Group Diary to guide and support you. The Ascension Group Diary is dedicated to helping and supporting people like you who need guidance, signposting and solutions to a variety of spiritual and symbolic issues that are old, new, persistent, cyclical and creating an impact within, on and around your life.

Ascension Group Diary

You can use the Ascension Group Diary with or without your cultural holy book. The Ascension Group Diary helps you to reach your Ascension mastery as soon as you have it, through your inquisitiveness and intuitiveness. Your particular solutions to mystical and spiritual issues will come to you through instigating your intentions with the Ascension Group Diary + your inquisitive state + your intuitive states.

Use, replace and add to your personal, spiritual, ‘Treasure Chest’ as you make your Ascension journey.

Your Ascension will bring about the Master within YOU. So be prepared with your ‘Treasure Chest’ of aids, rituals, mantras, ceremonies, music, sounds, chanting, prayers, affirmations and anything else that serves its purpose for your Ascension. That which brings to the fore your true Sovereign energy Self.

Commence your preparation today for YOUR ASCENSION and bring about the changes in your life that you need, want and desire. These changes are REAL.

2020 Ascension Group Diary

Start to make the preparations to MANIFEST ALL that you need, want and desire. These changes are REAL. LEARN with, ALIGN with, INTEGRATE with your copy of the 2021 Ascension Group Diary today from your local bookshop and online.

Ascension Group Diary

Begin to take away the veils that hinder YOUR ASCENSION journey and access the Ascension Master within YOU. These changes are REAL.

Ascension Group Diary

2020 Ascension Group Diary

2019 Ascension Group Diary

Ascension Group Diary

Ascension Group Diary

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